
After the death of Emperor Muzong of Qing, the two palaces were in charge, the chancellor of the Shuyuan Dynasty formed a grudge, and the officials of the Military Aircraft Department continued to fight

author:A video of the Dust Realm of Shi YuChun

Author: Shi Yuchun

After the death of Emperor Muzong of Qing (Ai Xin Jue Luo Zai Chun) and the death of Emperor Tongzhi, there were no heirs, and the empress dowagers of the two palaces (Ci An and Cixi) summoned Ai Xin Jue Luo Zai Xiang to the throne as Emperor Guangxu of Qing Dezong.

When the Guangxu Emperor ascended the throne, he was only 4 years old.

At this time, Rong Wenzhong (also known as Guarjia Ronglu) was appointed as a servant of the Ministry of Works, an infantry commander and a minister in charge of the Interior Ministry.

According to the accounts and cognition of the Qing dynasty, the position of minister of internal affairs, in terms of his position of power, was three-legged with that of the minister of imperial defense and the minister of military aircraft, and compared with the three:

When the imperial chancellor stood on the shift, he was listed at the forefront, but his status was revered and not prominent.

The Minister of Military Aircraft is both powerful and prominent.

The Minister of the Interior is prominent because he is closest to the ruler.

Zhuge Liang wrote in the "Table of Renunciation":

"In the palace, everything is one."

As far as the situation in the Qing Dynasty is roughly concerned, it is roughly the sum of the above three related deployments.

Rong Lu is a person with intellectual strategy and conceit, so he dares to do things.

I still remember that on that day, Emperor Muzong of the Qing Dynasty rode the emperor to the guests, and he missed three times in the night. The empress dowager of the two palaces heard the news and went to Linshi. The empress dowager of the two palaces guarded this child, who thought that he would die of illness at a young age. One is a mother-in-law, the other is a mother-in-law, no matter whether there is unhappiness or heart knots between mother and son before they die, in the face of the dead, the empress dowager of the two palaces still weeps and loses her voice.

At this time, all the courtiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs held their breath in front of the palace and waited quietly.

After a while, I heard Empress Dowager Cixi say to Empress Dowager Ci'an:

"It's over, and it's useless to cry anymore, so let's go back and rest!"

Rong Lu heard the empress dowager of the two palaces crying, and then heard Empress Dowager Cixi say this to Empress Dowager Ci'an, and he knelt down and began to play:

"There is also a major event related to the ancestor Jiangshan Sheji, which needs to be personally presided over by the empress dowager of the two palaces." At this time, the empress dowager could not return to the palace. Please summon the Minister of War, the Minister of Imperial Honor, and the Royal Family to meet him immediately to discuss matters. ”

After the death of Emperor Muzong of Qing, the two palaces were in charge, the chancellor of the Shuyuan Dynasty formed a grudge, and the officials of the Military Aircraft Department continued to fight

Hearing Rong Lu say this, the empress dowager of the two palaces nodded and said yes, and immediately ordered Rong Lu to pass on the message to the outside world.

Just at this time, Prince Gong's love for Xinjue Luo Yixun had arrived, and he said hastily:

"At this time, I want to avoid it, and I can't go to the temple!"

I don't know what Prince Gong Yixuan thought at that time, until later, no one could guess his thoughts at that time.

Cardinal Minister Wen Wenzhong (i.e. Guarjia Wenxiang) helped the sick into the palace, and he was the first to arrive. Subsequently, bao wenjing (i.e., Suo Qiluo Baoxun), Shen Wending (i.e., Shen Guifen), and Li Wenzheng (i.e., Li Hongzao) also entered one after another.

It was finally agreed that he would be succeeded by Zai Xiang, the second son of Prince Aisin Kyora Yizhen.

When Prince Yizhen heard this decision, he was so frightened that he lost his normal state and fainted and fell to the ground.

Empress Dowager Yi ordered the Prince of Alcohol to be lifted out.

After being helped out, Prince Yizhen of Alcohol lay in the corner of the temple and did not seem to take care of him. At this time, the miserable and miserable situation is really not as good as ordinary ordinary people's homes.

The Former Imperial Chancellor will welcome Zai Xiang into the palace at night (3:00 to 5:00 a.m.).

According to the system and practice, the edicts of grace and mourning will be promulgated immediately, and all the edicts and edicts of mourning must be personally drafted by the minister of military aircraft.

Originally, Shen Guifen was the chief writer of the military plane, and it should be up to him to prepare the plan, but he arrived in the palace a little late. Therefore, it was first written by Wen Xiang. However, Wen Xiangfu fell ill, and he was unable to write a chapter due to illness.

Because the matter was rushed, or, this was just an excuse, about Rong Lu was going to show his literary talent at that time. Therefore, Rong Lu did not avoid suspicion, and without authorization, he activated the cardinal's pen and drew up an edict.

After Shen Guifen came in, she was very unhappy in her heart.

