
Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes


First, in the Chinese film industry, Zhang Yimou's name is now a household name. However, this now "unbeatable" director was once just a nobody with a dream.

When he was young, Zhang Yimou married his childhood sweetheart Xiao Hua and lived a poor but loving life. This marriage witnessed the starting point of his life and laid the groundwork for his future career development.

After graduating from university, Zhang Yimou successfully entered the studio to work. Here, he eagerly learned the skills of cinematography and directing, laying a solid foundation for his future glory.

Zhang Yimou's eyes flashed with his love and pursuit of movies, and every day of study and practice brought him one step closer to his dream. When Zhang Yimou decided to prepare his first work, he created a precedent for the selection of "Mou Girl".

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

Second, this decision not only changed the trajectory of his career, but also injected fresh blood into the Chinese film industry. Zhang Yimou has a unique vision, he not only values appearance, but also pays more attention to the temperament and potential of actors.

At the casting scene, his eyes were sharp and focused, as if he could see through the heart of each applicant. The selection process of "Mou Girl" has become a stage for Zhang Yimou to show his talent.

His requirements for actors are almost demanding, but this strict standard has also allowed him to discover one shining star after another. Zhang Yimou's casting vision soon spread in the industry, and "Mou Girl" gradually became a resounding brand in the entertainment industry.

However, there is often a hidden price behind success. As his fame grew, so did Zhang Yimou's ambitions. He began to pursue more, not only in his career, but also in his personal life.

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

This change quietly affected the trajectory of his life, and also laid a hidden danger for future controversies. Zhang Yimou's rise is not only the growth history of a talented director, but also the epitome of an ordinary person losing himself in Vanity Fair.

His story allows us to see the light of success, but also to glimpse the shadow behind success. Among Zhang Yimou's many "Mou Girls", Gong Li is undoubtedly the most dazzling star.

Back then, Zhang Yimou, who was preparing for "Red Sorghum", fell in love with Gong Li at a glance among many applicants. Her temperament and figure are just right in line with the standard of "Mou Girl" in Zhang Yimou's mind.

Third, Gong Li stood out in the crowd, as if she was born to stand in the spotlight. Zhang Yimou threw an olive branch to Gong Li and invited her to become the heroine of his first work.

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

The two hit it off, as if they were destined to meet in this work. The filming location of "Red Sorghum" is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and in this sparsely populated land, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li get along day and night, constantly discussing the script.

In the long-term cooperation, the two have shown an amazing tacit understanding of the role. They often delve into the script in a no-man's land, with a love for art and appreciation for each other in their eyes.

Gradually, the two hearts inevitably came closer. Although Zhang Yimou is married, the spark of love still blooms quietly between the two. According to the memories of the staff on the set, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li also maintained a close relationship in private in order to better devote themselves to the role.

They are inseparable, like a pair of real lovers. This relationship quickly evolved into an open secret in the circle, which caused a lot of speculation and discussion. However, Gong Li knew very well in her heart that Zhang Yimou was a married man.

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

Four, but when love goes deep into the bone marrow, these concerns seem to become insignificant. At a moment full of passion, Gong Li plucked up the courage to write a love letter full of sincere feelings to Zhang Yimou.

The success of "Red Sorghum" brought the two great fame and propelled them to the pinnacle of their careers. In the years that followed, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li collaborated on a number of classics, such as "Ju Dou", "Qiu Ju Fights a Lawsuit", etc., each of which can be called a milestone work.

Their collaboration not only created a masterpiece of art, but also witnessed the ups and downs of their relationship. However, even the brightest starlight has a dim day. Gong Li proposed the idea of marriage to Zhang Yimou many times, hoping to stand by his side justifiably.

But Zhang Yimou always refused Gong Li's request on the grounds that "a marriage contract" could not match sincere feelings. This attitude eventually became the fatal wound of the relationship between the two. Disappointed, Gong Li chose to leave and married Huang Hexiang instead, leaving Zhang Yimou to continue his journey as a "Mou Girl".

