
Oscar-winning film "Bomb Disposal Unit": Who Is At War?

author:Mom motorcycle

The film "Bomb Disposal Unit" won eight awards in 2010, including the Oscar for Best Picture. Whether you're interested in the subject of war or not, this movie is worth a look.

Oscar-winning film "Bomb Disposal Unit": Who Is At War?

The background of the war is the Iraqi battlefield, and the so-called bomb disposal unit is a unit that specializes in dismantling bombs set by terrorists.

Oscar-winning film "Bomb Disposal Unit": Who Is At War?

Bomb disposal site

The film begins with the brutality of war, where the captain of the bomb disposal unit is killed while defusing the bomb. The new captain, Williams, was a smoker and alcoholic and looked informal. On the first mission, regardless of the safety of the members of the same team, violating the discipline of the bomb disposal unit, it is clear that the bomb can be defused by robots, but he insists on going to the battlefield to defuse the bomb. When he encountered terrorists on the road, Williams only used his pistol to scare off the terrorists, and did not harm the terrorists who were originally Iraqi civilians.

Seeing this, the audience will think that although the protagonist is reckless and defies the rules, he is brave and kind, has a humanitarian spirit, and should be a positive image. But the complexity of human nature is beyond imagination.

At first, the members of the team were hostile to Williams, because he always disregarded their lives and deaths, and would personally defuse the bomb no matter what, and would return to the bomb site with a pair of gloves, and even take off the protective clothing (locker) to defuse the bomb. Later, they were ambushed by terrorists, and Williams reassured the team members to continue fighting (see picture below), giving them food, showing his leadership and kindness.

Oscar-winning film "Bomb Disposal Unit": Who Is At War?

The film uses many shots to represent the cruelty of war. Iraqi bombs are often human bombs or bombs set up by terrorists composed of civilians that explode inadvertently. When Williams saw the body of the lost boy's body bomber, he was so angry that he threw himself out of the camp and rushed into the terrorist territory to get revenge, but he injured his teammates.

Such a contradiction, isn't it? He seems to be indifferent to the lives of others, and he cares about the lives and deaths of others.


All his contradictory manifestations are based on one foundation: he loves to defuse bombs.

He was very good at defusing bombs, and the number of bombs that he successfully defused far exceeded that of everyone. He is extremely excited when he defuses bombs, he can throw away the walkie-talkie in order to concentrate, he can take off his protective clothing when he is hot because of the bomb disposal, and he can disregard his own and other people's lives for the purpose of defusing bombs. Because he liked the work of defusing the bomb itself, the feeling of luck stimulated him, although he did not kill people, he even hated the terrorists who hurt people, but the feeling of putting other people's lives in his own hands when defusing bombs made him intoxicated.

Yes, he just likes to defuse bombs.

Oscar-winning film "Bomb Disposal Unit": Who Is At War?

When he returned to the United States, in the safe and warm home, he said to his son: "You like this, you like that, you like so many things, but as you grow up, you like less and less, and even become one." yes. The only thing he likes to do now is defuse the bomb. When he returned to the battlefield again, from his happy smile, we could feel that he really liked to defuse bombs.

The silent expressions on the faces of those Iraqi onlookers in the camera are thought-provoking. For what, exactly, is it going to war? Why, exactly, did so many people take their lives?

What the director wants to express is that because some people love war, just love war itself.

In the film, an American general kills an innocent Iraqi translator. When he patted Williams appreciatively and gave him a thumbs up, it was chilling.

How many people, like this general, like Williams, love war, and thus wage war?

The director of this film is a female director, she shows the cruelty of war with sharp lenses, contradictory humanity, about war, she gives her own thoughts.

At the end of the film, Williams stands in front of a long row of different brands of milk powder racks in order to buy a can of milk powder. Yes, people who fall into the trap of consumerism, people who have bombs in their stomachs, exist in this world at the same time.

Oscar-winning film "Bomb Disposal Unit": Who Is At War?

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