
They all call me Xie Guangkun, in fact, my name is Tang Jianjun, my master is Zhao Benshan, and my daughter-in-law is Wang Xiaohua who entered the "mountain" gate, and her affection is like that of a sea marrying a wife like "Hua", not counting how many meals Hou Yi ning gave up a few meals, and did not give up the two of them to turn, how much suffering he could bear, how much glory he could get

author:Mr. Himitsu

The Mediterranean Sea, divided on both sides, the Ancient Divine Beast Xie Guangkun.

Left one, right one, Guangkun shot to see blood.

I believe you must know who the protagonist of this article is.

They all call me Xie Guangkun, in fact, my name is Tang Jianjun, my master is Zhao Benshan, and my daughter-in-law is Wang Xiaohua who entered the "mountain" gate, and her affection is like that of a sea marrying a wife like "Hua", not counting how many meals Hou Yi ning gave up a few meals, and did not give up the two of them to turn, how much suffering he could bear, how much glory he could get

That's right, Tang Jianjun, the actor of Xie Guangkun, the first "king" in "Country Love".

"Rural Love" is a "strange flower" in the history of Chinese TV dramas, from the first to the twelfth, it has witnessed the changes in China's rural areas and also witnessed the development of Benshan Media. How earthy it was before, how tide it is now, many people say that the audience of "Country Love" has changed, in fact, it is not, it is the group of children who loved to watch "Country Love" when they were young grown up.

At present, the twelfth part of "Country Love" is being broadcast, and Xie Guangkun, who is a masterpiece, has finally "gone out of the circle". Even many girls want to marry him, so that he can also experience the fear of being "dominated".

They all call me Xie Guangkun, in fact, my name is Tang Jianjun, my master is Zhao Benshan, and my daughter-in-law is Wang Xiaohua who entered the "mountain" gate, and her affection is like that of a sea marrying a wife like "Hua", not counting how many meals Hou Yi ning gave up a few meals, and did not give up the two of them to turn, how much suffering he could bear, how much glory he could get

In fact, this also proves from another angle how profound Xie Guangkun's Tang Jianjun's acting skills are.

Tang Jianjun, after 60, a famous duo turned actor. Before worshiping Zhao Benshan as a teacher, he was already the first person to transfer two people in Liaoning, and later won the gold medal in the Benshan Cup two-person transfer competition, successfully became Zhao Benshan's fourth apprentice, and also served as the head of the Liaoning Folk Art Troupe.

Xie Guangkun is definitely the most successful character in Tang Jianjun's acting career. With his profound acting skills, he played Xie Guangkun's "people want to eliminate harm when they see it, and the car will burst the tire when it sees it". But the personality of Tang Jianjun in life is far from Xie Guangkun's personality, he is an honest and responsible rural person, even if he becomes famous, he has not faded the simplicity and simplicity of his body.

Looking back on the first half of his life, Tang Jianjun has always been thanking his master and wife, but he forgot to thank himself for his insistence and love for the two.

As the old saying goes: "The parent who gives birth to me, the master who teaches me", in ancient times, the teacher and the student were like father and son, the teacher was the true teacher, the student was the true learning, the teacher regarded the student as his own child, and the student regarded the teacher as his second parent.

Zhao Benshan once said in the program that he spent more time with his apprentices than with his family, so they have a deep affection between them. For Tang Jianjun, Zhao Benshan was his second father, he often hung up on his master, and it was easy to see his admiration and admiration for Zhao Benshan from his face.

They all call me Xie Guangkun, in fact, my name is Tang Jianjun, my master is Zhao Benshan, and my daughter-in-law is Wang Xiaohua who entered the "mountain" gate, and her affection is like that of a sea marrying a wife like "Hua", not counting how many meals Hou Yi ning gave up a few meals, and did not give up the two of them to turn, how much suffering he could bear, how much glory he could get

The reason why he admired Zhao Benshan so much was because Zhao Benshan gave him a completely different life.

Tang Jianjun once mentioned in an interview: "The biggest credit for the fact that "Country Love" can achieve such a past as it is today is not their actors, but their master, the director of this play, Zhao Benshan."

Most of these actors are from the duo, although active on various stages, but never face the camera, let alone acting. There is a clear difference between the performance method of the two people and the performance method of the TV series, when Tang Jianjun first filmed, his facial muscles were stiff to the point of trembling and there was no way to say the lines, and now he is familiar with the audience's "angry half dead", which is absolutely inseparable from the director's tuning.

