

Status of This Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


   This memo describes an RTP Payload format for the ITU-T

   Recommendation H.264 video codec and the technically identical

   ISO/IEC International Standard 14496-10 video codec.  The RTP payload

   format allows for packetization of one or more Network Abstraction

   Layer Units (NALUs), produced by an H.264 video encoder, in each RTP

   payload.  The payload format has wide applicability, as it supports

   applications from simple low bit-rate conversational usage, to

   Internet video streaming with interleaved transmission, to high bit-

   rate video-on-demand.


   1.  介绍        ........................................  3

       1.1.  H.264 Codec    ...............................  3

       1.2.  参数集概念         ...........................  4

       1.3.  网络抽象层单元类型............................  5

   2.  约定       .........................................  6

   3.  范围 ...............................................  6

   4.  定义和缩写         .................................  6

       4.1.  定义     .....................................  6

   5.  RTP 荷载格式   .....................................  8

       5.1.  RTP 头的使用..................................  8

       5.2.  RTP荷载格式的公共使用           .............. 11

       5.3.  NAL单言字节的用法 ............................ 12

       5.4.  打包方式  .................................... 14

       5.5.  解码顺序号  (DON)............................. 15

       5.6.  单个NAL单元包................................. 18

       5.7.  复合包       ................................. 18

       5.8.  分片单元 (FUs) ............................... 27

   6.  分包规则         ................................... 31

       6.1.  公共分包规则    .............................. 31

       6.2.  单个NAL单元方式............................... 32

       6.3.  非交错方式     ............................... 32

       6.4.  交错方式       ............................... 33

   7.  打包过程 (信息)             ........................ 33

       7.1.  单NAL单元和非交错方式         ................ 33

       7.2.  交错方式       ............................... 34

       7.3.  附加的打包原则              .................. 36

   8.  荷载格式参数     ................................... 37

       8.1.  MIME 注册 .................................... 37

       8.2.  SDP 参数...................................... 52

       8.3.  例子.......................................... 58

       8.4.  参数集考虑        ............................ 60

   9.  安全考虑     ....................................... 62

   10. 拥塞控制............................................ 63

   11. IANA考虑 ........................................... 64

   12. 信息化附录: 应用例子            .................... 65

       12.1. 根据ITU-T H.241 附录A的视频电话............... 65

       12.2. 没有分片数据分区,没有NAL单元聚合的视频电话... 65

       12.3. 使用NAL单元聚合交错打包的视频电话............. 66

       12.4. 使用数据分区的视频电话      .................. 66

       12.5. 使用FU和向前纠错的视频电话和流................ 67

       12.6. 低位率流    .................................. 69

       12.7. 视频流中健壮的包调度             ............. 70

   13. 信息化附录:解码顺序号的原理                    ..... 71

       13.1. 介绍.......................................... 71

       13.2. 多图像片断交错的例子             ............. 71

       13.3. 健壮包调度的例子          .................... 73

       13.4. 冗余编码片断健壮传输调度的例子................ 77

       13.5. 其它设计可能的提醒         ................... 77

   14. 致谢  .............................................. 78

   15. 参考 ............................................... 78

       15.1. 标准化参考.................................... 78

       15.2. 参考性的参考.................................. 79

   作者地址................................................ 81

   完全版权声明  .......................................... 83

1.  介绍

1.1.  H.264 Codec

   本文指定一个RTP荷载规范用于ITU-T H.264 视频编码标准(ISO/IEC 14496 Part 10 [2])(两个都称为高级视频编码

   AVC).  H.264建议在2005年5月被ITU-T采纳, 草案规范对于公共回顾可用[8]. 本文H.264 缩写用于codec和标准,但是

   本文等价于采纳 ISO/IEC相似的编码标准.

   H.264 视频 codec又非常广泛的应用覆盖所有格式的数字压缩视频格式,从低带宽的Internet流应用到HDTV广播和数字

   影院应用。和当前的技术状态比较, 整个H.264的性能被报告节省50%的位率。例如,数字卫星TV质量被报告在1.5 Mbit/s,

   就可以实现,而当前的MPEG 2的操作点在大约3.5 Mbit/s [9].

   该codec规范自己概念上区分[1]视频编码层(VCL)和网络抽象层(NAL). VCL包含Codec的信令处理功能;以及如转换,量化,


   图像间预测和残余信号的转换编码。VCL编码器输出片断: 一个位串包含整数数目宏快的宏块数据,以及片断头信息(包含

   片断内第一个宏快的空间地址, 初始量化参数以及相似信息). 片断内的宏快按照扫描顺序安排,除非指定一个不同的宏块

   分配,通过使用被称为灵活宏块顺序语法Flexible Macroblock Ordering syntax.图像内的预测只用于一个片断内部。更多


   (NAL)编码器封装VCL编码器输出的片断到网络抽象层单元(NAL units),它适合于通过包网路传输或用于面向包的多路复用

   环境。H.264的附录B定义封装过程传输这样的NAL单元通过面向字节流的网络。本文档范围, 附录 B 不相关的。 

   NAL使用NAL单元. 一个NAL单元由一字节的头和荷载字节串组成。 头指示NAL单元的类型, 是否有位错误或语法冲突在NAL



   时间的, 并且H.264语法没有运送如跳过帧数目(在早期视频压缩标准,时间参考格式中是普遍的)信息.同时,有的NAL单元



1.2.  参数集概念

   H.264一个非常基本的设计概念是产生自包含包, 使得如RFC2429的头重复或MPEG-4的头扩展编码(HEC)[11]机制变得不必要。









1.3.  网络抽象层单元类型

   可以在[12], [13],[14]中找到关于NAL设计的学习信息.






      |F|NRI|  Type   |

   NAL单元类型字节部件的语义在H.264规范中制定, 简要描述如下.

   F: 1 bit

      forbidden_zero_bit.  H.264规范声明设置为1指示语法违例。

   NRI: 2 bits

      nal_ref_idc.  00值指示NAL单元的不用于帧间图像预测的重构参考图像。这样的NAL单元可以被丢弃而不用冒参考


   Type: 5 bits

      nal_unit_type.  本部件指定NAL单元荷载类型定义在[1]的表 7-1中和本文后面。为了参考所有当前定义的NAL单元类型

      和他们的语义,参考 [1]的7.4.1.

   本文引入新的NAL单元类型,在5.2演示.  定义在本文的NAL单元类型在[1]中标记为未指定。但是,本规范扩展了F和 NRI的


2.  Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",


   document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC 2119 [3].

   This specification uses the notion of setting and clearing a bit when

   bit fields are handled.  Setting a bit is the same as assigning that

   bit the value of 1 (On).  Clearing a bit is the same as assigning

   that bit the value of 0 (Off).

3.  Scope

   This payload specification can only be used to carry the "naked"

   H.264 NAL unit stream over RTP, and not the bitstream format

   discussed in Annex B of H.264.  Likely, the first applications of

   this specification will be in the conversational multimedia field,

   video telephony or video conferencing, but the payload format also

   covers other applications, such as Internet streaming and TV over IP.

