
"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

author:The monsoon of Muztag

With the progress of the times, people now pay more and more attention to the livability of the city. The livability of a city cannot be measured only by the size of the city and whether the economy is developed, but by comprehensively considering the environment, humanities, and convenience of life.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

The China Urban Competitiveness Research Association was the first institution to start evaluating the livability of domestic cities, and since 2005, it has published the evaluation results and published the "Top Ten Livable Cities in China" list every year, and has now produced 16 lists. The top ten names in 2020 will be Zhuhai, Jinhua, Jiujiang, Huizhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Hechi, Yichun, Macau and Xinyang.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Judging from the previous lists, the top five with the most times on the list are Jinhua (13 times), Zhuhai (12 times), Weihai (11 times), Xinyang (11 times), Qujing (10 times), of which the first place is even more surprising. There is also a lot of controversy about this list, whether it is reliable or not, let's go to these cities for a walk.

1. Jinhua

Jinhua is a prefecture-level city in Zhejiang, which is a historical and cultural state, with deep roots, called Wuzhou in ancient times, yue in the spring and autumn, changed to Wuzhou Road in the thirteenth year of the Yuan to the Yuan Dynasty (1276), Zhu Yuanzhang called Jinhua "the heart of Zhejiang", since ancient times it is the capital of central Zhejiang, the wind and rain are smooth, the people live and work in peace and contentment, the status in Zhejiang is pivotal, known as "Ink Jinhua".

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

The geomorphological characteristics of Jinhua City are "surrounded by mountains and rivers on three sides, and the basin is staggered with three rivers", with mountains and water, high and low, ancient and stable geological plates, few natural disasters, and the innate conditions of a livable city.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Jinhua less industrial pollution, has a good air quality, the water quality here is better, residents drinking water from a hundred miles away from the Shafa Reservoir, belongs to a class of surface water, the index of Zhejiang Province first, known as "the city bathing with mineral water".

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Jinhua has the beauty of landscapes. There is a unique riverscape after the confluence of the three rivers, and the gushing Wujiang River is endless, full of vitality and full of agility. Walking into Jinhua, you see clean streets, lined with flowers and trees, park greenery everywhere, and birds and flowers everywhere.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Jinhua's GDP in 2020 will reach 470.3 billion yuan, ranking seventh in 11 prefecture-level cities in Zhejiang, housing prices are in the middle of the province, where education is developed, there are four colleges and universities, and the college entrance examination promotion rate for many years has been at the forefront of the province, known as "Xiao Zoulu".

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Jinhua is an important transportation hub in East China, with a well-developed transportation network of railways, highways, waterways and aviation, and convenient and fast travel.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Jinhua is rich in products, and jinhua ham, Jinhua wine and Jinhua shortbread are famous as the three best. Founded in the Song Dynasty, Jinhua ham is famous for its color, fragrance, taste and shape, and is the most prestigious traditional product in Jinhua City.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Hengdian Film and Television City, located in Hengdian Town, Dongyang, is the largest film and television shooting base in Asia, with the reputation of "Oriental Hollywood".

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Double Dragon Cave

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

2. Zhuhai

After a flash of light, wash away the lead in the world, this is a small number of people, quiet, leisure coastal city, known as the city of romance, in countless coastal cities, Zhuhai is the most flavorful one, in the eyes of many people, Zhuhai is simply a heavenly existence, come once do not want to leave.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Zhuhai has a pleasant climate, fresh air, air quality has always been in the forefront of domestic cities, last year the Ministry of Ecology and Environment reported the air quality of 168 key cities across the country, Zhuhai is in the forefront.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

This city has a unique urban temperament, a leisurely and comfortable romantic city, the positioning has not changed for decades, never lively, not noisy, and even a little deserted, is a bone full of elegance and warmth, a place full of feelings.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Zhuhai has a 28-kilometer-long couple's road with the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in the background, outlining a beautiful urban outline. There are also advanced public green spaces and public service facilities construction, rich medical resources, perfect living facilities, is a comfortable place to live, play and have fun.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Pearls are born in shells, and shells are born in the sea. Zhuhai's new landmark, the opera house "Sun Moon Shell", is located on the Wild Beaver Island on the Lovers Road, and the Wild Beaver Island at night is the most romantic.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

