
Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

author:Xinhuanet client
Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

This century-old building with green tiles and gray walls was originally the lecture hall of the Finance School at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and was rebuilt into the library of the Law School of Peking University in 1932. In 2011, it took on a new name, the Xinhua News Agency History Gallery.

This Saturday (November 6th) at 21:25 p.m., China Education Television Channel 1 presents you with the special program "Xinhua News Agency in the Flames" for the 90th anniversary of the founding of Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Yang takes you to relive the arduous and brilliant journey of Xinhua News Agency in the past 90 years, and listen to the memories and dreams of generations of Xinhua people.

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Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

After 90 years of ups and downs, Xinhua News Agency has become a world news agency with global influence. To trace her history, you have to walk into the Xinhua compound near Beijing's Xuanwu Gate. This building is "not ordinary" at first glance, listen to Zhang Yang talk about its past!

"A half radio" A journalistic history

Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

In the exhibition hall, there is a 15-watt receiving machine. Open this ordinary-looking wooden chest and you can see that on the black metal control panel, there are only two knobs side by side on the left and right. It is with such rudimentary equipment that the Communist Party of China has created our red communications cause by using such rudimentary equipment.

At the end of 1930, the First Front of the Red Army captured Zhang Huizhen, commander of the Eighteenth Division of the Kuomintang Army, alive in the first anti-"encirclement and suppression" Battle of Longgang, and captured an unusual trophy - only the "half of the radio" that could be reported.

This is "no guns, no cannons, the enemy made for us"

On November 7, 1931, the First National Congress of the Chinese Soviet opened in Ruijin, Jiangxi, and the first national red power created by the young Chinese Communists, the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic, was born. On the same day, the predecessor of Xinhua News Agency, the Red China News Agency, was established.

A month later, on December 11, Red China, the organ of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic, was launched. The Red News Agency and the Red China newspaper are two brands, one agency, and are also responsible for the publication and publication of newspapers by the news agency.

Why does the Red China newspaper have two editions of 257 issues?

In January 1937, in order to meet the needs of the situation of the revolutionary struggle, according to the decision of the Central Committee, the Red China News Agency was renamed Xinhua News Agency in Yan'an, and the "Red China" newspaper was renamed "New China News".

Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

Talking "secret weapon"

Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

In the spring of 1940, when a plane entered Ili, Xinjiang, from Almaty, The Soviet Union, when inspected by the Kuomintang border guards, they found that the passengers were Zhou Enlai, who was wearing the uniform of a Kuomintang lieutenant general, so they were released without careful inspection. However, he did not know that there was also a key piece of equipment on the plane that would help the Yan'an Border Region break through the Kuomintang news blockade in the future.

What kind of "secret weapon" is this key item that Zhou Enlai personally carried?

Q: How can such a large broadcast transmitter be transported back to China?

Zhou Enlai: It will be dismantled and then transported.

Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

↑ This large apparatus is a 10 kW broadcast transmitter, acquired by Zhou Enlai from the Moscow Comintern in 1940.

"Yan'an Xinhua Radio, xncr, now start broadcasting, remember, our frequency is 61 meters in wavelength, weekly rate of 4940 thousand weeks ..."

In the early morning of December 30, 1940, with the call of the announcer Xu Ruizhang, the Yan'an Xinhua Radio Station founded by Xinhua News Agency was officially launched. This is the first spoken radio station of our party, and the first time that Xinhua News Agency has published news in spoken language, the call sign is xncr, and x is the code used by Chinese radio stations stipulated by the International Telecommunication Union. ncr is the first letter of the English word for "Xinhua Radio". xncr means New China Broadcasting.

The voice of Yan'an Xinhua Radio Station pierced through the smoke of gunfire, cut through the long sky of national liberation, and solemnly announced to the world that the Chinese people's broadcasting industry under the leadership of the Communist Party of China was born.

Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

In 1944, in order to adapt to the new situation in which victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was imminent, to better introduce the real situation in the Liberated Areas, to publicize the principles and propositions of the Communist Party of China, and to promote the comprehensive victory of the world anti-fascist war, the CPC Central Committee instructed xinhua news agencies to create English text broadcasts.

Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

On May 17, a British friend, Lin Mike, arrived in Yan'an, where he was welcomed by Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and other central leaders, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China appointed him as a communication adviser to the General Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army. With the help of Lin Mike, the broadcast transmitter that Zhou Enlai brought from the Soviet Union was repaired and adjusted, and then took on the heavy responsibility of broadcasting in English characters. On September 1, 1944, the English text radio station directed to San Francisco, USA, with the call sign of csr de xncr, officially began broadcasting.

In December 1940, Yan'an Xinhua Radio Station, the predecessor of the Central People's Radio, was launched in December of the following year, and in December of the following year, Yan'an Radio opened Japanese radio, the predecessor of China Radio International.

Pass on the political essence of the torch

Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

In Yan'an, the New Chinese people started from cave dwellings and began to go global.

The oil painting "Care" is based on Liao Chengzhi's memoirs. When Xinhua News Agency first arrived in Yan'an, Mao Zedong often went to Xinhua News Agency at 11:02 p.m. to learn about the international and domestic news copied that day and to give instructions on the work of Xinhua News Agency.

Chairman Mao Told Us to "Think More"

From 1945 to 1949, it was a period of decisive battles between the Kuomintang and the Communists, and it was also the period in Mao Zedong's life when he wrote the most news for Xinhua News Agency. At that time, Fan Changjiang served as deputy editor-in-chief of Xinhua News Agency, leading Xinhua News Agency to move with the CPC Central Committee to northern Shaanxi.

In March 1947, before the Kuomintang army occupied Yan'an, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made an important decision: to take the initiative to withdraw from Yan'an and move to northern Shaanxi.

During the war, Mao Zedong always had two teams around him: a "gun barrel" and a "pen pole". The "pen pole" team that followed the party Central Committee column to northern Shaanxi was led by Fan Changjiang, deputy editor-in-chief of xinhua news agencies, and most of the personnel of the headquarters crossed the Yellow River in the east under the leadership of president Liao Chengzhi and moved to the county in the Taihang Mountains. For the sake of secrecy, the Central Column is called the "three detachments" to the outside world, and there are four brigades under its jurisdiction, and the Xinhua News Agency task force is the "four brigades," which is composed of editors, translators, telecommunications, and logistics personnel.

Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

↑ Mao Zedong later recalled: "The Central Committee remained in northern Shaanxi to direct the revolutionary struggle of the whole country on the two lines of culture and war. One line of Wu is to command the war through the radio, and one line of Wen is to guide public opinion through the Xinhua News Agency. ”

During the Liberation War, after the CPC Central Committee withdrew from Yan'an, xinhua news agencies shouldered the heavy responsibility of integrating the central party newspaper, news agency, and radio station, and brilliantly fulfilled the propaganda and reporting tasks entrusted by the CPC Central Committee.

Xinhua reporters are active in various battlefields throughout the country, using pens and cameras in their hands to timely and fully report on the victorious process of the people's liberation war, and record the people's heroes' s singing and weeping combat achievements and the immortal history of China's liberation.

Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

Loyalty to the party is the political essence of the New Chinese people.

Since its founding, the New China people have always closely followed the PARTY Central Committee, played the role of public opinion in guiding the main channel of the main force, and are the "mouthpieces" and "eyes and ears" that the Party Central Committee can trust, rely on, and use.

Generations of New Chinese have come and gone, passing on the torch, creating a towering monument in the history of Chinese journalism.

Xinhua News Agency in flames | Presenting the 90th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency

From the "Hut News Agency," "Horseback News Agency," and "Cave News Agency" of that year to today's State News Agency and the World News Agency, Xinhua News Agency has closely followed the PARTY Central Committee through 90 Spring and Autumn Festivals and witnessed immortal glorious years.

November 7 this year is the 90th birthday of Xinhua News Agency, tomorrow night (November 6), follow us to explore the "National News Agency", relive the famous news articles in the smoke and flames of war, and then look at the red past in the glory years.