
Zhang Guorong's death is already doomed? The lines in "The True Biography of Ah Fei" made me think carefully about the misfortune of Zhang Guorong's family entering the entertainment circle Zhang Guorong's peak and stepping into the film industry

author:Aden said

He is the cheng butterfly in "Farewell to the Overlord" who is not crazy and does not live

He is the arrogant and rebellious Asahi boy in "The Legend of Ah Fei"

He is the resolute and vicious Ouyang Feng in "East Evil and West Poison"

With his superb acting skills and the faint sadness that flowed from his eyes, how many people's hearts were touched?

If he is still alive and has not left us, he has reached the age of 65, and no one knows what kind of surprises Zhang Guorong, 65 years old, can bring us. Is it a legacy of independence away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry? Or do you still stick to what you love and make the movies he loves? However, this is all if, everything is already impossible.

Zhang Guorong's death is already doomed? The lines in "The True Biography of Ah Fei" made me think carefully about the misfortune of Zhang Guorong's family entering the entertainment circle Zhang Guorong's peak and stepping into the film industry


On April 1, 2003, April Fool's Day, in this festival of fools, a bad news came to the face, Zhang Guorong jumped on the 24th floor of the Mandarin Hotel in Hong Kong, ending his precious life, and this bird without feet finally flew tired!

He was still tired of the hustle and bustle of the world, and that leap, time stopped flowing on him, shooting stars across the night sky, dazzling lights disappearing into the darkness of the depths of the universe. Good bye! Never again!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > the life of Zhang Guorong</h1>

Zhang Guorong's original name was Zhang Fazong, and people like to call him brother, and this origin is that when filming "Ghost of Qiannu", Wang Zuxian, who just debuted, called his brother on the set. So it was handed down, and he has always liked his brother's name!

Zhang Guorong's death is already doomed? The lines in "The True Biography of Ah Fei" made me think carefully about the misfortune of Zhang Guorong's family entering the entertainment circle Zhang Guorong's peak and stepping into the film industry

Stills of Ghost of a Woman

In 1956, Zhang Guorong was born in a middle-class family with 10 brothers and sisters, Zhang Guorong was the youngest, and said that the people loved him. But Zhang Guorong is not so lucky, his father Zhang Huohai is the king of the foreign clothing industry, and the business is very big!

Famous Hollywood stars such as Marlon Brando and Hitchcock were regulars in their homes. But, echoing the old adage, a man gets bad when he has money, and his father is a notorious playboy who rarely comes home all year round. In this way, her mother Pan Yuhua also suffered physically and mentally.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > family misfortune</h1>

The unhappy marriage made them care for their children very little, and he longed for the love of his parents in his heart, but he never really felt the true love, so that he felt that he had become a dispensable presence in this family.

Zhang Guorong's death is already doomed? The lines in "The True Biography of Ah Fei" made me think carefully about the misfortune of Zhang Guorong's family entering the entertainment circle Zhang Guorong's peak and stepping into the film industry

Young Zhang Guorong

For him, home is just a place to eat and sleep, the loneliness in his heart, like a firefly in the long night, wrapped in a thick night, the lack of parental love, and the childhood that grows up in this environment is destined to be lonely, cold and lonely

And this also created a rich and delicate in his heart, so that he can indulge in his own world and play freely, so when looking back on his childhood, Zhang Guorong summed it up with such words

Nothing is worth remembering

There's nothing worth nostalgic for

In middle school, Zhang Guorong's academic performance was very bad. At the age of 13, his father sent him to study in Britain, which for Zhang Guorong, who wanted to escape from the family, did not want to stay for a moment.

Zhang Guorong's death is already doomed? The lines in "The True Biography of Ah Fei" made me think carefully about the misfortune of Zhang Guorong's family entering the entertainment circle Zhang Guorong's peak and stepping into the film industry

In Britain, he loved fashion design and was admitted to the University of Leeds to study textiles, but just as he was moving towards his dream of being a designer, he came with the news that his father was seriously ill. Forced to do so, Cheung had to interrupt his studies in the UK and return to Hong Kong

Back in China, the family lost the pillar of his father, and Zhang Guorong could only rely on himself. He's set up stalls, he's sold clothes, and he can do whatever he can make.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > enter the entertainment circle</h1>

Until the age of 21, Zhang Guorong came to Li's TV station with the attitude of trying it out to register for a singing competition, and with a song "American Pie" coupled with his unique voice and the arrogance of the rich children, he left a deep impression on the judges.

Zhang Guorong's death is already doomed? The lines in "The True Biography of Ah Fei" made me think carefully about the misfortune of Zhang Guorong's family entering the entertainment circle Zhang Guorong's peak and stepping into the film industry

He managed to take second place and has since entered the entertainment industry. After 26 years of acting career, but there is no simple thing in life, Zhang Guorong, who has just entered the entertainment circle, released his first record. As a result, sales were dismal, and no one bought a single piece of money

When the first public performance, was sighed by the audience, in order to cooperate with the typhoon, he threw his hat to the audience seat, but after a while, the hat was actually thrown back, at that time he secretly wiped his tears, and his heart was also very confused, but he always believed:

Unless I voluntarily and honorably withdraw, no one will want to drive me away by any means

Finally, kung fu pays off. Zhang Guorong switched to Huaxing Records, that is, at that time, met his later manager Chen Shufen. In 1983, he was finally recognized with a song "The Wind Continues to Blow".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > Zhang Guorong peak</h1>

A year later, a song "Monica" was sung all over the streets, and this song established his status as a superstar in the music world. It also injected vitality into Hong Kong's hot dance songs. Zhang Guorong's career ushered in the first peak.