4.  定义和缩写

4.1.  定义

   本文档使用[1]中的定义. 为了方便以下定义在[1]中的词语总结出来:

      access unit: 一组NAL单元总包括一个主要的编码图像。除了主要的编码图像,一个 access unit也可以包含

      一个或多个冗余编码图像或其他的不包括片断或编码图像片断分区数据的NAL单元 。access unit的解码总是


      coded video sequence: A sequence of access units that consists, in

      decoding order, of an instantaneous decoding refresh (IDR) access

      unit followed by zero or more non-IDR access units including all

      subsequent access units up to but not including any subsequent IDR

      access unit.

      IDR access unit: An access unit in which the primary coded picture

      is an IDR picture.

      IDR picture: A coded picture containing only slices with I or SI

      slice types that causes a "reset" in the decoding process.  After

      the decoding of an IDR picture, all following coded pictures in

      decoding order can be decoded without inter prediction from any

      picture decoded prior to the IDR picture.

      primary coded picture: The coded representation of a picture to be

      used by the decoding process for a bitstream conforming to H.264.

      The primary coded picture contains all macroblocks of the picture.

      redundant coded picture: A coded representation of a picture or a

      part of a picture.  The content of a redundant coded picture shall

      not be used by the decoding process for a bitstream conforming to

      H.264.  The content of a redundant coded picture may be used by

      the decoding process for a bitstream that contains errors or


      VCL NAL unit: A collective term used to refer to coded slice and

      coded data partition NAL units.

   In addition, the following definitions apply:

      decoding order number (DON): A field in the payload structure, or

      a derived variable indicating NAL unit decoding order.  Values of

      DON are in the range of 0 to 65535, inclusive.  After reaching the

      maximum value, the value of DON wraps around to 0.

      NAL unit decoding order: A NAL unit order that conforms to the

      constraints on NAL unit order given in section in [1].

      transmission order: The order of packets in ascending RTP sequence

      number order (in modulo arithmetic).  Within an aggregation

      packet, the NAL unit transmission order is the same as the order

      of appearance of NAL units in the packet.

      media aware network element (MANE): A network element, such as a

      middlebox or application layer gateway that is capable of parsing

      certain aspects of the RTP payload headers or the RTP payload and

      reacting to the contents.

         Informative note: The concept of a MANE goes beyond normal

         routers or gateways in that a MANE has to be aware of the

         signaling (e.g., to learn about the payload type mappings of

         the media streams), and in that it has to be trusted when

         working with SRTP.  The advantage of using MANEs is that they

         allow packets to be dropped according to the needs of the media

         coding.  For example, if a MANE has to drop packets due to

         congestion on a certain link, it can identify those packets

         whose dropping has the smallest negative impact on the user

         experience and remove them in order to remove the congestion

         and/or keep the delay low.


      DON:        解码顺序号

      DONB:       解码顺序基

      DOND:       解码顺序号差

      FEC:        向前纠错

      FU:         分片单元

      IDR:        瞬间解码刷新

      IEC:        国际电子委员会

      ISO:        国际标准化组织

      ITU-T:      国际电联-通信标准部门

      MANE:       美提感知网络元素

      MTAP:       多时刻聚合包

      MTAP16:     16位时戳位移的MTAP

      MTAP24:     24位时戳位移的MTAP

      NAL:        网络抽象层

      NALU:       NAL单元

      SEI:        补充增强信息

      STAP:       单时刻聚合包

      STAP-A:     STAP类型A

      STAP-B:     STAP类型B

      TS:         时戳

      VCL:        视频编码层

5.  RTP 荷载格式

5.1.  RTP头的使用

   RTP 头的格式在RFC 3550 [4]中指定为了方便在图1又显示出来。本载荷格式使用头中域的方式和该规范一致。

   当一个 NAL 单元封装在每个RTP包中, 推荐的RTP荷载格式在5.6节指定。对于聚合包/分片包的RTP荷载 (以及


       0                   1                   2                   3

       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


      |V=2|P|X|  CC   |M|     PT      |       sequence number         |

      |                           timestamp                           |

      |           synchronization source (SSRC) identifier            |


      |            contributing source (CSRC) identifiers             |

      |                             ....                              |

                       图 1.  RTP 头。


   Marker bit (M): 1 bit







   Payload type (PT): 7 bits



   Sequence number (SN): 16 bits

      根据RFC 3550设置使用. 对于单个NALU与非交错打包方式, 序号用于对定NALU解码顺序。

   Timestamp: 32 bits

      RTP时戳设置为内容的采样时戳。必须使用90 kHz 时钟频率。

      如果NAL单元没有他自己的时间属性(即,parameter set and SEI NAL units),RTP时戳设置成访问单元主编码图像





      RTP发送者你不应该传送图像时间 SEI消息对于不支持被显示成多个场的图像。

      如果一个访问单元有多于一个显示时戳在图像时间SEI消息中, SEI消息中的信息应该被对待成相对于RTP时戳的,

      最早事件发生在RTP时戳给定的时间, 后续事件发生的时间由SEI消息中图像时间值差给定。假设tSEI1, tSEI2, ...,

      tSEIn 为SEI消息中运送的显示时间戳, 其中tSEI1 是所有这样时间戳的最早值。tmadjst()是一个函数,他调整

      SEI消息时间到90-kHz时间.TS是RTP时戳.则,和tSEI1关联的显示时间是TS. 和tSEIx[x=[2..n]]关联事件的显示时间为 

      TS + tmadjst (tSEIx - tSEI1).

         注释: 在一个3:2折叠的操作中需要显示编码的帧作为场, 在其中组成编码帧的电影内容使用隔行扫描显示。



         注释:因为H.264允许解码顺序可以和显示顺序不同, RTP时戳的值针对于RTP序号可以不是单调非减的。而且

         RTCP报告中的抖动区间值可以不是网络性能问题的指示, as the calculation rules

         for interarrival jitter (section 6.4.1 of RFC 3550) assume that

         the RTP timestamp of a packet is directly proportional to its

         transmission time.

5.2. RTP 荷载格式的公共结构



   NAL单元类型指示目前使用那个结构. 可能的结构如下:

   单个NAL单元包: 荷载中只包含一个NAL单元。NAL头类型域等于原始 NAL单元类型,即在范围1到23之间. 5.6指定

   聚合包: 本类型用于聚合多个NAL单元到单个RTP荷载中。本包有四种版本,单时间聚合包类型A (STAP-A), 单时间

   聚合包类型B (STAP-B), 多时间聚合包类型(MTAP)16位位移(MTAP16), 多时间聚合包类型(MTAP)24位位移(MTAP24)。

   赋予STAP-A, STAP-B, MTAP16, MTAP24的NAL单元类型号分别是 24, 25, 26, 27。见5.7.

   分片单元: 用于分片单个NAL单元到多个RTP包。现存两个版本FU-A,FU-B,用NAL单元类型 28,29标识。见5.8.

