
Xiaomi's first SUV may disappoint dad rice fans, but in the past few days, with the exposure of Xiaomi SUV road test spy photos, this model that makes fans look through the autumn water has begun to enter everyone's field of vision, but this car can

author:Pineapple emotion

Xiaomi's first SUV may have disappointed daddy rice fans

In the past few days, with the Xiaomi SUV road test spy photos exposed

This model that makes fans look through the autumn water has begun to enter everyone's field of vision

However, this car may disappoint some family/daddy users

Because the new car does not refer to the product definition of the current mainstream SUV

Take the home route of large space, large comfort, refrigerator color TV, and large sofa.

The new car continues the positioning of Xiaomi SU7 sports technology

Xiaomi is now on a very fresh route

『SU7对标特斯拉Model 3,小米SUV对标Model Y』

Xiaomi SU7 as a latecomer

There is no obvious gap with other car companies in terms of three electrics, intelligent driving, and smart warehouses

One of the most important factors for success is that appearance is justice

At present, Xiaomi SUV will further amplify this feature

The rendering of the ramen chef, although the details are not right

But the contours and postures can already be referenced

The styling of the new car is based on the styling of a classic coupe SUV

(Ferrari or Maserati?) )

Make up for the shortcomings of SU7 in terms of space and practicality

SUVs are clearly more acceptable than sedans

After all, Lei always said that he wanted to create a dream car for everyone

The family daddy car obviously can't set off everyone's yearning

The product definition of a coupe SUV is logical

For Xiaomi's first SUV

You want a comfortable daddy car with a sofa, a refrigerator, and a big color TV

Or a smooth and handsome coupe SUV#What car do you want Xiaomi's first SUV to be? # [PK] #

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Xiaomi's first SUV may disappoint dad rice fans, but in the past few days, with the exposure of Xiaomi SUV road test spy photos, this model that makes fans look through the autumn water has begun to enter everyone's field of vision, but this car can
Xiaomi's first SUV may disappoint dad rice fans, but in the past few days, with the exposure of Xiaomi SUV road test spy photos, this model that makes fans look through the autumn water has begun to enter everyone's field of vision, but this car can
Xiaomi's first SUV may disappoint dad rice fans, but in the past few days, with the exposure of Xiaomi SUV road test spy photos, this model that makes fans look through the autumn water has begun to enter everyone's field of vision, but this car can
Xiaomi's first SUV may disappoint dad rice fans, but in the past few days, with the exposure of Xiaomi SUV road test spy photos, this model that makes fans look through the autumn water has begun to enter everyone's field of vision, but this car can

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