
Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!


【Entertainment Express】Cheng Yi does bad things with good intentions? Please invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to have afternoon tea, 2 yuan soda, 6 yuan A cow was scolded for being too picky!

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

Recently, some netizens posted a photo of Yi inviting the entire crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to have afternoon tea. It is reported that in order to reward the hard work of the crew members of "To the Mountains and Seas", Cheng Yi paid out of his own pocket to invite everyone to drinks.

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

It is a good thing in itself, and many celebrities have won countless fans and passers-by because of the heart-warming afternoon tea. But Cheng Yi's afternoon tea made many people frown after seeing it.

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

2 yuan a bottle of soda, colorful and unknown drinks that can't be named, and a certain cow that seems to be the most expensive in the audience worth 6 yuan, made many netizens sigh, this is really too picky.

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

You must know that stars with the same coffee position, or even lower coffee positions, invite the crew's afternoon tea, at least starting from double digits. And it is a common milk tea and fruit tea on the market.

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!
Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

Cheng Yi's kindness was directly because of a bottle of soda for 2 yuan, which aroused heated discussions and complaints among netizens. Many netizens expressed their puzzlement on social media, thinking that Cheng Yi, as a popular star, seemed a bit "picky"!

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

After all, Cheng Yi is not an obscure little paste, and the explosion of "Lotus Building" has made Cheng Yi's notice soft, and his popularity and traffic have risen even more. However, in the end, the external effort seems to be very picky and searching.

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

Some netizens directly said that it has been a long time since they have seen afternoon tea as a bottled drink. I don't know, I thought it was a collaboration with a grocery store!

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

However, there is never a shortage of opposing voices in the arena of public opinion. Another part of netizens supported Cheng Yi, they thought that this criticism was too harsh: "The mind is more important than anything else, do celebrities have to be high-profile and luxurious to applaud?" ”

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

This part of the netizens pointed out that although Cheng Yi may be cheap, he can't stand it many times. I've had a variety of other bottled drinks before.

In fact, Cheng Yi has always presented himself as a low-key and pro-people person, and this "soda incident" may be just one of his many warm gestures.

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

In the entertainment industry, every action of celebrities will be infinitely amplified, and although Cheng Yi's invitation unexpectedly caused some controversy, it also made more people start to think about the distance between celebrities and ordinary life, as well as people's different definitions of "value" in the era of material abundance.

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

The incident of Cheng Yi inviting the crew to drink 2 yuan soda caused a lot of turmoil on the Internet, but it was also like a mirror, reflecting the public's complex mentality towards celebrity behavior.

Cheng Yi was scolded for having a treat? Invite the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of slamming the door!

In this pluralistic society, everyone's values and judging criteria are different, but in the final analysis, celebrities, like ordinary people, have their own emotions and considerations. Cheng Yi's original intention is undoubtedly good, as for how the outside world interprets it, it may only be left to time to judge.


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