   Table 1.  单元类型以及荷载结构总结

      Type   Packet    Type name                        Section


      0      undefined                                    -

      1-23   NAL unit  Single NAL unit packet per H.264   5.6

      24     STAP-A    Single-time aggregation packet     5.7.1

      25     STAP-B    Single-time aggregation packet     5.7.1

      26     MTAP16    Multi-time aggregation packet      5.7.2

      27     MTAP24    Multi-time aggregation packet      5.7.2

      28     FU-A      Fragmentation unit                 5.8

      29     FU-B      Fragmentation unit                 5.8

      30-31  undefined                                    -

      注释: 本规范没有限制封装在单个NAL单元包和分片单元的大小。封装在聚合包中的 NAL单元大小为65535字节。

5.3.  NAL单元字节使用



      forbidden_zero_bit.  A value of 0 indicates that the NAL unit type

      octet and payload should not contain bit errors or other syntax

      violations.  A value of 1 indicates that the NAL unit type octet

      and payload may contain bit errors or other syntax violations.

      MANEs SHOULD set the F bit to indicate detected bit errors in the

      NAL unit.  The H.264 specification requires that the F bit is

      equal to 0.  When the F bit is set, the decoder is advised that

      bit errors or any other syntax violations may be present in the

      payload or in the NAL unit type octet.  The simplest decoder

      reaction to a NAL unit in which the F bit is equal to 1 is to

      discard such a NAL unit and to conceal the lost data in the

      discarded NAL unit.

      nal_ref_idc.  0值和非零值的语义与H.264规范保持一致。换句话,00值指示NAL单元的内容不用于重建引用图像的



      除了上面指定的外, 根据本RTP荷载规范, 大于00的NRI值指示相对传输优先级, 象编码器决定的一样。 MANE可以使用

      本信息保护更重要的NAL单元。最高的传输优先级是11, 依次是 10, 01;00 最低。

         注释: 任何非零的NRI在H.264 解码器的处理是相同的。因此,接收者在传送NAL单元给解码器时不必操作NRI的值。

      H.264编码器必须根据H.264规范设置NRI值(subclause 7.4.1)当nal_unit_type 范围的是1到12. 特别是, H.264规范


      对于nal_unit_type等于7,8 (指示顺序参数集或图像参数集)的NAL单元,H.264编码器应该设置NRI为11 (二进制格式)

      对于nal_unit_type等于5的主编码图像的编码片NAL单元(指示编码片属于一个IDR图像), H.264编码器应设置NRI为11。


      以及使用的H.264/AVC Annex A profile.

         注释: 在某些profile中数据分区不可用,即 , 在Main或Baseline profiles. 因此, nal单元类型2, 3,4 只出现在

         视频流符合数据分区被允许的profile情况下,不会出现在符合MAIN/Baseline profile的流中。

      Table 2.  编码片和主编码参考图像数据分区的编码片的NRI值的例子

      NAL Unit Type     Content of NAL unit              NRI (binary)


       1              non-IDR coded slice                         10

       2              Coded slice data partition A                10

       3              Coded slice data partition B                01

       4              Coded slice data partition C                01

         注释: 像以前提起的, 非参考图像NRI值是00.

      H.264编码器应该设置冗余编码参考图像的编码片和编码片分区NAL单元的NRI值为01 (二进制格式).




5.4.  打包方式


      o 单NAL单元方式

      o 非交错方式

      o 交错方式

   单NAL单元方式目标是常规的系统,该系统兼容ITU-T H.241 [15] (12.1). 非交错方式目标是常规系统,可以不符合

   ITU-T H.241建议.在非交错方式, NAL单元按照NAL单元解码顺序传送。交错模式目标是不要求非常低端到端延迟的系统。


   使用的打包方式可以通过OPTIONAL packetization-mode MIME参数的值指定或外部手段。使用的打包方式控制那个NAL

   单元类型在RTP荷载中允许。表3 总结对每个打包方式允许的NAL单元类型。有些NAL单元类型值(在表3中指示为没有定义)

   保留为将来扩展. 那些类型的NAL单元不应该被发送者发送,接受者必须忽略他们。例如:

   1-23, 相关的包类型"NAL unit",允许出现在 "单NAL单元方式" 和"非交错方式", 不允许在"交错方式".


   表 3.  每个打包方式允许的NAL单元类型总结(yes = 允许, no = 不允许, ig = 忽略)

      Type   Packet    Single NAL    Non-Interleaved    Interleaved

                       Unit Mode           Mode             Mode


      0      undefined     ig               ig               ig

      1-23   NAL unit     yes              yes               no

      24     STAP-A        no              yes               no

      25     STAP-B        no               no              yes

      26     MTAP16        no               no              yes

      27     MTAP24        no               no              yes

      28     FU-A          no              yes              yes

      29     FU-B          no               no              yes

      30-31  undefined     ig               ig               ig

5.5.  解码顺序号(DON)

   在交错打包方式, NAL单元的传输顺序允许和NAL单元的解码顺序不同。解码顺序号(DON)是荷载结构中的一个域

   或一个获得变量指示NAL单元的解码顺序。 不按解码顺序传输的例子和原理以及DON的使用见13节。

   传输和解码顺序的耦合由OPTIONAL sprop-interleaving-depth MIME参数控制,见下。当OPTIONAL sprop-interleaving-depth

   MIME 参数的值等于0 (明确或缺省) 或者外部手段不允许传输NAL单元顺序不同于他们的解码顺序, NAL单元的

   传输顺序必须和他们的解码顺序一致。当OPTIONAL sprop-interleaving-depth MIME参数的值大于0或者传输NAL单元


   o  在MTAP16/MTAP24中的NAL单元顺序不要求是NAL单元的解码顺序

   o  在两个连续包中的STAP-B, MTAP,FU解嵌套产生的NAL单元序号不要求是NAL单元解码序号。

   用于单NAL单元包 STAP-A和FU-A的RTP荷载结构不包含DON.  STAP-B,FU-B结构包含DON, MTAP结构允许推导DON象5.7.2指定的一样.

      注释:档FU-A出现在交错方式,后边总跟一个FU-B, 他设置自己的DON.

      注释: 一个传输器想封装单个NAL单元每个包并且传输包不按照他们的解码顺序,可以使用STAP-B包类型。

   在单个NAL单元打包方式, NAL单元的传输顺序,由RTP顺序号确定, 必须和他们的NAL单元解码序号一致。

   在非交错打包方式中, 在单NAL单元包,STAP-A,FU-A中NAL单元的传输顺序必须和他们的NAL单元解码顺序一致.

   在一个STAP中的NAL单元必须按照他们的NAL单元解码顺序出现。因此,解码顺序首先由STAP隐含顺序提供, 第二

   通过RTP序号提供(对于STAPs, FUs, 单个NAL unit包之间的)。

   对于运送在STAP-B, MTAP以及FU-B开始的一些列分片单元中的NAL单元的DON值的信令在5.7.1, 5.7.2, 指定5.8。

   传输顺序中的NAL单元的第一个DON值可以设置成任何值,DON值的范围是0到65535。到达最大值后, DON的值回绕到0.

