
Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

author:Reliable foodie

Slippery egg shrimp is the Cantonese people's cooking of shrimp and eggs, the taste is smooth and tender, the taste is fresh, adults and children like the taste. Slippery egg shrimp is different from egg scrambled shrimp, omelette shrimp, and egg-wrapped shrimp, and the slippery cooking method is more tender.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

Authentic slippery egg shrimp is easy to make, but more test of craftsmanship and cooking proficiency. The shrimp must be cooked to maturity first, and then scrambled with the egg, the egg is ripe, and the shrimp is also ripe. If you use raw shrimp to directly scramble, the eggs are cooked, and the shrimp are still alive. The second is the cooking heat.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

Southerners' understanding of freshness and tenderness is not something that northerners can understand, and Cantonese chefs have been consulting for a long time, and it is considered successful to do several slippery eggs and shrimp at home, but it feels that the tenderness of eggs is still not enough. Later, I improved my own method and added two spices of ginger and vinegar.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

There are many ways to make slippery egg shrimp, you can add rice wine, salt, water starch to the shrimp to grasp well, put into a 30% hot oil pot, slippery oil can make the shrimp mature, this is the most tender shrimp method, but the amount of oil is too much. Shrimp can be used to mature by means of water, which is not smooth and tender, but the amount of oil is small, which is more in line with the health requirements of modern people.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

The range of shrimp selection is relatively wide, summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of various shrimp, and everyone can choose which shrimp to use according to their own preferences. Kiwei shrimp is tender but relatively small, lobster is more high-end the price is too high for home cooking, Pippi shrimp is less umami than water content is relatively large, shrimp size is suitable for the taste of fresh and tender is the best.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

Ingredients: 250 g prawns, 3 eggs.

Seasoning: Salt 3 g, chives 10 g, ginger 5 g, pepper 2 g, rice wine 5 g, vinegar 5 g, salad oil 30 g.


Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

1: Shell the prawns and take the shrimp kernels; cut the chives into green onion wreaths; and the ginger into minced pieces.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

2: Whisk the eggs into a bowl and beat with salt and pepper.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

3: Pour water and 2 grams of rice wine into the pot and bring to a boil, add the shrimp and add the water, and the shrimp turn red and fish out.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

4. Split the shrimp from the middle and remove the shrimp line. Place in a beaten bowl of beaten eggs and stir well.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

5, the pot on the heat, pour in the salad oil to burn 50% heat, put in the ginger to burst the aroma, turn off the heat, pour in the eggs to slip and scatter, wait for the eggs to solidify and cook into the cooking wine, vinegar, sprinkle green onions and plate.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

The traditional slippery egg shrimp does not add ginger and vinegar, and eats the tenderness of eggs and shrimp. It's just that I feel that shrimp, eggs plus ginger and vinegar will have the feeling of eating seafood, just like eating crab, shrimp with ginger and vinegar taste better. Chives add value and flavor to dishes, yellow, red, white and green, and together they give a sense of hope and vitality.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

Eat slippery egg shrimp, eat the smooth tenderness and umami taste of eggs and shrimp, eggs are tender, shrimp are smooth, not old at all. The key point of making slippery egg shrimp is fast, the temperature of the oil temperature, open the fire and turn off the fire, can not be troublesome, look at the main speed and appearance of the egg solidification.

Guangdong famous dish slippery egg shrimp new method add 2 kinds of spices delicious eggs more smooth and smooth eggs shrimp bright color egg golden yellow shrimp fresh flavor eggs smooth and tender

When the eggs are completely solidified, the dish is ready. When sliding eggs, you can put more oil to prevent the eggs from sticking to the pan, and the eggs are not easy to fry into pieces after sticking to the pan.

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