The romantic landmark of the Romantic City, the lighthouse of the Love Post Office on Lovers Road in Zhuhai should be counted as one.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

3. Weihai

This is a coastal city known for its neat and clean city and fresh and transparent air.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Weihai, also known as Weihaiwei, is located at the easternmost tip of the Jiaodong Peninsula, across the sea from the Liaodong Peninsula and the Korean Peninsula, and was called "the end of the sky" by Qin Shi Huang. Beginning in 1398, the Ming Dynasty set up guards here, and in 1888, China's first naval "Beiyang Marine Division" was born here.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Weihai is a beautiful seaside garden city, here three facing the sea, red tiles and green trees, blue sea and blue sky, the city environment is clean, tidy, beautiful and long coastline, which has the cleanest air quality in China, "Weihai Blue" is the best business card of the city, in 1990 was rated as China's first national health city, one of the most livable cities in China.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Weihai has a pleasant climate, four distinct seasons, summer is not hot, winter is not cold but snowy, indoor heating period of up to several months. The advantage of the urban area facing the sea from the north and east is that it is not wet in the summer and not dry in the winter, and it is one of the few coastal cities in China that is least humid.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Weihai's GDP in 2020 will reach 301.7 billion, ranking tenth in Shandong, and its economy is not strong, but its industrial structure is excellent, and most of its high-tech industries or modern manufacturing industries are in the market. Here the city is well equipped, the business is strong, the culture, education and health have a certain strength, and the business circles such as Weigao, Zhenhua, Kowloon City, Wanda, and RT-Mart are dotted. Shandong University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University and other famous universities have campuses here. Medical resources are abundant here, and there are many top three hospitals. The high-speed rail has been opened, the traffic is convenient and fast, and it is a livable and workable city.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Weihai has a quiet and idyllic, otherworldly urban temperament. There is no hustle and bustle of big cities and the hustle and bustle of people, although it is not bustling, it is fashionable and exquisite, the pace of life is slow, and the quality of residents is high. The house price here is moderate, the new house, the new house is 14,000-15,000 yuan, the old house is less than 10,000 yuan, and there are many old service institutions. Facing the sea, living leisurely, there are many people in China who like the environment here and have settled here to spend their old age.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Weihai is also a food paradise. It is rich in conch, scallops, mackerel, clams, octopus, conch, snail, etc., and the seafood is abundant and of excellent quality.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

4. Xinyang

Xinyang is a prefecture-level city in Henan, known as Yiyang in ancient times, also known as Shencheng, is the southernmost city in Henan, bordering Anhui and Hubei, known as "the northern country of Jiangnan, the north of the jiangnan", the strategic location is important, since ancient times is the place where soldiers must fight.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Xinyang has a superior natural ecological environment. Here the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the paddy fields are full of wilderness, the rice and fish leap, the environment is beautiful, there is no pollution, the air quality has always been in the forefront of Henan Province, and the urban area basically does not see smog or sand dust. Walking into Xinyang, it will put people in a green world, good greening, vegetation, good water quality, is a livable city with mountains and rivers, Xinyang has been rated as a national garden city, China's happiest city.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Xinyang has a unique cultural environment. Chu culture and Central Plains culture blend with each other here, forming a regional culture with Yufeng Chu rhyme, living customs are not limited to the north and south, the city is inclusive, whether it is southerners or northerners, here will not be "water and soil disobedience", here the pace of life is slow, leisurely Xinyang people will eat and play, know how to enjoy, drink tea and play cards at the Xunhe Tea Stall, squint their eyes and bask in the sun, live a comfortable and peaceful life, known as the most henan city without Henan temperament.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Xinyang's economy is relatively backward. A city with a population of six million, the GDP in 2020 is only 280.568 billion yuan, ranking ninth among the 18 prefecture-level cities in Henan Province, the city's industrial base is weak, lack of core competitiveness of the industry, in the urban drainage, public transport system and other urban infrastructure construction still needs to be improved.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Xinyang has developed education and transportation. There are 7 colleges and universities, including 3 undergraduate colleges, and basic education is also at the forefront of the province. As an important transportation hub city in Henan, it has a unique transportation location advantage, including high-speed rail, airport, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, Beijing-Guangzhou, Ningxi Railway in all directions, convenient and fast travel.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Xinyang is rich in products and is the home of fish and rice. It belongs to the humid monsoon climate transition from subtropical to warm temperate zone, rich in rice, wheat, rape and other crops, is the only city in Henan Province where rice is the main food, and the Xinyang Maojian produced here is also famous, one of the top ten famous teas in China.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Jigong Mountain, the most famous scenic spot in Xinyang, is known as one of the four major summer resorts in China. In the 1920s and 1930s, missionaries and merchants from more than 20 countries, as well as domestic dignitaries and dignitaries, built more than 500 villas of various types here, which was the first public concession in Chinese history, known as the "Museum of International Architecture".