   包含在STAP-B, MTAP,或FU-B开始的一系列分片单元中的两个NAL单元的解码顺序按照如下确定:

   DON(i)是索引为i传输顺序的解码顺序号. 函数don_diff(m,n)定义如下:

      If DON(m) == DON(n), don_diff(m,n) = 0

      If (DON(m) < DON(n) and DON(n) - DON(m) < 32768),

      don_diff(m,n) = DON(n) - DON(m)

      If (DON(m) > DON(n) and DON(m) - DON(n) >= 32768),

      don_diff(m,n) = 65536 - DON(m) + DON(n)

      If (DON(m) < DON(n) and DON(n) - DON(m) >= 32768),

      don_diff(m,n) = - (DON(m) + 65536 - DON(n))

      If (DON(m) > DON(n) and DON(m) - DON(n) < 32768),

      don_diff(m,n) = - (DON(m) - DON(n))

   don_diff(m,n)正值指示具有传输顺序n的NAL单元解码顺序跟在具有传输顺序m的NAL单元后面。 don_diff(m,n)等于0



   DON相关域的值(DON, DONB, and DOND; 5.7)必须使得上面指定的DON的值确定的解码器顺序号符合NAL单元解码序号。

   如果两个NAL解码单元顺序的NAL单元交换,新的顺序号不符合NAL单元解码顺序,NAL单元不可以有相同的DON值. 如果


   DON值。例如:当使用的视频编码profile允许任意分片顺序, 一个编码图像的所有编码片的NAL单元可以有相同的DON

   值。因此,相同DON值的 NAL单元可以按照任何顺序解码,有不同DON值的NAL单元应该按照上面指定的顺序传递给解码器。

   当两个连续的NAL单元解码顺序的NAL单元有不同的DON值, 第二个NAL单元的DON应该是第一个NAL单元的DON值加1。


      注: 接收者不应该预测两个解码顺序号连续的NAL的DON值的绝对差等于1,甚至在没有错误的传输过程。

      没有要求增加1,就像关联DON的值到NAL单元的时间一样, 不可能知道所有NAL单元是否分发给接收者。例如:

      一个网关可以不转发非引用的编码的NAL片或SEI NAL 单元,当需要转发的网络带宽不足时。;另外的例子:


      当传送第一个内帧时,发送者不能精确知道在解码顺序后的第一个内帧前,有多少NAL单元被编码。因此, 预编码


5.6.  单个NAL单元包




      注: NAL单元的第一字节和RTP荷载头第一个字节重合。

      |F|NRI|  type   |                                               |

      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                               |

      |                                                               |

      |               Bytes 2..n of a Single NAL unit                 |

      |                               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

      |                               :...OPTIONAL RTP padding        |

      Figure 2.  单个NAL单元包的RTP荷载格式。

5.7.  聚合包


   有线IP网络(MTU 通常被以太网的MTU限制; 大约1500 字节), 基于无线通信系统的IP或非IP (ITU-T




   o  单时间聚合包(STAP): 聚合相同NALU时间的NAL单元。两类STAP被定义, 一类不包括DON (STAP-A)另一类包括DON (STAP-B).

   o  多时间聚合包(MTAP): 聚合具有差异NALU时间的NAL单元. 两个MTAP被定义, 差别在 NAL单元时戳位移长度不同。




      |             one or more aggregation units                     |

      图 3.  聚合包的RTP荷载格式。



   如果聚合NAL单元的F位是0,F位必须清除,否则,则必须被设置。 NRI的值必须是运送在聚合包中NAL单元的最大值。

      表 4.  STAPs和MTAPs的类型域

      Type   Packet    时戳位移域长度(位)   DON相关的域(DON, DONB, DOND)是否存在


      24     STAP-A       0                 no

      25     STAP-B       0                 yes

      26     MTAP16      16                 yes

      27     MTAP24      24                 yes



   聚合单元; 但是, 聚合包中整个数据显然必须适合于一个IP包,并且大小应该选择使得结果的IP包比MTU小。一个聚合包


5.7.1. 单时间聚合包


   见图4. STAP-B荷载包含一个16位的无符号解码顺序号(DON) (网络字节序)紧跟至少一个单时刻聚合单元。见图5.

                      :                                               |

      |                single-time aggregation units                  |

      |                               :


                     图 4.  STAP-A荷载格式

                      :  decoding order number (DON)  |               |

      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+               |

                 图 5.  STAP-B 荷载格式

   DON域指定STAP-B传输顺序中第一个NAL单元的DON值. 对每个后续出现在STAP-B中的NAL单元,它的DON值等于

   (STAP-B中前一个NAL的DON值+1)%65535, %是取模运算。


   这两个字节,但包括NAL单元类型字节),后面紧跟NAL单元本身, 包括它的NAL单元类型字节. 单时刻聚合单元在RTP荷载

   中是字节对齐的,单可以不是32位字边界对齐。图6 表示单时刻聚合单元的结构。

                      :        NAL unit size          |               |

      |                           NAL unit                            |

              图 6.  单时刻聚合单元的结构

   图 7表示一个例子--一个RTP包包含一个STAP-A. STAP包含两个单时刻聚合单元, 在图中用1,2标记。

      |                          RTP Header                           |

      |STAP-A NAL HDR |         NALU 1 Size           | NALU 1 HDR    |

      |                         NALU 1 Data                           |

      :                                                               :

      +               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

      |               | NALU 2 Size                   | NALU 2 HDR    |

      |                         NALU 2 Data                           |

      图 7.  RTP包包含一个STAP-A. STAP包含两个单时刻聚合单元

   图 8 表示一个RTP包包含一个STAP-B. STAP包含两个单时刻聚合单元, 用 1,2标记。

      |STAP-B NAL HDR | DON                           | NALU 1 Size   |

      | NALU 1 Size   | NALU 1 HDR    | NALU 1 Data                   |

      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               +

      |                       NALU 2 Data                             |

      图 8.  一个RTP包包含一个STAP-B. STAP包含两个单时刻聚合单元例子

5.7.2.  多时刻聚合包(MTAPs)

   多时刻聚合包的NAL单元荷载有16位的无符号解码顺序号基址(DONB) (网络字节序)以及一个或多个多时刻聚合单元,如

   图9表示。DONB 必须包含MTAP中NAL单元的第一个NAL的DON的值。


                      :  decoding order number base   |               |

      |                 multi-time aggregation units                  |

           图 9. MTAP的NAL单元荷载格式


   差值(DOND), 和n位 (网络字节序) 时戳位移(TS 位移)用于本NAL单元,n可以是16/24. 不同MTAP类型的选择是应用相关的(MTAP16

   /MTAP24): 时戳位移越大, MTAP的灵活性越大, 但是负担也越大。

   MTAP16/MTAP24多时刻聚合单元的结构分别在图 10 ,11表示。一个包中的聚合单元的开始/结束不要求位于32位的边界。

   跟随NAL单元的DON 等于(DONB + DOND) % 65536,  %代表取摸操作. 本文没有指定MTAP内的NAL单元如何排序,但大多数


   时戳位移域必须设置成等于以下公式的值:如果NALU-time大于等于包的RTP时戳,则时戳位移等于(NALU-time - 包的RTP时戳).

   如果NALU-time小于包的RTP时戳,则时戳位移等于 NALU-time + (2^32 - 包的RTP时戳).

      :        NAL unit size          |      DOND     |  TS offset    |

      |  TS offset    |                                               |

      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+              NAL unit                         |

                  图 10.  MTAP16多时刻聚合单元

      :        NALU unit size         |      DOND     |  TS offset    |

      |         TS offset             |                               |

      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               |

      |                              NAL unit                         |

                 图 11.  MTAP24多时刻聚合单元

   一个MTAP中的最早的聚合单元时戳位移必须为0。因此, MTAP的RTP时戳和最早NALU-time相同.

