
What did the tomb robbers find when they entered the Qinghui Tomb? Make them curious

The empress dowager died one after another, which was considered unlucky in ancient times, but because of the pressure of the royal family, the Tongzhi Emperor and his empress Arut died within two months. Some people refer to the Tongzhi Emperor and the Arute clan as the Mandarin Ducks of Bitter Destiny, because they met the empress dowagers Cixi and Ci'an. Since emperor Tongzhi succeeded to the throne, Cixi and Ci'an have been interfering with emperor Tongzhi, both politically and personally.

What did the tomb robbers find when they entered the Qinghui Tomb? Make them curious

In 1861, the eleventh year of Xianfeng, Xianfeng died at the Chengde Mountain Resort, and the six-year-old Tongzhi Emperor succeeded to the throne as the new emperor. The late Qing Dynasty was destined to be unpeaceful, and although Xianfeng had already arranged eight auxiliary ministers for Emperor Tongzhi before his death, at the instigation of Cixi, Ci'an and Yi were soon instigated. The two then joined the coup d'état, which is the famous Xin You coup in history.

As a result of Xin You's coup d'état, the Eight Auxiliary Ministers were overthrown, and Cixi and Ci'an bowed to the government. Then he is the King of Parliament. The Tongzhi Emperor had to ask the empress dowagers about everything. However, if the two empresses were a little kinder, the key was that although Cixi and Ci'an jointly defeated the eight auxiliary ministers, the struggle between the two had not been broken. Fighting back and forth, the Tongzhi Emperor had no personal freedom at all, and even the matter of marrying a wife had to be arranged by Cixi Ci'an.

In the end, the Tongzhi Emperor married the Arut clan of Ci'an Anyi, and Cixi was naturally unhappy, and was facing the Arut clan everywhere. According to the data, the Tongzhi Emperor died at the age of 19, and the reason for his death is still debated. Is it because of smallpox, or is it folklore of syphilis? Just two months after the death of the Tongzhi Emperor, Empress Arut also died, at the age of 22. Because there were no other diseases in the Alute clan at that time, and because she was already pregnant with the child of the Tongzhi Emperor before her death, many people believed that the Arut clan was murdered by Cixi.

What did the tomb robbers find when they entered the Qinghui Tomb? Make them curious

There is also a legend that the Arut clan committed suicide. But even so, her death was inseparable from Cixi. After all, Cixi had never been waiting to see the Arut clan. Because the Tongzhi Emperor did not choose a cemetery before, it was not until three years after the death of the Tongzhi Emperor and the Arut clan that the Huiling Tomb was completed, and the Qing court buried them together in the Qing Huiling Tomb.

In 1945, Qing huiling was destroyed, and because of Sun Dianying's tomb robbery, the Tongzhi Emperor and the Arut clan reappeared. It is worth saying that when the tomb robbers saw the Tongzhi Emperor and the Alute clan, they were very surprised, the bones of the Tongzhi Emperor had rotted, and the bones of the Alut clan were still intact, as if they were asleep. Why is there such a big difference? This may be related to The Tongzhi Emperor's illness before his death, but what about the Arut clan? Why its bones can be preserved so well.

What did the tomb robbers find when they entered the Qinghui Tomb? Make them curious

Due to rumors that the Aluth committed suicide by swallowing gold, some people speculate that the reason why the Aluth's bones can be well preserved may be related to the antiseptic effect of gold. However, what is the reason, or need to be further studied by experts.

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