
Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Figure | Empty Valley Seeking Fang ©

Monogatari: I'm going to eat well today.

Recently saw a sentence from food writer Fu Xia:

"In the past few years, people have experienced the historical process of 'eating enough' to 'eating well' and then 'eating smart'."


In the past, people really experienced hunger, eating chaff just to survive, just to "eat enough". Later, the wallet was inflated, and those who caught expensive supplements were eager to swallow them all and pursue "eat well".

And now, because eating haysers makes the burden on the body heavier, people want to eat healthy, exquisite and exquisite, so from the traditional food culture, find the ultimate in eating - "eating smart".

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Eating skillfully is not only a delicate diet, but also an attitude of life. A person's three meals are like mirrors, reflecting the quality of the day. Or is it exquisite? It's all up to your heart.

It is better to eat skillfully and eat well.

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly
Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Chinese eat skillfully, coincidentally in the same origin of medicine and food, to supplement the body with food.

Sun Simiao of the Tang Dynasty said: "The source of the disease is known, and the offender is cured by food." Food has medicinal uses, and nourishes the sick and replenishes the body.

Food is the healthiest. Because in the ancient people's concept of diet, people are connected to everything in the world, and each ingredient can correspond to the part of the human body. Experienced people, suffering from minor diseases in life, often first use ingredients for maintenance.

In Guangdong, where there is moisture on the body, they will choose to drink herbal tea or drink old fire soup.

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Photo | Qin Fan photography ©

There is an issue of "China on the Tip of the Tongue" about office workers in Guangzhou, because of their busy work, they sleep late and stay up late, and their faces are yellow. After the parents found out, they concluded that the reason for the child's poor health was that he did not drink soup. So I bought her an electric stew cup and boiled soup to nourish her body.

Cantonese-style old fire soup, coincidentally in the same ingredient, will change according to the four seasons, age physique, and change different soup recipes. The same chicken, Guangdong mother will have dozens of recipes, with bitter melon pineapple, then clear heat and detoxification. When paired with medicinal red ginseng, it nourishes the righteous qi. According to the situation of the family, the ingredients will be carefully mixed.

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Guangdong liang soup does not say "boiling" but "boiling", because boiling soup takes time. Modern people's life is busy, Chinese food is OK, dinner is confused, and it is a luxury to cook a cup of soup in a time-consuming way.

If you can take every meal seriously and carefully, in the busy life, it is already precious.

Because, it is not only the soup that nourishes the body and mind, but also a heart that is serious about facing life.

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly
Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Chinese eat skillfully, eat skillfully in accordance with the times, and nourish the heart.

For thousands of years, eating from time to time has been the secret of Chinese living with nature. In the spring, it eats things that grow hair, such as spring shoots, and in the summer, it eats things that grow, such as watermelon. In the autumn harvest, ripe fruit cores, such as chestnuts, are eaten, and in winter, food from Tibetan soil, such as radish, is eaten.

Heaven and earth are cold and hot, the human body's yin and yang are prosperous and declining, and if the diet is smooth, it is healthy, and vice versa, it is sick. So "Drinking and Eating" mentions:

"In the spring temperature, it is advisable to eat wheat to be cool; in summer, it is advisable to eat it and take it cold; in autumn, it is advisable to eat hemp to moisten its dryness; in winter, it is advisable to eat millet, and it is necessary to cure its cold with heat."

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Old Beijingers are the most particular about eating, Liang Shiqiu said: "Delicious things have a season, enjoy every time according to the order, will be due to natural regulation and not overstepping." ”

Winter in Beijing is not shabu-shabu mutton, there is no soul.

Once the lamb can be relieved, put on a copper stove, wait for the clear soup to roll, then clip a thin and tender piece of lamb, a shabu-shabu is cooked. Then take a dip in the tahini and smooth and fat mouth. Then the second slice of lamb is sandwiched, and it is concocted, and it cannot be stopped at all.

Second, the lamb is warm and nourishing. But only when the winter is cold is the most nourishing time for mutton.

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Because at this time, the family surrounded the stove and hid in the house, and the wind and rain and snow outside his house were heavy, and there were only lamb slices made of copper stove in his eyes, and the heat was steaming. When that bite of lamb went down, the body was warm and the heart was warm.

Eating from time to time is a healthy way to live.

Cold and summer, we perceive the four seasons from the touch of the tongue to food, nourish the body and mind, and become more harmonious with the people and things around us.

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly
Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Chinese's eating skills, more coincidentally in the exquisite attitude of life.

From the homology of medicine and food to the time of eating, we have learned the wisdom of eating in the process of interacting with nature, and behind these methods of eating is precisely a serious heart.

When the writer Fu Xia wrote the sentence "Chinese eat smart", she happened to be in Yangzhou, she said:

"In the East China literati cuisine, from Hangzhou West Lake vinegar fish, Nanjing brine duck, Suzhou Xiangyou eel paste to Taihu Lake lettuce soup, are not as good as a lion's head in Yangzhou."

Without him, it is because Yangzhou people are so particular about food.

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

To make a normal lion's head, the chef does not make a meat sauce, but instead chops the meat by hand into "fish eye grains" just to make the taste more sticky and juicy.

Although Yangzhou lion's head has four seasons, the filling inside is different in all seasons, early spring is freshwater river mussels, after the Qingming Festival, bamboo shoots are added, crab powder is wrapped in autumn, and wind chicken is in late winter.

Exquisite and exquisite, just like Yangzhou's attitude to life.

Wang Zengqi said: "Four-way food, fireworks in the world, food is the most real life." ”

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Eat exquisitely and live exquisitely. Because food is seen in the eyes, tasted in the mouth, really. We find seasonal sensitivities in the seasons of food; from the homology of medicine and food, we live healthier.

More importantly, from eating well, learn the ability to live seriously, as well as the attitude of being exquisite.

It is better to eat smartly, eat well, and live a life that is not in order.

Eat well, it is better to eat smartly

Figure | coolly - 琹 ©

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