      注释: 最早多时刻聚合单元是MTAP中所有聚合单元的扩展RTP时戳中的最小者,如果聚合单元封装在单个NAL单元包中。



   图 12 表示一个例子,一个RTP包包含一个多时刻MTAP16类型的聚合包,包括两个多时刻聚合单元,分别用1,2标记。

      |MTAP16 NAL HDR |  decoding order number base   | NALU 1 Size   |

      |  NALU 1 Size  |  NALU 1 DOND  |       NALU 1 TS offset        |

      |  NALU 1 HDR   |  NALU 1 DATA                                  |

      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                               +

      |               | NALU 2 SIZE                   |  NALU 2 DOND  |

      |       NALU 2 TS offset        |  NALU 2 HDR   |  NALU 2 DATA  |

      图 12. 一个RTP包包含一个多时刻MTAP16类型的聚合包,包括两个多时刻聚合单元

   图 13 表示一个例子,一个RTP包包含一个多时刻MTAP24类型的聚合包,包括两个多时刻聚合单元,分别用1,2标记。

      |MTAP24 NAL HDR |  decoding order number base   | NALU 1 Size   |

      |  NALU 1 Size  |  NALU 1 DOND  |       NALU 1 TS offs          |

      |NALU 1 TS offs |  NALU 1 HDR   |  NALU 1 DATA                  |

      |       NALU 2 TS offset                        |  NALU 2 HDR   |

      |  NALU 2 DATA                                                  |

      图 13.  RTP包包含一个多时刻MTAP24类型的聚合包,包括两个多时刻聚合单元

5.8.  分片单元 (FUs)


   o  荷载格式有能力传输NAL单元大于64K字节的单元通过IPv4网络,或许存在预编码的视频,特别在高清格式 (

      每个图像的分片数目有限制,导致每个图像的NAL单元数目的限制, 从而导致大的 NAL单元).

   o  分派机制允许分片单个图像并且采用一般向前的纠错像12.5描述的那样.

   分片只定义于单个NAL单元不用于任何聚合包。NAL单元的一个分片由整数个连续NAL单元字节组成. 每个NAL单元字节


   没有其他的RTP包)。相似, NAL单元必须按照RTP顺序号的顺序装配。

   当一个NAL单元被分片运送在分片单元(FUs)中时,被引用为分片NAL单元。STAPs,MTAP不可以被分片。 FUs不可以嵌套。

   即, 一个FU 不可以包含另一个FU.


   图 14 表示FU-A的RTP荷载格式。FU-A由1字节的分片单元指示,1字节的分片单元头,和分片单元荷载组成。

      | FU indicator  |   FU header   |                               |

      |                         FU payload                            |

      图 14.  FU-A的RTP荷载格式

   图 15 表示FU-B的RTP荷载格式. FU-B由1字节的分片单元指示,1字节的分片单元头,和解码顺序号(DON)


      | FU indicator  |   FU header   |               DON             |


          图 15.  FU-B的RTP荷载格式

   对于分片NAL单元的第一个分片如果用于交错打包方式,则必须使用NAL单元类型FU-B。NAL单元类型FU-B MUST不可以

   用于其他情况。换句话, 在交错打包方式,每个被分片的NALU,FU-B作为第一个分片,后面跟随的是一个或多个FU-A分片.




      |S|E|R|  Type   |

   S: 1 bit


   E: 1 bit

      当设置成1, 结束位指示分片NAL单元的结束,即, 荷载的最后字节也是分片NAL单元的最后一个字节。当跟随的


   R: 1 bit




      注: FU-B中的DON域允许网关分片NAL单元到FU-B而不用组织进来的NAL单元到NAL单元解码顺序。

   一个分片单元不可以传输在一个FU中; 即, 开始位和结束位不可以被同时设置在同一个FU头中。

   FU荷载由分片NAL单元的荷载分片组成,使得如果连续FU的分片单元荷载顺序连接, 可以重构分片NAL单元的荷载。



      注释: 空的FUs允许减少某类发送者在几乎无丢失环境中的延迟。这些发送者特点是他们的NALU完全产生前,可以打


      前. 由于H.264的特性, 有时几个宏快占据0位,这是不希望的并且增加延迟。但是, (潜在)使用0长度的NALU应该仔细



   终端或MANE中的接收者可以聚合前一个NAL单元的n-1分片到一个(不完全的) NAL单元,甚至分片n没有接收到. 这种情况下,


6.  打包规则

   打包方式在5.2节介绍.  对于多于一个打包方式的公共打包规则在6.1节指定. 单个NAL单元方式

   的打包规则,非交错方式,交错方式的打包规则分别在6.2, 6.3,6.4节指定。

6.1.  公共打包规则


   o  属于同一编码图像(共享相同RTP时戳值)的编码NAL单元片断或者编码数据分区NAL单元片断可以

      按照定义在[1]中的应用Profile允许的任何顺序发送; 但是,对于延迟敏感的系统,他们应该按照



   o  参数集根据8.4节给定的规则和建议处理。

   o  MANEs 不可以重复任何NAL单元,除了顺序或图像参数集NAL单元,同样本文或者H.264规范也没有提供





   o  MANEs可以转换单个NAL单元包到一个聚合包,转换一个聚合包到几个单个NAL单元包,或在RTP转换器中混合

      两个概念。RTP转换器至少应该考虑如下参数:路径MTU大小, 不平等的保护机制(即,根据RFC 2733通过




6.2.  单个NAL单元模式


   所有的接收者必须支持本方式。它主要用于低延迟应用(和使用ITU-T H.241建议兼容的系统)。(见12.1节). 

   只有单个NAL单元包可以用在这种方式。STAPs, MTAPs, and FUs 不可以使用。单个NAL单元的传输顺序必须和NAL


6.3.  非交错方式


   低延迟应用。本方式只允许单个NAL单元包, STAP-As, FU-As包。STAP-Bs, MTAPs,FU-Bs不可以使用。NAL单元的传输


6.4.  交错方式


   可以使用 STAP-Bs, MTAPs, FU-As,FU-Bs。STAP-As 和单个NAL单元包不可以使用。包和NAL单元传输顺序的限制


7.  打包过程 (信息)


   也是可能的。7.1演示单个NAL单元和非交错打包方式的打包过程,7.2描述交错方式的打包过程。7.3 包括附加的封装


   所有相关于缓冲区管理正常的RTP机制也适用。特别的,重复的过期的RTP包(由RTP序号/时戳指示)被删除。 为了确定

   精确的解码时间, 如可能的延迟因素也被允许为了正确的流之间的同步。

7.1.  单个NAL单元和非交错方式



   一个STAP-AI, 包含在包中的NAL单元按照他们在包中的封装顺序传递给解码器。如果解封装包是一个FU-A, 所有的分


      信息: 如果解码器支持任意分片顺序,编码的图像片可以按照任意顺序传送给解码器而不管他们的接收传送顺序。

7.2.  交错方式




   解交错缓冲区。接收者应该准备传输延迟抖动;即, 或者保留单独的缓冲区用于传输延迟抖动缓冲和解交错缓冲或者

   使用接收缓冲用于传输延迟抖动和解交错。而且, 接收者应该考虑传输延迟抖动在缓冲区操作时,即,在开始解码和


   本部分组织如下: 7.2.1 描述如何计算交错缓冲区的大小. 7.2.2指定接收过程如何组织接收到的NAL单元到NAL解码顺序。

7.2.1.  解交错缓冲区的大小

   当 SDP Offer/Answer 模型或其他任何能力交换过程被使用时, 接收流的属性应该使得接收者的能力不被超过。

   在 SDP Offer/Answer 摸型行中, 接收者可以指示它的能力以分配一个解交错缓冲区使用deintbuf-cap MIME 参数。

   发送者指示解交错缓冲区大小的要求使用sprop-deint-buf-req MIME参数. 因此,推荐设置解交错缓冲区大小(字节数目)

