
He was a famous hero of the Qing Dynasty, and he was strong in both internal and external martial arts, and the Draft History of the Qing Dynasty was also listed separately for him

author:Sato Goshi

Regarding the cause of the yongzheng emperor's death, there is a saying in the wild history that he was killed by the heroine Lü Siniang, and after his death Qianlong made a golden head burial for him. The Qing Dynasty was a chivalrous and prolific dynasty, and Lü Siniang was one of the more famous female heroes, but in terms of fame, there was another hero who was even more famous, and even the "Qing History Draft" also set up a special biography for him, this person is Gan Fengchi.

He was a famous hero of the Qing Dynasty, and he was strong in both internal and external martial arts, and the Draft History of the Qing Dynasty was also listed separately for him

Liang Yusheng's martial arts novel "Three Women of Jianghu" mentioned the "Eight Heroes of Jiangnan", and Gan Fengchi was one of them, and he was also the master of Lü Siniang. In history, for Gan Fengchi, this person has also left a lot of pen and ink.

Gan Fengchi is a famous Jiangnan hero of the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong dynasties of the Qing Dynasty, he is a native of Jiangning, he has been learning martial arts since childhood, and his master is a famous martial artist in Jiangning, whose name is unknown, but only knows the surname Zhang.

Gan Fengchi is extremely perceptive and studious, so he has made rapid progress. More than ten years later, Gan Fengchi learned all the internal and external kung fu taught by his master and practiced a good skill. After leaving the school, Gan Fengchi gradually became a martial arts master in Jiangnan, and his fame in the jianghu also grew.

He was a famous hero of the Qing Dynasty, and he was strong in both internal and external martial arts, and the Draft History of the Qing Dynasty was also listed separately for him

Gan Fengchi I practiced martial arts and never stopped. When he was forty years old, he got acquainted with Lü Yuan, one of the Eight Heroes of Jiangnan, and under the guidance of Lü Yuan, Gan Fengchi strengthened his internal cultivation in the case of external attacks and hard attacks, so after middle age, Gan Fengchi's martial arts had reached the point of pure fire. It is said that Gan Fengchi is proficient in more than eighty sets of boxing techniques, and qigong is also very good.

During the Kangxi and Yongzheng dynasties, folk anti-Qing and anti-Ming activities still appeared from time to time, and many of the great heroes in Jiangnan participated in anti-Qing and anti-Qing activities. Influenced by national consciousness, Gan Fengchi also joined the ranks of anti-Qing and restoration.

According to the History of Ye, during the Kangxi Dynasty, Gan Fengchi once entered the capital and went deep into the Tiger's Den, and served as an errand boy in the palace of the eighth son of the Emperor, Yin Yu. Because of Gan Fengchi's high martial arts skills, he was very much valued by Yin Yu, became his protégé, and sometimes served as Yin Yu's personal bodyguard.

He was a famous hero of the Qing Dynasty, and he was strong in both internal and external martial arts, and the Draft History of the Qing Dynasty was also listed separately for him

In the forty-sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Gan Fengchi participated in the sensational "One Thought Monk" uprising, which is also known as the "Case of the Third Prince of Zhu". In this year, in the name of Prince Zhu San, the monk Yinian led more than a thousand people to engage the Qing soldiers, of which more than 80 people were captured by the Qing soldiers, and Kangxi ordered that the case be strictly tried, and finally a dozen people in Zhejiang and Jiangnan were executed by Ling Chi, 70 or 80 people were beheaded, and 60 or 70 people were sent to Ningguta.

Although Gan Fengchi participated in this anti-Qing uprising, he was not a core member, and after his arrest, the government did not ask what was famous. In addition, he met many powerful people in the capital, so he was soon released. In the later years of Kangxi, Gan Fengchi returned to Jiangning and organized some anti-Qing people with a man named Zhang Yunru to secretly oppose the imperial court, this organization was very mysterious, the government did not know it at the time, and it was not until Yongzheng succeeded to the throne that this anti-Qing organization attracted the attention of the imperial court.

He was a famous hero of the Qing Dynasty, and he was strong in both internal and external martial arts, and the Draft History of the Qing Dynasty was also listed separately for him

In the sixth year of Yongzheng, the Yongzheng Emperor was dissatisfied with the handling of the project of changing land and changing stones in Songjiang Haitang to the governor of Liangjiang, Fan Shixuan, and ordered Li Wei to go to work to investigate. Li Wei was a close confidant of Yongzheng, and after he arrived in Jiangning, while running errands for the emperor, he discovered the anti-Qing activities of Zhang Yunru and Gan Fengchi.

Li Wei then gave this important piece of information to Yongzheng, who secretly ordered him to take full responsibility for the case and bring these misdeeds to justice as soon as possible. Although Li Wei had not read many books, he was a good hand at criminal investigation, and he soon arrested Zhang Yunru and his henchmen.

For the prestigious Gan Fengchi, Li Wei took the method of outsmarting. He passed on Gan Fengchi's son Gan Shu to the palace, comforted him with kind words, and praised his father for his high skill. Ganshu was young and did not know the stakes, and when he heard Li Wei praise his father, he could not help but forget his form, and unconsciously put out the people his father interacted with and the usual activities and interrogations.

He was a famous hero of the Qing Dynasty, and he was strong in both internal and external martial arts, and the Draft History of the Qing Dynasty was also listed separately for him

Li Wei then summoned Gan Fengchi again, and when Gan Fengchi saw that his son had confessed the truth, he quickly prostrated his head and begged for forgiveness, and confessed the fact that he was involved in the anti-Qing campaign.

Judging from the circumstances of the case, Gan Fengchi belongs to rebellion and rebellion, and should be sentenced to capital punishment according to law. Moreover, with Yongzheng's character, it is also decided that he will not forgive him. However, this case occurred during the period of Zeng Jing's counter-case, and Yongzheng did not want to make a fuss. It is precisely because of this relationship that Gan Fengchi has picked up a life, but was only imprisoned for ten years.

In the "Qing History Manuscript And biography of Gan Fengchi", it is recorded as follows: "In Yongzhengzhong, the governor of Zhejiang, Li Wei, arrested and ruled Jiangning's evil magic, and hundreds of people were planted, and Fengchi was also arrested, and it was planned to be a big opening, and Sejong was lenient in this prison, and he did not exhaust the curse." ”

In many wild histories, it is said that Gan Fengchi was Lü Siniang's master, which should also be credible. Because Gan Fengchi and Lü Liuliang's son Lü Baozhong had a good relationship, Lü Siniang was also Lü Baozhong's daughter. In the case of Lü Liuliang, the lü family's entire family was cursed, and Lü Siniang was just in the home of her nursing mother in Anhui when she was young, but fortunately escaped the disaster. When she grew up, Lv Siniang vowed to avenge her grandfather and father, and later met Gan Fengchi by chance and worshiped Gan Fengchi as her teacher.

He was a famous hero of the Qing Dynasty, and he was strong in both internal and external martial arts, and the Draft History of the Qing Dynasty was also listed separately for him

Gan Fengchi is a famous hero in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and the later Great Dao King Wu and Huo Yuanjia are widely circulated chivalrous guests in the folk, which can be seen in many film, television and novel works. Regarding Gan Fengchi's later years, it is also recorded in historical records that he was released in the fourth year of Qianlong and died about thirteen years after Qianlong.

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