They all call me Xie Guangkun, in fact, my name is Tang Jianjun, my master is Zhao Benshan, and my daughter-in-law is Wang Xiaohua who entered the "mountain" gate, and her affection is like that of a sea marrying a wife like "Hua", not counting how many meals Hou Yi ning gave up a few meals, and did not give up the two of them to turn, how much suffering he could bear, how much glory he could get

In "Country Love", the early Xie Guangkun, who was screaming, used extremely exaggerated action lines to fit the character; and now Xie Guangkun has removed the exaggerated expressions and actions and began to really use his heart to shape this role. Although this role is very unpleasant, but everyone must not forget that when Yongqiang was paralyzed, Tang Jianjun performed a father figure of remorse, pain but did not give up, and silently endured.

Therefore, in Tang Jianjun's heart, his master is a real "director", not only taught them how to read the script, how to figure out the characters, but also taught them how to act.

Tang Jianjun while starring in the TV series, but also by Zhao Benshan entrusted with a heavy responsibility, let him serve as the head of the Liaoning Folk Art Troupe, which is enough to see Zhao Benshan's recognition of Tang Jianjun, this is not an ordinary position, your two people turn their skills, performance strength, for people to be strong in the world to be able to hold the field; as we all know, the two turn actors have always been in the form of husband and wife files to fight alone, so they are more or less with the atmosphere of the jianghu, of course, it is not easy to manage.

They all call me Xie Guangkun, in fact, my name is Tang Jianjun, my master is Zhao Benshan, and my daughter-in-law is Wang Xiaohua who entered the "mountain" gate, and her affection is like that of a sea marrying a wife like "Hua", not counting how many meals Hou Yi ning gave up a few meals, and did not give up the two of them to turn, how much suffering he could bear, how much glory he could get

But Tang Jianjun did not live up to Zhao Benshan's expectations of him, and under his leadership, their troupe was slowly on the right track, the cohesion between the members of the troupe was also constantly increasing, and the entire industry of the duo was more mature.

It has been 19 years since Tang Jianjun entered Zhao Benshan's door, and these 19 years have been a completely new life for Tang Jianjun, from an ordinary duo actor to a film and television celebrity who "makes heaven and earth", from an ordinary rural boy to the leader of the art troupe, which is inseparable from his own efforts, but what is even more inseparable is the guidance and support of his master.

Zhao Benshan once told his apprentice that the reason why their troupe has been able to get to this day is that they must not forget the poor children who came out of the countryside, the many bumps in their own career path, and even more can not forget their own leaders. Tang Jianjun never forgot these words, nor did he dare to forget them.

If Zhao Benshan is the first person that Tang Jianjun should be most grateful for in his life, then his wife Wang Xiaohua is the second person he should be most grateful for.

We often listen to the old saying that "behind every successful man there is a woman who pays silently", and the word "silent" is appropriate to describe Wang Xiaohua.

They all call me Xie Guangkun, in fact, my name is Tang Jianjun, my master is Zhao Benshan, and my daughter-in-law is Wang Xiaohua who entered the "mountain" gate, and her affection is like that of a sea marrying a wife like "Hua", not counting how many meals Hou Yi ning gave up a few meals, and did not give up the two of them to turn, how much suffering he could bear, how much glory he could get

Also as a two-person actor, Wang Xiaohua has less noise and more introvertedness and calmness.

As a member of the TV series "Country Love", Wang Xiaohua plays Xie Yongqiang's mother-in-law and Wang Xiaomeng's mother. In the play, she is gentle and virtuous, speaking and doing things slowly and leisurely, although there is no particularly strong sense of existence, but also has a charm that is difficult to ignore; the same is true of her in real life, her quiet and calm and Tang Jianjun form a very sharp contrast.

Because her husband's work is relatively busy, so Wang Xiaohua rarely performs on stage, more often to take care of the family alone, whether it is the sudden death of her mother-in-law, or the hospitalization of her father-in-law's cancer, before and after she is taken care of alone, it is precisely so that Tang Jianjun is more heart-wrenching and lung-digging for her.

I thought that the days had passed so steadily, and I didn't think about the fourth year of their marriage, Wang Xiaohua found that due to family genetic reasons, herbaceous fertility was low, which was fatal to a traditional rural woman. After she knew it, her first consideration was to divorce Tang Jianjun, and she did not want to delay Tang Jianjun's life.

