
A popular martial arts star, domestic violence took a knife to force away his wife and children, and now he has fallen into the street to sell burnt cakes

author:Sunshine Gossip Jun

This article is sunshine personal original, is prohibited from any media reprint!

Seeing this old man who fell to the street selling burnt cakes, he really sighed infinitely, he once had a good future, a big star who was very popular, but because of his temper and injuries, he was now on the street.

Zhang Zhenhuan, who was discouraged, applied for disability assistance, although he could receive a monthly subsidy of 3,000 yuan, but he still could not make ends meet, in order to live, he once knelt down to ask for job opportunities from enterprises. Today, he sells burnt cakes on the streets to support himself.

A popular martial arts star, domestic violence took a knife to force away his wife and children, and now he has fallen into the street to sell burnt cakes

Seeing this uncle who sells burnt cakes on the street is really very sad, he is not an ordinary uncle of burnt cakes, he was once a popular martial arts star.

A popular martial arts star, domestic violence took a knife to force away his wife and children, and now he has fallen into the street to sell burnt cakes

"A burnt cake 55 yuan, each can earn 15 yuan, these days to try to sell, the business is good, the average day can sell more than 40." A day's income is less than 5, 600 yuan, compared to the past when he was popular, the film remuneration can not be compared, Zhang Zhenhuan wants to open: "Selling baked cakes is also an industry, if you do a good job, I want to open a storefront, and then sell some hot fry, the basic life is always there." ”

A popular martial arts star, domestic violence took a knife to force away his wife and children, and now he has fallen into the street to sell burnt cakes

Zhang Zhenhuan recent photo: Became a scruffy old man

Zhang Zhenhuan said that many friends know that it is him, and they will always chat twice, and he sighed: "What else can I say?" Think I'm pathetic! "In order to save money, once took the goods, from Nangang to ride a bicycle to the city, the next day the two legs were swollen like a turtle, fortunately, he had a good popularity, there were many friends to help, the apprentice lent out a small area of the storefront without rent, let him temporarily set up a stall, avoid the problem of being opened by the police, and some friends volunteered to ride to help him get the goods, so that Zhang Zhenhuan dripped in his heart.

Incomplete statistics, in Zhang Zhenhuan's acting career, there have been no less than dozens of large and small roles, and they are all wonderful.

A popular martial arts star, domestic violence took a knife to force away his wife and children, and now he has fallen into the street to sell burnt cakes

Zhang Zhenhuan's role in "Young Zhang Sanfeng" Yang Railshan

A popular martial arts star, domestic violence took a knife to force away his wife and children, and now he has fallen into the street to sell burnt cakes

He was Yin Susu's older brother, King Yin Ye, and was once quite handsome

A popular martial arts star, domestic violence took a knife to force away his wife and children, and now he has fallen into the street to sell burnt cakes

The most unfathomable character: "The Legend of the National Family Name" Qiu Wang

A popular martial arts star, domestic violence took a knife to force away his wife and children, and now he has fallen into the street to sell burnt cakes

Zhang Zhenhuan has been popular all over the taiwan strait with works such as "Little Li Flying Knife", "Hero Shen Shengyi", "Porter" and other works, but since the mid-90s, his career has suddenly declined, coupled with investment failures, poor physical condition and other problems led to his once falling to the street to sell burnt cakes for a living, and it is rumored that he could not support himself because of his income on Weibo, and he did not hesitate to kneel down to the enterprise to ask for a job, and there was also news that he applied for disability subsidies from relevant departments.

A popular martial arts star, domestic violence took a knife to force away his wife and children, and now he has fallen into the street to sell burnt cakes

Worked as a cleaner in a restaurant and smashed a supermarket for his grumpy temper

Due to illness, after unemployment, Zhang Zhenhuan has been unable to jump out of the scenery of the year led to alcoholism, bipolar disorder and no income, friends learned that he had no income due to bipolar disorder, introduced him to Zhang Hongyi's sister restaurant to work, worked as a cleaner, swept the floor and washed dishes. However, the grumpy Zhang Zhenhuan was accused of smashing the supermarket with a wooden stick, and the court repeatedly failed to report it.

Zhang Zhenhuan shouted injustice: "When I received the summons, I had already passed the court appearance date. Then he said, "It doesn't matter if they want me to compensate or arrest me." "It felt like there was no remorse.

A popular martial arts star, domestic violence took a knife to force away his wife and children, and now he has fallen into the street to sell burnt cakes

He chased his ex-wife with a knife and chased away his son!

Zhang Zhenhuan originally had a happy family and a lovely son, wife Bao Zhengfang debuted at the age of 16, is one of the first generation of jade female singers in Taiwan, because of singing the movie "Cool And Autumn" the theme song of the same name became popular, and then turned to the drama circle also has bright results, Zhang Zhenhuan and Bao Zhengfang got to know and interacted for many years into the auditorium, but often domestic violence, and because of Zhang Zhengfang's business failure to debt tens of millions, this marriage finally ended in divorce, Bao Zhengfang still can't walk out of the haze, recalling that he was treated violently in the past. Shout: Once he chased me with a kitchen knife!

A popular martial arts star, domestic violence took a knife to force away his wife and children, and now he has fallen into the street to sell burnt cakes

The once happy family of three, because of Zhang Zhenhuan's alcoholism, drunken beatings, domestic violence and other problems, led to the separation of his wife and children.

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