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

With the booming of his career, Zhang Yimou's life has also come to a critical crossroads. Success brings not only glory, but also a great desire to change. Under the temptation of fame and fortune, Zhang Yimou made a decision that shocked many people: to divorce his wife Xiao Hua.

This decision seems to indicate that Zhang Yimou will say goodbye to the past and open a new chapter in his life. He didn't take into account Xiao Hua's silent dedication over the years, and he was even indifferent to his wife's practice of using children as a threat.

Fifth, Zhang Yimou only has a bright future in his eyes, and everything in the past seems to have become a burden for him to get rid of. After the divorce, Zhang Yimou seemed to have untied the shackles, and he began to show affection with Gong Li generously in public.

The relationship between the two has become the focus of the entertainment industry, and it has also brought more attention to their careers. They struck while the iron was hot and continued to collaborate to launch more works, such as "Ju Dou", "Qiu Ju Fights a Lawsuit", etc., each of which caused a sensation in the film industry.

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

However, Zhang Yimou still does not want to be bound by marriage. Although Gong Li has put forward the idea of marriage many times, hoping to stand by Zhang Yimou's side justifiably, Zhang Yimou always refuses on the grounds that "a marriage contract" cannot match sincere feelings.

This attitude eventually led to a breakup with Gong Li, with Gong Li choosing to leave, while Zhang Yimou continued his journey as a "Mou Girl". After losing Gong Li, Zhang Yimou did not stop looking for a new "Mou girl".

His casting criteria are still strict, if not more demanding. In his opinion, the perfect "Mou Girl" must not only have excellent appearance, but also be able to "obey management and arrangement", and even satisfy some of his "private" little habits.

This kind of pursuit that is almost paranoid has given him the controversy of "choosing a concubine" in the circle. However, Zhang Yimou does not seem to be questioned by the unexpected world. He adheres to his own aesthetic standards and continues to show his talent in the film industry.

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

Sixth, this "invincible" attitude is not only the key to his success, but also the source of his controversy. Zhang Yimou's life choices reflect an artist's struggle between the pursuit of perfection and the compromise of reality, as well as the changes and costs that come with success.

After Gong Li, Zhang Yimou did not stop looking for a new "Mou girl". The appearance of Zhang Ziyi has injected new vitality into the phenomenon of "Mou Girl". When preparing "My Father and Mother", Zhang Yimou fell in love with Zhang Ziyi, who only appeared in small advertisements, and thought that her smart appearance met the requirements of the role.

However, during the first audition, Zhang Ziyi was very shy and couldn't let go of many actions. This made Zhang Yimou very angry, and asked the staff to drive her away on the spot. But Zhang Ziyi did not give up.

She suddenly had an epiphany after leaving the set and squatted outside the crew overnight. When Zhang Yimou finished a day's work, Zhang Ziyi plucked up the courage to step forward and ask for another chance.

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

This perseverance impressed Zhang Yimou, and finally Zhang Ziyi won the role. Under Zhang Yimou's training, Zhang Ziyi grew up rapidly and became a representative of the new generation of "Mou Girls".

However, various controversies ensued. It is rumored that Zhang Ziyi once went to Zhang Yimou to discuss the script late at night, but was bumped into and slapped by Zhang Yimou's wife Chen Ting. Despite this, Zhang Ziyi finally gained a firm foothold in the film industry with her own efforts and "social skills".

Seventh, time flies, and Zhang Yimou's eyes fell on the young Zhou Dongyu again. When preparing for "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree", Zhang Yimou had extremely high requirements for the role of Jingqiu.

Not only did he demand that the eyes of the candidates not show the slightest worldly desire, but he was also very stuck with age. In the end, through the audition, Zhou Dongyu, who is still in his third year of high school, was successfully selected.

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

Zhang Yimou personally trained this young girl, teaching her how to interpret the crying scene and how to make the movements fit her life. Under Zhang Yimou's careful training, Zhou Dongyu grew up rapidly and became a leader among the new generation of actors.