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

5. Qujing

Qujing, located in the east of Yunnan, since ancient times is an important gateway to the interior into Yunnan, known as "Yunnan Qian Lock Key", "Yunnan throat", Qujing has a long history, there is a history of more than 2,000 years of establishment, as early as the Three Kingdoms period is the political, economic and cultural center of Yunnan, is the early development of Yunnan region, has a thick historical and cultural accumulation, is one of the birthplaces of ancient civilization in Yunnan.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Qujing altitude of 1881 meters, belongs to the subtropical plateau monsoon climate, pleasant climate, the average annual temperature of 14.5 °C, here no summer heat, is a famous summer city in China, live here, do not need air conditioning, can cool a summer. But winters here are colder than in Kunming, and the winds are slightly stronger, with months being slightly drier.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Qujing mountains and clear waters, excellent ecological environment, but also to the source of the Pearl River unique geographical location famous in the world, here the city scenery is beautiful, the streets are lined with trees, the city sculpture has a unique style, with a strong local cultural color, known as the "city of sculpture".

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

The South City Gate is a landmark building of Qujing City, and the beautiful scenery of Qujing can be seen from the heights.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent
"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Qujing's GDP in 2020 will reach 295.9 billion yuan, ranking second in the province after Kunming in terms of total economic output, and it is a city with a prosperous economy, developed commerce, perfect living facilities, and strong strength in science, education, culture and health. There are Walmart, Carrefour, Jimart and other large supermarkets, and there are 6 top three hospitals, second only to the provincial capital Kunming. The province's first municipal high school and county-level high school are in Qujing. The traffic here is smooth, the Beijing-Kunming Railway, the Shanghai-Kunming High-Speed Railway all pass through the territory, and realize the county-to-county highway, which is the city with the best transportation accessibility in Yunnan, and its comprehensive strength is second only to Kunming, which is a livable city with a balance in all aspects.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Qujing is a low-key livable city. Good climate, good environment, full of urban facilities, but compared to Kunming, Dali, Yuxi, Banna, Lijiang and other popular areas in Yunnan, Qujing appears to be low-key and introverted, the price is relatively low, the pace of life is slow, the current house price is only about 6,000 yuan, the house price is almost half of Kunming, is one of the lowest housing prices in Yunnan, but people here live comfortably and leisurely, the pressure is small, is an undervalued livable city in Yunnan, suitable for the elderly.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Xuanwei ham, a famous specialty of Yunnan, can be compared with Zhejiang Jinhua ham and has an unforgettable delicious taste.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

Luoping rapeseed flowers, every year around the middle of February, here millions of acres of rapeseed flowers bloom, everywhere is a sea of golden flowers, is Yunnan and even the country spring earliest place.

"China's Top 10 Livable Cities" has launched 16 editions of the list, and the top 5 cities on the list are the most frequent

The top five livable cities on the list, do you feel reliable, which one do you like the most?

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