
Zhuzhou Central Hospital: "Bomb Disposal Unit" in the Operating Room

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment November 8 news (reporter Yan Hong correspondent Zhang Xiyu) a piece of ice heart in the jade pot, leave Dan heart to take care of sweat and blue, the heart has a spirit and a sharp point of communication... The poems about the "heart" in life are like stars in the sky, and in the human body, the heart is the most important core power, the pump of blood. With the development of the economy, people's lives are irregular, and the heart is facing many types of problems, among which aortic dissection is an acute and critical disease that may cause death at any time.

Zhuzhou Central Hospital: "Bomb Disposal Unit" in the Operating Room

Surgical scene.

"The aorta is a blood vessel under the greatest pressure on the human body, the aortic wall is divided into three layers, the inner, middle and outer layers, when the inner membrane is damaged, the blood in the cavity will enter the middle layer from the tearing mouth, separating the aortic wall and forming a false cavity, which is the aortic dissection." Tang Junyi, director of the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery of Zhuzhou Central Hospital, introduced that the outer membrane is the last protective layer, once "lost", the blood "broke the embankment", and people will die in just a few minutes.

All in all, the aortic dissection is dangerous and abnormal, and once it is sick, it is like a time bomb in the body. Found the aortic dissection, how to repair this human railway trunk line? The first task is to remove this "bomb" in time that can detonate at any time.

With the advent of autumn and winter, the number of patients with aortic dissection in Zhuzhou City has increased, and the amount of surgery has become urgent and frequent. In October, the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery of Zhuzhou Central Hospital successfully and independently treated 4 cases of patients with aortic dissection, becoming the vanguard of the "bomb disposal unit".

Zhuzhou Central Hospital: "Bomb Disposal Unit" in the Operating Room

Cardiothoracic and vascular surgery team at the Central Hospital.

Mr. Xiao, 48 years old, had unbearable chest pain and was taken by his family to Zhuzhou Central Hospital and diagnosed with a major artery type A (stanford a type) dissection. The anatomical relationship of some branches of the aortic arch in this patient is more complicated than that of normal ones, with only 3 branch blood vessels in the normal person, and 5 branch blood vessels in the aortic arch, which adds a lot of difficulty to the operation.

Stanford type A aortic dissection is the most dangerous aortic disease, and surgery as soon as possible is currently the main treatment measure to save patients' lives. Tang Junyi, director of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery of the hospital, led the team to immediately discuss the patient's condition and formulate a treatment plan. "With the cooperation of the Department of Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Blood Transfusion, Intensive Care and other departments, we have completed the ascending aorta replacement + full arch replacement + elephant trunk stent implantation of left vertebral artery turnover + right subclavian artery diversion." Tang Junyi told reporters that the operation lasted more than 7 hours, and the patient has now been successfully discharged.

Race against time to solve the crisis, to remove the "bomb" in the body, aortic dissection surgery requires doctors to be as accurate as bomb disposal experts, the general operation time is 5 to 6 hours, often the hospital cardiothoracic and vascular surgery team to fight continuously, do routine surgery during the day, work overtime at night to do emergency treatment, often in the middle of the night to go home. But seeing that their patients can be strong enough to survive the operation, gradually recover, and successfully discharged from the hospital, they are extremely relieved, and they feel that it is worth it to suffer these sufferings and all the burdens.

"In the past, aortic dissection was very rare, one is that the people lack awareness of this disease; second, due to the limitation of medical resources, coupled with unclear diagnosis, some patients have to travel thousands of miles to large hospitals in other places, often delaying the best treatment period." When the aortic dissection appears, only timely surgery can have hope of life, and time and a sophisticated team are the biggest chips to win this life-and-death battle.

After 10 years of tempering, the cardiothoracic and vascular surgery team of Zhuzhou Central Hospital has grown into a first-class team in the province, and is one of the departments that can independently carry out aortic dissection surgery in 14 cities and prefectures in Hunan Province, and the department independently completes about 60 cases of aortic dissection every year, becoming a "benchmark" in the field of aortic dissection in Zhuzhou.

The onset of the aortic dissection is abrupt, which will bring pain that tears the heart and lungs and ordinary people cannot bear. To save patients' lives, there is only "every second counts", and it is necessary to make rapid medical treatment, accurate judgment and timely surgery. Tang Junyi reminded the public to be vigilant, and to seek medical treatment immediately if these symptoms occur, and not to delay for a moment.

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