   等于或大于sprop-deint-buf-req MIME 参数指定的值.  参见 8.1 得到更多信息关于 deint-buf-cap和sprop-deint-buf-req 

   MIME参数,8.2.2 关于他们在SDP Offer/Answer模型中的使用。

   在会话建立中一个公布的会话描述被使用,sprop-deint-buf-req MIME参数指定交错缓冲大小的要求。因此,推荐

   设置解交错缓冲区大小(字节位单位)等于或大于sprop-deint-buf-req MIME 参数的值.

7.2.2.  解交错过程

   在接收者中有两个缓冲状态: 初始缓冲和正在播放缓冲。初始缓冲发生在RTP会话被初始化时。初始缓冲后,解码和播放

   开始了, 使用缓冲-播放模型。

   不管缓冲的状态,接收者存储进来的NAL单元按照接收顺序,在解交错缓冲区中。聚合包的 NAL单元存储在单个解交错缓冲区中



   o  函数AbsDON在8.1指定.

   o  函数don_diff在 5.5 指定.

   o  常数 N 是 OPTIONAL sprop-interleaving-depth MIME 类型参数的值( 8.1)加1.


   o  在解交错缓冲区中有 N VCL NAL单元。

   o  如果sprop-max-don-diff存在, don_diff(m,n)大于sprop-max-don-diff的值, 其中 n 对应所有接收到

      的NAL单元中最大AbsDON值的NAL单元,m 对应所有接收到的NAL单元中最小AbsDON值的NAL单元。

   o  初始缓冲区已经持续时间等于或大于 OPTIONAL sprop-init-buf-time MIME 参数指定的值.


   o  如果解交错缓冲区包含至少N 个VCL NAL单元,NAL单元被从解交错缓冲区移出传递给解码器按照下面指定

      的次序直到缓冲区中包含N-1 VCL NAL 单元。

   o  如果sprop-max-don-diff存在, 所有的NAL单元 m,他们的don_diff(m,n)大于sprop-max-don-diff的从解交错

      缓冲区移出传送给解码器按照下面指定的顺序。在此, n 对应所有接收到的NAL单元中最大AbsDON值的NAL单元。


   o  让PDON是一个变量RTP会话开始时初始化为0。

   o  对于每个关联DON的NAL单元, 按如下计算一个DON距离。如果NAL单元的DON大于PDON的值, DON距离等于DON-PDON.

      否则DON距离等于 65535 - PDON + DON + 1.

   o  NAL单元分发给解码器按照DON距离递增的顺序。如果几个NAL单元有相同的DON距离,则他们可以按照任意顺序递交给解码器.

   o  当一定数目的NAL单元传递给解码器, PDON的值设置为传送给解码器最后一个NAL单元的DON值。

7.3. 附加打包规则


   o  智能RTP接收者 (即在网关中) 可以识别丢失的编码片断数据分区A (DPAs). 如果发现丢失的DPA,网关可以决定不发送



   o  智能RTP接收者(即在网关中) 可以识别丢失的FU.  如果发现丢失一个FU, 网关可以决定不发送同一个分片NAL的后续FU


   o  不得不丢弃包或NALU的智能接收者应该首先丢弃所有NAL单元类型中NRI值等于0的包/NALU. 这样最小化用户体验的影响并



8.  荷载格式参数

   This section specifies the parameters that MAY be used to select

   optional features of the payload format and certain features of the

   bitstream.  The parameters are specified here as part of the MIME

   subtype registration for the ITU-T H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 codec.  A

   mapping of the parameters into the Session Description Protocol (SDP)

   [5] is also provided for applications that use SDP.  Equivalent

   parameters could be defined elsewhere for use with control protocols

   that do not use MIME or SDP.

   Some parameters provide a receiver with the properties of the stream

   that will be sent.  The name of all these parameters starts with

   "sprop" for stream properties.  Some of these "sprop" parameters are

   limited by other payload or codec configuration parameters.  For

   example, the sprop-parameter-sets parameter is constrained by the

   profile-level-id parameter.  The media sender selects all "sprop"

   parameters rather than the receiver.  This uncommon characteristic of

   the "sprop" parameters may not be compatible with some signaling

   protocol concepts, in which case the use of these parameters SHOULD

   be avoided.

8.1.  MIME Registration

   The MIME subtype for the ITU-T H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 codec is

   allocated from the IETF tree.

   The receiver MUST ignore any unspecified parameter.

   Media Type name:     video

   Media subtype name:  H264

   Required parameters: none

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 37]

RFC 3984           RTP Payload Format for H.264 Video      February 2005

   OPTIONAL parameters:


                        A base16 [6] (hexadecimal) representation of

                        the following three bytes in the sequence

                        parameter set NAL unit specified in [1]: 1)

                        profile_idc, 2) a byte herein referred to as

                        profile-iop, composed of the values of

                        constraint_set0_flag, constraint_set1_flag,

                        constraint_set2_flag, and reserved_zero_5bits

                        in bit-significance order, starting from the

                        most significant bit, and 3) level_idc.  Note

                        that reserved_zero_5bits is required to be

                        equal to 0 in [1], but other values for it may

                        be specified in the future by ITU-T or ISO/IEC.

                        If the profile-level-id parameter is used to

                        indicate properties of a NAL unit stream, it

                        indicates the profile and level that a decoder

                        has to support in order to comply with [1] when

                        it decodes the stream.  The profile-iop byte

                        indicates whether the NAL unit stream also

                        obeys all constraints of the indicated profiles

                        as follows.  If bit 7 (the most significant

                        bit), bit 6, or bit 5 of profile-iop is equal

                        to 1, all constraints of the Baseline profile,

                        the Main profile, or the Extended profile,

                        respectively, are obeyed in the NAL unit


                        If the profile-level-id parameter is used for

                        capability exchange or session setup procedure,

                        it indicates the profile that the codec

                        supports and the highest level

                        supported for the signaled profile.  The

                        profile-iop byte indicates whether the codec

                        has additional limitations whereby only the

                        common subset of the algorithmic features and

                        limitations of the profiles signaled with the

                        profile-iop byte and of the profile indicated

                        by profile_idc is supported by the codec.  For

                        example, if a codec supports only the common

                        subset of the coding tools of the Baseline

                        profile and the Main profile at level 2.1 and

                        below, the profile-level-id becomes 42E015, in

                        which 42 stands for the Baseline profile, E0

                        indicates that only the common subset for all

                        profiles is supported, and 15 indicates level


Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 38]

                            Informative note: Capability exchange and

                            session setup procedures should provide

                            means to list the capabilities for each

                            supported codec profile separately.  For

                            example, the one-of-N codec selection

                            procedure of the SDP Offer/Answer model can

                            be used (section 10.2 of [7]).

