
Write the 10 most beautiful poems of autumn, each of which is worth reading over and over again


In the eyes of some poets, autumn is lonely and desolate. They write about autumn, which is "the person who broke the intestines in the end of the world" and "the rain is lonely in the moon and sorrowful".

In the eyes of other poets, autumn is colorful and vigorous. They write about autumn, which is "a crane in the clear sky and a white cloud", and "frost leaves are red in February flowers". What these poets see is the beautiful side of autumn. So let's follow these poets to see the most beautiful autumn!

Write the 10 most beautiful poems of autumn, each of which is worth reading over and over again

1, empty mountains after the new rain, the weather late to autumn. Bright moon pine light, clear spring stone upstream.

Wang Wei is a famous landscape pastoral poet, and this small autumn poem he wrote also has a quiet and quiet pastoral color. After reading the two poems, the cool breath after the autumn rain seems to come to the face, and the last bit of dry heat left in the summer is swept away, who can not love such an autumn?

2, far up the cold mountain stone path slope, there are people in the depths of the white clouds. Parking to sit in love maple forest at night, frost leaves red in February flowers.

This poem "Mountain Walk" comes from the poet Du Mu and describes the beauty of the mountains in autumn. The style of this poem is bright, and the sentence "Frost leaves are red in February flowers" reflects the poet's heartfelt praise for autumn.

3, autumn is sad and inevitable, light cold is a lovely day. The green pond fell red, and the lotus leaves opened the smallest money.

This is a poem by Yang Wanli of the Song Dynasty, and this poem is very popular and open-minded. It directly shows that autumn does not have to be full of miserable depression, and the slightly cool weather is not pleasant? Although the lotus leaf has fallen, the lotus leaf has also produced small leaves that are like copper coins.

4. White dew draped in sycamore, Xuan Cicada Day and Night. The autumn wind is moving, and the twilight clouds are high.

Cen Shan's poem is written about the scenery of autumn in the north, and the autumn colors of the slaughter at dusk are presented in his pen with a unique charm, which makes people feel a little yearning.

5. The mountains and rivers near and far are pure, and the city is heavy. Autumn sound of ten thousand households of bamboo, cold color Wuling pine.

The poem is called "Wangqin Chuan". In the clear weather of autumn, the poet looks east at the Qin River, and can see that the mountains and rivers are clear and the city is magnificent. The autumn wind rose and blew the bamboo forest again, and the pine forests around the Wuling Mountains were dyed with autumn colors. How can such a magnificent and open autumn color not move?

6, the cold mountains turn green, autumn water day babbling brook. Leaning on the cane outside the firewood door, the wind listens to the twilight cicadas.

This poem also comes from Wang Wei, and it is a very idyllic poem that shows the autumn scenery of the River. And The river is also the place where Wang Wei returned to retreat, and the poet is still very comfortable to think that he can taste such an autumn color in the place of retreat.

7, the lake light and autumn color two phases, the pool surface without goggles unpolished. Looking at the landscape of the cave garden, a green snail in the silver plate.

Liu Yuxi describes in this poem the autumn colors of Dongting Lake. Dongting Lake in autumn is calm and beautiful, and the poet vividly depicts as if drawing a picture of the Dongting landscape, which is worth tasting repeatedly.

8, Guilin scenery is different, autumn like Luoyang spring.

A poem, just ten words, we can know how beautiful the autumn scenery of Guilin should be, let's ask who reads it and doesn't want to admire it?

9, autumn scenery sometimes flying lone birds, sunset nothing cold smoke.

"Birds" and "cold smoke", a beautiful autumn picture. It is conceivable that the poet wrote such a verse in a comfortable and leisurely state of mind.

10. Since ancient times, autumn is sad and lonely, and I say that autumn is better than spring dynasty. On a crane and a white cloud in the clear sky, it leads the poetry to the blue sky.

Speaking of Liu Yuxi's "Autumn Words", it should be a poem about autumn that everyone is familiar with. Rejecting the emotions of sad autumn, the beauty of autumn in the poet's eyes is even better than the spring scenery. As the Yellow Crane soared into the sky, the poet's optimism and broad feelings were also revealed. In fact, Liu Yuxi was in adversity when he composed this poem, which can better show his open mind.

The most beautiful autumn color is in the north, but unfortunately, autumn in the north is always fleeting. Taking advantage of the fact that winter has not yet arrived, everyone should also enjoy the beauty of autumn with an open mind.