
The "2021 Beijing Role Model" released the weekly list for the fourth week of October

author:Beijing Community Daily
The "2021 Beijing Role Model" released the weekly list for the fourth week of October

The "2021 Beijing Model" large-scale theme event was hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Capital Civilization Office, and hosted by Beijing Radio and Television Station. On October 25, the "Weekly People List" released the 5 groups of weekly people in the fourth week of October.

Tell the good story of China to fuel the Winter Olympics

The "2021 Beijing Role Model" released the weekly list for the fourth week of October

The Beijing Winter Olympics Propaganda Group consists of 60 people, composed of relevant personnel of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee and people from all walks of life, with an age span of 8 to 64 years old.

Over the past four years, the propaganda team has gone deep into all walks of life in various parts of the motherland, into remote areas and Hope Primary Schools, introducing the progress of the Winter Olympics and telling the story of the Winter Olympics. The series of publicity activities marking the first anniversary of the countdown have reached more than 140,000 people, and the short video series "My Story with the Winter Olympics" has a direct audience of more than 100 million people. They also innovated the bilingual model and held special lectures for young people in China from 17 European countries and representatives of overseas Chinese from 55 countries and regions.

Passing on the red gene

Interpret the main melody of the work

The "2021 Beijing Role Model" released the weekly list for the fourth week of October

Li Huan, male, born in November 1980, is an actor in the China Children's Art Theatre.

Li Huan, who has a heroic complex, pays tribute to his ancestors in the form of artistic creation. In order to play the young Ye Jianying, he lost 20 or 30 pounds of weight in a month of fitness; in the "Age of Awakening", he played the role of Yi Baisha, and the make-up scene coincided with the serious epidemic and "Glory and Dreams" was about to start filming, so he did not return home for more than half a year. In the more than four years of preparation for "1950 They Are Young", he and his team went back and forth to Beijing Hebei to interview 48 veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Intimate service double creation

Let scientific and technological resources be shared globally

The "2021 Beijing Role Model" released the weekly list for the fourth week of October

Li Yakun, male, born in March 1982, is the deputy general manager and chairman of the trade union of Beijing Zhongguancun Chuangye Avenue Science and Technology Service Co., Ltd.

Li Yakun promoted the upgrading and transformation of Haidian Book City, making it the first double-creation theme block in China, and has incubated 3841 entrepreneurial teams and continued cooperation with more than 200 global top innovation institutions in 39 countries and regions. He participated in the construction of the country's first double innovation platform and provided more than 200 services; organized enterprise exchange meetings and talent fairs, released more than 120,000 recruitment positions; and completed the transformation and upgrading of Zhongguancun E-world into a traditional electronic store to set a model.

Let the seeds of public welfare turn into civilization and harmony

The "2021 Beijing Role Model" released the weekly list for the fourth week of October

Hu Qizhi, male, born in September 1965, is the head of the Daxing District Enterprise Volunteer Service Association.

23 years ago, when Hu Qizhi put into volunteer service, the team was only 7 people, and now it has developed into 8 volunteer teams with more than 4,000 volunteers, and has carried out various activities thousands of times. Since 2016, he has publicized garbage classification and cherishing water resources through parent-child activities such as "Cycling Day", and more than 200 activities have been held and more than 10,000 participants have been held. During the epidemic period, he organized nearly 5,000 voluntary haircuts for the "volunteer shears", and since 2019, more than 600 families have participated in the "courtesy zebra crossing" parent-child civilization practice organized by him.

Astronomer diving rescue is more heroic

The "2021 Beijing Role Model" released the weekly list for the fourth week of October

Xie Jiatong, male, born in April 1985, is an engineer of the National Astronomical Observatory and the diving director of the special service detachment of the Beijing Emergency Volunteer Service Corps.

After graduation, Xie Jiatong participated in the construction of the "China Sky Eye" project, which lasted for 10 years. In 2012, due to a chance encounter, he became obsessed with diving and became a professional, and has since participated in several emergency rescue scientific research dives. In July 2019, he was invited to participate in the national key project, carrying nearly 100 kilograms of diving equipment every day, and the submersible sampling lasted for 10 days, providing valuable samples for the project. In May this year, he participated in the national "Emergency Mission 2021" inspection exercise, salvaged the falling vehicle, and completed the mission brilliantly.

To recommend role models, please log on to the official website of Beijing Role Models, or pay attention to the "Beijing Role Models" WeChat public account.

Reporter Zhang Meirong

Editor: Guo Boyan

Review: Li Bo

Reviewer: Liu Boyang

Producer: Ding Gang