                        If no profile-level-id is present, the Baseline

                        Profile without additional constraints at Level

                        1 MUST be implied.

       max-mbps, max-fs, max-cpb, max-dpb, and max-br:

                        These parameters MAY be used to signal the

                        capabilities of a receiver implementation.

                        These parameters MUST NOT be used for any other

                        purpose.  The profile-level-id parameter MUST

                        be present in the same receiver capability

                        description that contains any of these

                        parameters.  The level conveyed in the value of

                        the profile-level-id parameter MUST be such

                        that the receiver is fully capable of

                        supporting.  max-mbps, max-fs, max-cpb, max-

                        dpb, and max-br MAY be used to indicate

                        capabilities of the receiver that extend the

                        required capabilities of the signaled level, as

                        specified below.

                        When more than one parameter from the set (max-

                        mbps, max-fs, max-cpb, max-dpb, max-br) is

                        present, the receiver MUST support all signaled

                        capabilities simultaneously.  For example, if

                        both max-mbps and max-br are present, the

                        signaled level with the extension of both the

                        frame rate and bit rate is supported.  That is,

                        the receiver is able to decode NAL unit

                        streams in which the macroblock processing rate

                        is up to max-mbps (inclusive), the bit rate is

                        up to max-br (inclusive), the coded picture

                        buffer size is derived as specified in the

                        semantics of the max-br parameter below, and

                        other properties comply with the level

                        specified in the value of the profile-level-id


                        A receiver MUST NOT signal values of max-

                        mbps, max-fs, max-cpb, max-dpb, and max-br that

                        meet the requirements of a higher level,

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 39]

                        referred to as level A herein, compared to the

                        level specified in the value of the profile-

                        level-id parameter, if the receiver can support

                        all the properties of level A.

                            Informative note: When the OPTIONAL MIME

                            type parameters are used to signal the

                            properties of a NAL unit stream, max-mbps,

                            max-fs, max-cpb, max-dpb, and max-br are

                            not present, and the value of profile-

                            level-id must always be such that the NAL

                            unit stream complies fully with the

                            specified profile and level.

       max-mbps:        The value of max-mbps is an integer indicating

                        the maximum macroblock processing rate in units

                        of macroblocks per second.  The max-mbps

                        parameter signals that the receiver is capable

                        of decoding video at a higher rate than is

                        required by the signaled level conveyed in the

                        value of the profile-level-id parameter.  When

                        max-mbps is signaled, the receiver MUST be able

                        to decode NAL unit streams that conform to the

                        signaled level, with the exception that the

                        MaxMBPS value in Table A-1 of [1] for the

                        signaled level is replaced with the value of

                        max-mbps.  The value of max-mbps MUST be

                        greater than or equal to the value of MaxMBPS

                        for the level given in Table A-1 of [1].

                        Senders MAY use this knowledge to send pictures

                        of a given size at a higher picture rate than

                        is indicated in the signaled level.

       max-fs:          The value of max-fs is an integer indicating

                        the maximum frame size in units of macroblocks.

                        The max-fs parameter signals that the receiver

                        is capable of decoding larger picture sizes

                        than are required by the signaled level conveyed

                        in the value of the profile-level-id parameter.

                        When max-fs is signaled, the receiver MUST be

                        able to decode NAL unit streams that conform to

                        the signaled level, with the exception that the

                        MaxFS value in Table A-1 of [1] for the

                        max-fs.  The value of max-fs MUST be greater

                        than or equal to the value of MaxFS for the

                        level given in Table A-1 of [1].  Senders MAY

                        use this knowledge to send larger pictures at a

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 40]

                        proportionally lower frame rate than is

                        indicated in the signaled level.

       max-cpb          The value of max-cpb is an integer indicating

                        the maximum coded picture buffer size in units

                        of 1000 bits for the VCL HRD parameters (see

                        A.3.1 item i of [1]) and in units of 1200 bits

                        for the NAL HRD parameters (see A.3.1 item j of

                        [1]).  The max-cpb parameter signals that the

                        receiver has more memory than the minimum

                        amount of coded picture buffer memory required

                        by the signaled level conveyed in the value of

                        the profile-level-id parameter.  When max-cpb

                        is signaled, the receiver MUST be able to

                        decode NAL unit streams that conform to the

                        MaxCPB value in Table A-1 of [1] for the

                        max-cpb.  The value of max-cpb MUST be greater

                        than or equal to the value of MaxCPB for the

                        use this knowledge to construct coded video

                        streams with greater variation of bit rate

                        than can be achieved with the

                        MaxCPB value in Table A-1 of [1].

                            Informative note: The coded picture buffer

                            is used in the hypothetical reference

                            decoder (Annex C) of H.264.  The use of the

                            hypothetical reference decoder is

                            recommended in H.264 encoders to verify

                            that the produced bitstream conforms to the

                            standard and to control the output bitrate.

                            Thus, the coded picture buffer is

                            conceptually independent of any other

                            potential buffers in the receiver,

                            including de-interleaving and de-jitter

                            buffers.  The coded picture buffer need not

                            be implemented in decoders as specified in

                            Annex C of H.264, but rather standard-

                            compliant decoders can have any buffering

                            arrangements provided that they can decode

                            standard-compliant bitstreams.  Thus, in

                            practice, the input buffer for video

                            decoder can be integrated with de-

                            interleaving and de-jitter buffers of the


Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 41]

       max-dpb:         The value of max-dpb is an integer indicating

                        the maximum decoded picture buffer size in

                        units of 1024 bytes.  The max-dpb parameter

                        signals that the receiver has more memory than

                        the minimum amount of decoded picture buffer

                        memory required by the signaled level conveyed

                        When max-dpb is signaled, the receiver MUST be

                        MaxDPB value in Table A-1 of [1] for the

                        max-dpb.  Consequently, a receiver that signals

                        max-dpb MUST be capable of storing the

                        following number of decoded frames,

                        complementary field pairs, and non-paired

                        fields in its decoded picture buffer:

                        Min(1024 * max-dpb / ( PicWidthInMbs *

                        FrameHeightInMbs * 256 * ChromaFormatFactor ),


                        PicWidthInMbs, FrameHeightInMbs, and

                        ChromaFormatFactor are defined in [1].

                        The value of max-dpb MUST be greater than or

                        equal to the value of MaxDPB for the level

                        given in Table A-1 of [1].  Senders MAY use

                        this knowledge to construct coded video streams

                        with improved compression.

                            Informative note: This parameter was added

                            primarily to complement a similar codepoint

                            in the ITU-T Recommendation H.245, so as to

                            facilitate signaling gateway designs.  The

                            decoded picture buffer stores reconstructed

                            samples and is a property of the video

                            decoder only.  There is no relationship

                            between the size of the decoded picture

                            buffer and the buffers used in RTP,

                            especially de-interleaving and de-jitter


       max-br:          The value of max-br is an integer indicating

                        the maximum video bit rate in units of 1000

                        bits per second for the VCL HRD parameters (see

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 42]

                        per second for the NAL HRD parameters (see

                        A.3.1 item j of [1]).

