
Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

author:It's almost class

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The TV series "The Story of Rose" is popular all over the streets, and both men and women, young and old, are deeply attracted by it. This is not surprising as it tells an inspirational story from which even young children can learn a lot.

Like many people in our lives, the protagonists in the play all have unique skills, but at the same time, they all have their own troubles. Take the heroine Huang Yimei as an example, she is not only outstanding in literature, but also good at martial arts, but her parents are dead, her life is embarrassing, and it is difficult to continue. Fortunately, she later met noble people to help her, regained her courage, and finally overcame all the thorns and thorns and sang all the way.

Such an inspirational plot can't help but make people have a positive attitude towards life again. After reading it, I feel that everyone should set up a lofty ideal, and then strive for it, and don't give up even if there are setbacks, because success and happiness are waiting for us in the near future. I hope you can feel the same power from this and be brave enough to turn your dreams into reality!

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

It's no wonder that this drama quickly became popular after it was broadcast, and it has simply become the object of the whole people's pursuit of dramas. You walk down the street and talk to a few random people, and as soon as you mention it, those comments and feelings will pour out. After people watched it, they were full of praise for it because it resonated and gave the audience a shot in the arm.

Even some of my friends have become fans of it. Every time I watched an episode, they would excitedly come to me to talk about the plot and analyze the characters, and even the frowns of the characters in the play were thoroughly pondered by them. This drama really not only brings a good story to people, but also provides a platform for communication. Inspiring people to forge ahead and promote unity, its charm is really multiple! You see, can it not be popular?

The drama "The Story of Rose" is not an ordinary team, it has gathered a large number of powerful actors, some are veterans who have been in the film and television industry for many years, and some are popular students. This combination lineup is so strong, people are looking forward to its wonderful performance after the broadcast!

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

Let's take the protagonists as an example, the heroine Huang Yimei is the famous movie star Liu Yifei, and her flawless acting skills also make this role lifelike. Looking at the actor Huang Zhenhua again, he is played by veteran actor Tong Dawei, his heroic and extraordinary image is a match made in heaven with this character who has struggled for his family all his life.

There are also many actors in the play who are also unforgettable, such as Fang Xiewen played by Lin Gengxin and Su Gengsheng played by Wan Qian. They are all familiar faces, and each of them has a very distinct role, which is very enjoyable to watch. It can be said that the crew really put a lot of thought into the selection of personnel and attached great importance to every role.

What's even more commendable is that these powerful actors are not only strong, but also show a very high chemistry in the play. Watching them come and go in front of the camera, hurting each other, it is as if they are really in the situation of the characters, and the superb acting skills are amazing.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

I think the reason why this show is so successful is that the cast is really strong. After all, the performance of actors directly affects the quality of a drama, and once the casting is improper, it will inevitably drag down the whole drama. Who would have thought that the actors of "The Story of Rose" are not only top-notch, but also able to show such superb acting skills and excellent tacit cooperation in the play?

Seriously, with such a group of first-line stars joining, "The Story of Rose" has undoubtedly become a luxury drama. I'm sure that as long as it continues to maintain a high level of interpretation, it will definitely become a masterpiece of Mensen, leaving countless classic memories for the audience!

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

In the drama "The Story of Rose", Tong Dawei played a very important role - Huang Zhenhua. He is the brother of the heroine Huang Yimei, whose parents died when he was a child, and he made a living by his own craft, and tried his best to protect his sister to grow up.

If you want to talk about this Huang Zhenhua's character traits, that is, he is loyal and honest, filial piety, and selfless dedication to his relatives. In the play, there are constantly plots of him working hard for his sister and silently taking care of him, which is really touching to watch. Once, in order to find a good job for his sister, he suffered a lot and finally found a well-paid needlework, and his sister's life has improved since then.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

Seeing these plots, you will feel that Tong Dawei interprets this role well. He vividly showed Huang Zhenhua's simple, kind, and caring nature, which made people deeply impressed by this character. Especially in some details, he permeates the emotions of the character, such as frowning when he hears that his sister has been wronged, and a relieved smile on his face when he sees her eating good food, etc. Delicate and nuanced, it can be called superb acting.