Zhang Guorong's death is already doomed? The lines in "The True Biography of Ah Fei" made me think carefully about the misfortune of Zhang Guorong's family entering the entertainment circle Zhang Guorong's peak and stepping into the film industry


In 1985, he gave ten solo concerts in the Red Pavilion. It broke the record for the number of concerts held by Hong Kong singers for the first time. His singing voice is not the best in the music industry, let alone any musical literacy. But a song seems to sing about his life

10 years of cold-eyedness and irony, strength and self-confidence are deeply integrated into the song, so his songs are destined to be colored in 1996, he released the album "Red", and in December began a series of 60 concerts across the 97 world tour

In concert, he gave the song "The Moon Represents My Heart" to his mother and his beloved friend Tang Hede. As of 2003, he has given more than 300 solo concerts. Among them, 121 individual concerts were held at the Red Pavilion in Hong Kong

Subsequently, he won numerous awards for his own strength. Becoming the king of the pop music industry, he won half of the Hong Kong music scene, competed with the famous Tam Wing Lin, and staged a scene of dragons and tigers.

Zhang Guorong's death is already doomed? The lines in "The True Biography of Ah Fei" made me think carefully about the misfortune of Zhang Guorong's family entering the entertainment circle Zhang Guorong's peak and stepping into the film industry

Tam Wing Lin (left) Zhang Guorong (right)

The fans of the two are also arguing for their supreme status, as long as the two people hold a concert, everywhere they go is the focus of public opinion, and it is precisely for this reason: Tan Yonglin refused to accept the award, and Zhang Guorong also pressed the pause button.

In addition to being a superstar in the music world, Cheung Kwok Wing is also a brilliant superstar in the Hong Kong film industry. His acting skills were unbeatable in the film world for a while. He once said:

I like acting because I can experience other people's lives

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > stepped into the film world</h1>

In 1987, he was nominated for Best Actor at the Hong Kong Film Awards for "The True Colors of Heroes 2". In the same year, in the movie "Ghost of Qiannu", he vividly and vividly portrayed the mercurial scholar Ning Caichen.

The film not only achieved box office success in Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and other places. It also made costume ghost films become the trend of Hong Kong films again, and in the 1990 release of "The Legend of Ah Fei", he played the rebellious young Xu Zai on the fringes of Hong Kong society in the 90s.

Zhang Guorong's death is already doomed? The lines in "The True Biography of Ah Fei" made me think carefully about the misfortune of Zhang Guorong's family entering the entertainment circle Zhang Guorong's peak and stepping into the film industry

Ah Fei is still a sequel

In the film, Zhang Guorong successfully created the image of Xu Zai's arrogant and rebellious prodigal son, and he really experienced the lives of others in the play and performed the best self of that era. For his performance in this film, he won the Best Actor Award at the 10th Hong Kong Film Awards.

The solo dance of him in the mirror in the play has become one of the classic scenes in the history of Hong Kong cinema

He jumped and jumped

Jump into Ah Fei's world

Stay away from your loved ones

Misunderstood by the world

This moment

Ah Fei is Zhang Guorong himself

So leave:

There is a bird in the world that has no feet

It can only fly all the time

When you are tired of flying, you sleep in the wind

This bird can only go to the ground once in a lifetime

That was when he died

With this role, it evoked Zhang Guorong's creative passion in the film and television circle. In 1993, he starred in the movie "Farewell to the King". Prior to this, Zhang Guorong did not have any foundation in Peking Opera.

For this drama, he went to Beijing alone 3 months in advance to study Peking Opera, and the fever reached 39 degrees. I also continued to insist on pressing my legs. In the movie, we see a series of difficult Peking Opera moves. He did it himself.

In this play, Zhang Guorong uses a performance with both form and god. Successfully created the role of Cheng Dieyi who is not crazy and does not live, and Cheng Dieyi has also become a classic role in the history of famous films.

Zhang Guorong's death is already doomed? The lines in "The True Biography of Ah Fei" made me think carefully about the misfortune of Zhang Guorong's family entering the entertainment circle Zhang Guorong's peak and stepping into the film industry

Cheng Butterfly

Unfortunately, however, the legend will eventually come to an end.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > giant star falls</h1>

On April 1, 2003, in front of the Mandarin Hotel in Hong Kong, he jumped in style. An era has come to an end, and he has accompanied us for generations with legendary life experiences. We still miss him 18 years later

People in the entertainment industry go tea and cold, but he is always young and never old, thank you for the shock and touch you brought us, laughter and tears and irreplaceable wonderful.

Zhang Guorong's death is already doomed? The lines in "The True Biography of Ah Fei" made me think carefully about the misfortune of Zhang Guorong's family entering the entertainment circle Zhang Guorong's peak and stepping into the film industry

Thank you

I am what I am

It is a firework of different colors

Teach us to be brave and be ourselves

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