
Salt shadow plate of the Long Reed Salt Field

Carmine, sunset yellow, dried roses, autumn milk tea, night purple, olive green... A plate of autumn limited "salt shadow plate" is coming, which color do you want to collect? This is not dyed, it is the salt drying brine, under the action of "salt-loving bacteria", the natural reaction is generated, and nature has a magical hand! (via China Central Radio and Television Station Tianjin Terminus)

Salt shadow plate of the Long Reed Salt Field
Salt shadow plate of the Long Reed Salt Field
Salt shadow plate of the Long Reed Salt Field
Salt shadow plate of the Long Reed Salt Field
Salt shadow plate of the Long Reed Salt Field
Salt shadow plate of the Long Reed Salt Field
Salt shadow plate of the Long Reed Salt Field
Salt shadow plate of the Long Reed Salt Field
Salt shadow plate of the Long Reed Salt Field

Source: CCTV