In addition, Tong Dawei also shined in the play, showing an image of not fighting back and scolding and not returning the mouth. Once when Huang Zhenhua was bullied, he didn't fight back at all and remained silent, which couldn't help but make people look at him with admiration. It can be seen that Tong Dawei's understanding of the role is so thorough, and he vividly interprets Huang Zhenhua's character traits.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

, Tong Dawei's character image in this drama is impressive. And his wonderful performance also made the quality of the whole drama to a higher level. How can such a good performance not be amazing? I believe that through this drama, his favorability in the hearts of the audience will definitely rise!

In the drama "The Story of Rose", Tong Dawei and Wan Qian can be described as a pair of intimate partners, the two of them sometimes flirt and scold in the play, and sometimes you and I are nong, which makes people feel very happy when they look at it. But the most impressive thing is the kiss scene between them.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

This kiss scene is the climax of the plot, when the hero and heroine finally come together in stumbling, so there is this kiss bridge. To be honest, it was a heart-wrenching scene! Tong Dawei hugged Wan Qian's waist tightly with both hands, and Wan Qian also took the initiative to respond, the two were entangled together, filled with strong love, it was simply an excellent scene in the world.

What's even more surprising is that the director actually arranged for the pair of CPs to have a high-level kiss scene directly in front of the whole group. You read that right, it's a real kiss scene, not a borrowed position or a stunt stand-in. The two kissed at the scene, and the kiss was hearty, not pretentious at all!

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

Even the staff outside the stadium watched it, and they were shocked by their hot kisses, and left the venue with red faces. It can be seen how charming the atmosphere at that time was. Tong Dawei and Wan Qian seemed to be completely immersed in this kiss, completely forgetting everything around them.

Since the kiss scene was broadcast, it has sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Many netizens were stunned by their advanced kissing skills, and left messages saying "too fierce" and "I can't look at them directly". Some people also exaggerated that they are going to be single after watching this scene.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

However, this kiss scene of course also caused some criticism, after all, Tong Dawei is a married old man. Soon, under his wife Guan Yue's social account, he was completely "attacked" by netizens, and the couple's love life was ridiculed everywhere. I wonder how Guan Yue will feel when she sees it?

Speaking of the kiss scene between Tong Dawei and Wan Qian in "The Story of Rose", it really caused an uproar! Especially Tong Dawei's wife, Guan Yue, has become a hot topic among netizens after dinner.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

, Tong Dawei and Guan Yue are a pair of long-lost old husbands and wives, and the relationship between the two is very good. It's just that I didn't expect that a kiss scene of Tong Dawei in the play actually made Guan Yue "exposed" on social platforms overnight.

At that time, Guan Yue posted a group photo on her social account, originally wanting to show everyone her loving life with her husband. Who knows, the comment area was instantly drowned out by the ridicule of netizens.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

"Wow, your husband's kissing skills are really good, let me study hard." "You have to practice more at home, don't be left behind by Wan Qian." "Hurry up, continue to expose your husband's kiss scene tidbits, we are all waiting to see it!"

Looking at the complaints and ridicule all over the screen, Guan Yue couldn't cry or laugh at that time. Who would have thought that a small work kiss scene would cause such a big sensation? And what she didn't expect was that as Tong Dawei's wife, she would also be unexpectedly "exposed" and become the focus of netizens in the eyes of netizens.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

However, Guan Yue is also a person who has not changed her color when Mount Tai collapses in front of her, she was not annoyed and angry at the ridicule of netizens, but replied one by one very calmly, and the humor of her words made netizens have many fans.

Someone said: "Wow, your husband's kiss scene in the play is so hot that I want to be single after watching it!" Guan Yue immediately replied: "Then do you want to consider being a junior for my husband?"

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

Another netizen said: "Do you and Tong Dawei often reproduce the kiss scene in the play at home?" Guan Yue replied: "That's as a conscientious wife, I have to check often to see if his kissing skills are at the beginning."

Seeing Guan Yue's witty and humorous response, netizens also applauded. Many people say that Tong Dawei is an old actor with good acting skills, and it seems that his wife Guan Yue is also a great "Internet celebrity" character!

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