But Tang Jianjun told her: "What can be born and cannot be born, you and I meet once, that is all fate, how can we be separated easily because of this!" ”

In the years that followed, Wang Xiaohua drank Chinese medicine bowl by bowl, drinking until she threw up, and in her heart, as long as it was helpful to her condition, no matter how bitter she could endure; but the suffering of these medicines was nothing compared with the gossip of the outside world.

After Tang Jianjun worshiped Zhao Benshan as a teacher, many people laughed at Wang Xiaohua behind his back, saying that "Tang Jianjun married a person who could not have children, and also learned what drama and practice, and later people specified that they did not want her", these words were like knives, stabbing Wang Xiaohua's heart, but she did not decadence and give up.

They all call me Xie Guangkun, in fact, my name is Tang Jianjun, my master is Zhao Benshan, and my daughter-in-law is Wang Xiaohua who entered the "mountain" gate, and her affection is like that of a sea marrying a wife like "Hua", not counting how many meals Hou Yi ning gave up a few meals, and did not give up the two of them to turn, how much suffering he could bear, how much glory he could get

In a performance, Wang Xiaohua found out that she was pregnant after going to the hospital for examination because of her physical discomfort, and the great joy instantly stunned the two, and their long-awaited wish was finally realized.

This simple couple will not express their love romantically like a young man, they tell each other with practical actions, I love you is to do my best to give birth to a child for you, I love you is no matter how much wind and rain you experience.

When marrying a wife like Wang Xiaohua, do not worry about makeup and gold and silver.

The two-person actor of that era was basically born into poverty, and the same was true of Tang Jianjun's family, who came from a remote village in the northeast and did not wear autumn clothes and autumn pants before going to junior high school.

When he was 16 years old and went out to study art, his father used the money he earned from playing basketball for the school to buy him a blue and white Zhongshan suit, a pink autumn coat and autumn pants, and a pair of yellow rubber shoes, which was the first time in his life that he had these good things.

They all call me Xie Guangkun, in fact, my name is Tang Jianjun, my master is Zhao Benshan, and my daughter-in-law is Wang Xiaohua who entered the "mountain" gate, and her affection is like that of a sea marrying a wife like "Hua", not counting how many meals Hou Yi ning gave up a few meals, and did not give up the two of them to turn, how much suffering he could bear, how much glory he could get

Poor children have long been in charge, Tang Jianjun has been sensible since he was a child, when he goes out to study, he can save the province, eat a meal a day, and the hungry one is not able to mix soy sauce with clean water noodles. No place to stay in the park and the station fool around.

No money to eat with the little friends to go to the road to act, whether you can eat a full meal depends on the mood of passers-by. Although the experience of learning art is very tragic, it does not stop his love for the two people, and it is this love and persistence that has made it so successful today.

Tang Jianjun was born on the stage, he knew what he loved when he was young, as long as he was on the stage, he was particularly devoted, immersed in the warm atmosphere of the scene, even if he accidentally touched the nail on his head, he didn't care if he was full of blood; although many people looked down on the two people at that time, he was still willing to eat. Now that it has mixed up a lot of world, it can also be regarded as punching the face of the person who watched the joke at that time.

They all call me Xie Guangkun, in fact, my name is Tang Jianjun, my master is Zhao Benshan, and my daughter-in-law is Wang Xiaohua who entered the "mountain" gate, and her affection is like that of a sea marrying a wife like "Hua", not counting how many meals Hou Yi ning gave up a few meals, and did not give up the two of them to turn, how much suffering he could bear, how much glory he could get

Guo Degang said that if a person wants to be famous, he must have three elements, one is his own efforts, Tang Jianjun has done it, the second is the promotion of nobles, Zhao Benshan is his nobleman, the third is the opportunity, and "Rural Love" is his opportunity.

Although he did not appear on the Spring Festival Gala like Xiao Shenyang and Liu Neng, he still went out of the northeast and into China through his own way.

He succeeded and developed, but he was still as simple and simple as before, and he would definitely perform as long as he had time. In fact, gratitude and contentment are more important for him than seizing opportunities.

Xie Guangkun is really annoying, but Tang Jianjun is really attracting people to like, he always thanks his master and wife in the show, in fact, he should also thank himself for so many years of hard work.

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It's okay to move, but remember to delete this sentence.

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