I don't think it's Shen Guifen's stinginess, the divisions in the official arena, from ancient times to the present, are all carefully guarded.

Shen Guifen was very unhappy that Rong Lu was good at using the pivot pen, but the facts had become true, and he had no choice.

It is said that it was because of this that Shen Guifen and Rong Lu formed a bond and prepared to find an opportunity to clean up Rong Lu.

Rong Lu is also a smart person, he also knows that he has crossed the line, and he also sees Shen Guifen's dissatisfaction with himself, so he is also guarding against Shen Guifen everywhere.

In this way, Shen Guifen and Rong Lu became intolerable enemies.

Cardinal Chancellor Li Hongzao was not in harmony with Shen Guifen, who was also on the military plane, so after Shen Guifen and Rong Lu had a conflict, Li Hongzao sided with Rong Lu.

In this way, there is already a hint of collusion between the partisans.

After the death of Emperor Muzong of Qing, the two palaces were in charge, the chancellor of the Shuyuan Dynasty formed a grudge, and the officials of the Military Aircraft Department continued to fight

In fact, seriously speaking, the factional struggle between ministers who resembled the party at the end of the Qing Dynasty was not formed in a day or two, but was the result of the accumulation of political concepts, personal positions, power entanglements, personnel struggles, and so on, as well as a series of problems.

On a certain day in a certain month of a certain year, the inspector of Qian Province was vacant, and the Cardinal Court asked the ruler to simply promote the candidate.

The Cardinal received the edict in person, and the word was:

"Go with Shen Guifen."

As soon as yi yi came out, the group of ministers were shocked and inexplicable, not knowing what kind of arrangement this was.

So the courtiers talked about it, saying:

The inspector was a Erpin official, and Shen Guifen was the current Bingbu Shangshu and served as a military aircraft minister, and his position ranked as a senior member of the first rank in the DPRK; Shen Guifen had served the country for many years, and there was no major fault, and he should not be demoted to a remote area; moreover, as soon as such a decree was issued, the influence was huge, and all The Chinese and foreign people would be shocked; the imperial court had a system to maintain, and the four parties had to watch and face up to, it seemed that Yipin had demoted erpin, and the cardinal was far away from the border, but the actual stakes were very large.

Therefore, the courtiers called themselves:

Ministers and others did not dare to obey orders.

In the military plane, Bao Zheng and Shen Guifen had a very good relationship, so he was particularly indignant about this matter.

The empress dowager knew that this decision could not violate the consensus of the courtiers and could only give up.

Later, shen Guifen was ordered to work as an errand boy in the Beijing Division as usual, and the inspector of Qian Province and another Jianbu official were sent to take up his post.

After the empress dowager of the two palaces withdrew her life, Shen Guifen entered the palace to thank her.

After coming out, Shen Guifen was terrified and said to people privately:

"People often say ' the wind comes from the hole', this 'hole' originally had no wind, I don't know where the wind came from?"

At that time, the closest person to the empress dowager of the two palaces was, of course, the minister of the Interior.

Therefore, Shen Guifen's secret speech was, of course, suspicious of Rong Lu.

The words passed, and it did not have any impact on Rong Lu.

A certain waiter in Nanzhong usually has a close relationship with Shen Guifen.

This man, as well, was a brother in worship with Ronglu, and he often returned.

Of course, Shen Guifen knew about the situation of a certain waiter, so he instructed a certain waiter to secretly inquire about the news from Rong Lu's side.

A certain waiter took the opportunity to return with Rong Lu and asked all kinds of questions.

Rong Lu was not a fool, of course, he knew the relationship between a certain waiter and Shen Guifen, so he was also wary everywhere.

When a certain waiter interacted with Rong Lu, Rong Lu was only a vain snake.

One day, a certain waiter suddenly visited Rong Lu and scolded Shen Guifen at Rong Lu:

"Shen Guifen is really not a person, he is not only sorry for his friends, but also in his family, there are many things that cannot be said to outsiders." I've broken off my friendship with him. I heard that he deceived you too much, once because he was taken care of by Jian Fangqian Province, saying that it was your bad idea, so he often thought of retaliating against you, you must not be afraid! ”

When Rong Lu saw that a certain waiter was scolding in an agitated tone, and had already insulted Shen Guifen's ancestors, he believed it to be true, thinking that a certain waiter treated himself with kindness, so he let down his guard, no longer doubted, and gave up the matter of the original plan to let Shen Guifen go.

After a certain waiter left ronglu mansion, he went straight to Shen Guifen and informed him one by one.

From then on, Shen Guifen's resentment with Rong Lu deepened.

This article is based on a section in volume 1 of the Qing Dynasty Chen Kuilong's "Miscellaneous Records of the Dream Banana Pavilion".

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After the death of Emperor Muzong of Qing, the two palaces were in charge, the chancellor of the Shuyuan Dynasty formed a grudge, and the officials of the Military Aircraft Department continued to fight

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