It is said that in order to repay Zhang Yimou's cultivation, Zhou Dongyu even offered to provide him with massage services. From Zhang Ziyi to Zhou Dongyu, the phenomenon of "seeking girls" is constantly evolving.

The story of each "Mou Girl" is unique and complex, with both the bright side of artistic pursuit and the dark side of the complex ecology of the entertainment industry. This phenomenon not only shows Zhang Yimou's unique aesthetics and cultivation methods, but also reflects the changes in the entire film and television industry.

Eighth, in Zhang Yimou's "Mou Girl" sequence, Ni Ni's appearance caused more controversy. For the role of Yumo in "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling", Zhang Yimou was extremely demanding on casting.

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

Not only did he require the actors to speak English, but he also required them to be enchanting and charming. Under this extreme demand, Zhang Yimou used the method of audition, allowing photographers to go to major campuses to photograph candidates who meet the age requirements.

Eventually, he found Ni Ni at the gate of the art school. However, Ni Ni's performance did not fully meet Zhang Yimou's expectations. Although she meets the requirements in appearance, her eyes and body movements do not meet Zhang Yimou's standards.

To this end, Zhang Yimou arranged a one-year "devil training". During this particular training period, there was a lot of speculation and rumors. According to the actors who participated in the training at the time, Zhang Yimou often went to the training base to visit Ni Ni on the pretext of checking the progress of the trainees.

Nine, what is even more surprising is that it is rumored that Zhang Yimou and Ni Ni have been in and out of the hotel together and stayed there for up to three days. These rumors caused an uproar in the circle, and also made people question Zhang Yimou's motives and methods of casting.

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

Despite this, Ni Ni's acting skills have improved by leaps and bounds under Zhang Yimou's training. She successfully created the role of Yumo, and also gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry with this role. However, the good times did not last long, and the conflict between Zhang Yimou and the assistant director made Ni Ni an innocent "victim".

After losing Zhang Yimou's support, Ni Ni can only rely on the popularity brought by the role of "Yumo" and constantly promote herself in order to maintain a place in the entertainment industry. This incident not only exposed the complex ecology of the entertainment industry, but also made people begin to reflect on the problems behind the phenomenon of "seeking girls".

Is Zhang Yimou's casting criteria and training methods really just for the sake of art? This issue has sparked extensive discussion in the industry, and it has also cast a shadow on the phenomenon of "seeking girls".

Ten, Zhang Yimou's "Mou Girl" phenomenon reflects the light and darkness of the entire entertainment industry. On the one hand, it has provided many newcomers with the opportunity to become famous and promoted the development of the Chinese film industry.

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

On the other hand, the existence of "unspoken rules" also casts a shadow on this phenomenon. The "unspoken rules" of the entertainment industry are self-evident, and there are many cases of selling themselves for the sake of resources.

The capitalists, as the "over-dealers" behind them, are actually the source of all chaos. From Gong Li to Ni Ni, the growth trajectory of each "Mou Girl" is different. Some prove themselves by strength, others are mired in controversy.

This phenomenon reminds us that acting and character are indispensable in the pursuit of success. Artists should put more attention on the sharpening of their acting skills, rather than seeking to "take shortcuts".

For Zhang Yimou, the "invincible" attitude is not only the key to his success, but also the source of his doubts. Today, as a successful director and a father, he needs to think more about the impact of his words and actions on the industry as a whole and the next generation.

Zhang Yimou, who is "indispensable", has also come to this day, what is happening behind the scenes

Tenth, Zhang Yimou should always set an example for his children and put more attention on his family. The entertainment industry needs talented directors like Zhang Yimou, but it also needs ethical role models.

It is hoped that in the future, Zhang Yimou will put more attention to the quality of his works and the positive guidance of newcomers, rather than getting caught up in the casting controversy. Only in this way can the phenomenon of "seeking girls" truly become a positive force to promote the development of Chinese films.

Finally, we hope that artists can assert themselves and not be tempted to lose their way. At the same time, the entire industry also needs to establish a more healthy and transparent ecological environment, so that truly talented people can get the stage they deserve, so that film art can return to its essence and bring more excellent works to the audience.

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