
After the seagull took away the chihuahua, an old man in the United Kingdom said that he had been pecked on the head, and some people suggested feeding the drug

author:Narwhal Workshop

According to British media reports on July 27, after a Chihuahua dog in Devon, England, was taken by a seagull, a British parliamentarian suggested that the seagull be given birth control pills.

After the seagull took away the chihuahua, an old man in the United Kingdom said that he had been pecked on the head, and some people suggested feeding the drug

▲ A chihuahua dog taken away by a seagull

Last week, a Chihuahua dog in Paignton, Devon, was taken away by a seagull in the garden of its home, much to the dismay of its owner, Becca Hill, who even sent a drone to search around.

Now, john Woodcock, an independent member of the Uk Parliament, has called for a "National Seagull Summit" to address the problem of seagull harassment. In addition, he said Brexit could reduce the protection of birds in the UK in order to take more direct measures.

After the seagull took away the chihuahua, an old man in the United Kingdom said that he had been pecked on the head, and some people suggested feeding the drug

John Woodcock

Woodcock said: "The problem of seagull disturbances has been a headache for many years. In some areas, it is feasible to put birth control pills into the seagull thing. He also suggested: "Another option is to replace the eggs of seagulls with fake ones." ”

According to the latest figures, britain's seagull population has quadrupled in the first 15 years of this century. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds declares that although the number of seagulls in the UK is increasing, they should still receive "protective care".

The association also said the most effective way to stop seagulls from nesting in urban areas is not to administer birth control pills, but to reduce their food access to sources and the attractiveness of nesting grounds.

But Woodcock disagrees. He argues that seagulls are overprotected by charities and advises them to focus on truly endangered animals.

"The local community should be allowed to take action against these fat and ferocious urban haters who swoop down on humans, chirp in our cars, snatch food from our hands and disturb our pets," he said. ”

The British magazine Focus also stated that "seagulls have always been aggressive and aggressive", which has never changed.

In addition, a 77-year-old British elderly man, Roy Picard, claimed that the seagulls outside his house pecked at the back of his head because they were protecting his cubs. He then had to go to the hospital for medical treatment.

After the seagull took away the chihuahua, an old man in the United Kingdom said that he had been pecked on the head, and some people suggested feeding the drug

Picard was pecked by a seagull

Although there are not many British people who are harassed or even attacked by seagulls, all species of seagulls are protected by law under the current Wildlife and Country Act 1981 in the United Kingdom. It is illegal to kill or injure any seagull, or even destroy their nest.

(Ye Junhao)

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