                        The max-br parameter signals that the video

                        decoder of the receiver is capable of decoding

                        video at a higher bit rate than is required by

                        the signaled level conveyed in the value of the

                        profile-level-id parameter.  The value of max-

                        br MUST be greater than or equal to the value

                        of MaxBR for the level given in Table A-1 of


                        When max-br is signaled, the video codec of the

                        receiver MUST be able to decode NAL unit

                        streams that conform to the signaled level,

                        conveyed in the profile-level-id parameter,

                        with the following exceptions in the limits

                        specified by the level:

                        o The value of max-br replaces the MaxBR value

                          of the signaled level (in Table A-1 of [1]).

                        o When the max-cpb parameter is not present,

                          the result of the following formula replaces

                          the value of MaxCPB in Table A-1 of [1]:

                          (MaxCPB of the signaled level) * max-br /

                          (MaxBR of the signaled level).

                        For example, if a receiver signals capability

                        for Level 1.2 with max-br equal to 1550, this

                        indicates a maximum video bitrate of 1550

                        kbits/sec for VCL HRD parameters, a maximum

                        video bitrate of 1860 kbits/sec for NAL HRD

                        parameters, and a CPB size of 4036458 bits

                        (1550000 / 384000 * 1000 * 1000).

                        The value of max-br MUST be greater than or

                        equal to the value MaxBR for the signaled level

                        given in Table A-1 of [1].

                        Senders MAY use this knowledge to send higher

                        bitrate video as allowed in the level

                        definition of Annex A of H.264, to achieve

                        improved video quality.

                            facilitate signaling gateway designs.  No

                            assumption can be made from the value of

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 43]

                            this parameter that the network is capable

                            of handling such bit rates at any given

                            time.  In particular, no conclusion can be

                            drawn that the signaled bit rate is

                            possible under congestion control



                        This parameter signals the capabilities of a

                        receiver implementation.  When equal to 0, the

                        parameter indicates that the receiver makes no

                        attempt to use redundant coded pictures to

                        correct incorrectly decoded primary coded

                        pictures.  When equal to 0, the receiver is not

                        capable of using redundant slices; therefore, a

                        sender SHOULD avoid sending redundant slices to

                        save bandwidth.  When equal to 1, the receiver

                        is capable of decoding any such redundant slice

                        that covers a corrupted area in a primary

                        decoded picture (at least partly), and therefore

                        a sender MAY send redundant slices.  When the

                        parameter is not present, then a value of 0

                        MUST be used for redundant-pic-cap.  When

                        present, the value of redundant-pic-cap MUST be

                        either 0 or 1.

                        When the profile-level-id parameter is present

                        in the same capability signaling as the

                        redundant-pic-cap parameter, and the profile

                        indicated in profile-level-id is such that it

                        disallows the use of redundant coded pictures

                        (e.g., Main Profile), the value of redundant-

                        pic-cap MUST be equal to 0.  When a receiver

                        indicates redundant-pic-cap equal to 0, the

                        received stream SHOULD NOT contain redundant

                        coded pictures.

                            Informative note: Even if redundant-pic-cap

                            is equal to 0, the decoder is able to

                            ignore redundant codec pictures provided

                            that the decoder supports such a profile

                            (Baseline, Extended) in which redundant

                            coded pictures are allowed.

                            is equal to 1, the receiver may also choose

                            other error concealment strategies to

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 44]

                            replace or complement decoding of redundant



                        This parameter MAY be used to convey

                        any sequence and picture parameter set NAL

                        units (herein referred to as the initial

                        parameter set NAL units) that MUST precede any

                        other NAL units in decoding order.  The

                        parameter MUST NOT be used to indicate codec

                        capability in any capability exchange

                        procedure.  The value of the parameter is the

                        base64 [6] representation of the initial

                        parameter set NAL units as specified in

                        sections and of [1].  The

                        parameter sets are conveyed in decoding order,

                        and no framing of the parameter set NAL units

                        takes place.  A comma is used to separate any

                        pair of parameter sets in the list.  Note that

                        the number of bytes in a parameter set NAL unit

                        is typically less than 10, but a picture

                        parameter set NAL unit can contain several

                        hundreds of bytes.

                           Informative note: When several payload

                           types are offered in the SDP Offer/Answer

                           model, each with its own sprop-parameter-

                           sets parameter, then the receiver cannot

                           assume that those parameter sets do not use

                           conflicting storage locations (i.e.,

                           identical values of parameter set

                           identifiers).  Therefore, a receiver should

                           double-buffer all sprop-parameter-sets and

                           make them available to the decoder instance

                           that decodes a certain payload type.

       parameter-add:   This parameter MAY be used to signal whether

                        the receiver of this parameter is allowed to

                        add parameter sets in its signaling response

                        using the sprop-parameter-sets MIME parameter.

                        The value of this parameter is either 0 or 1.

                        0 is equal to false; i.e., it is not allowed to

                        add parameter sets.  1 is equal to true; i.e.,

                        it is allowed to add parameter sets.  If the

                        parameter is not present, its value MUST be 1.

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 45]


                        This parameter signals the properties of an

                        RTP payload type or the capabilities of a

                        receiver implementation.  Only a single

                        configuration point can be indicated; thus,

                        when capabilities to support more than one

                        packetization-mode are declared, multiple

                        configuration points (RTP payload types) must

                        be used.

                        When the value of packetization-mode is equal

                        to 0 or packetization-mode is not present, the

                        single NAL mode, as defined in section 6.2 of

                        RFC 3984, MUST be used.  This mode is in use in

                        standards using ITU-T Recommendation H.241 [15]

                        (see section 12.1).  When the value of

                        packetization-mode is equal to 1, the non-

                        interleaved mode, as defined in section 6.3 of

                        RFC 3984, MUST be used.  When the value of

                        packetization-mode is equal to 2, the

                        interleaved mode, as defined in section 6.4 of

                        RFC 3984, MUST be used.  The value of

                        packetization mode MUST be an integer in the

                        range of 0 to 2, inclusive.


                        This parameter MUST NOT be present

                        when packetization-mode is not present or the

                        value of packetization-mode is equal to 0 or 1.

                        This parameter MUST be present when the value

                        of packetization-mode is equal to 2.

                        This parameter signals the properties of a NAL

                        unit stream.  It specifies the maximum number

                        of VCL NAL units that precede any VCL NAL unit

                        in the NAL unit stream in transmission order

                        and follow the VCL NAL unit in decoding order.

                        Consequently, it is guaranteed that receivers

                        can reconstruct NAL unit decoding order when

                        the buffer size for NAL unit decoding order

                        recovery is at least the value of sprop-

                        interleaving-depth + 1 in terms of VCL NAL


                        The value of sprop-interleaving-depth MUST be

                        an integer in the range of 0 to 32767,


Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 46]


                        This parameter MUST NOT be present when

                        packetization-mode is not present or the value

                        of packetization-mode is equal to 0 or 1.  It

                        MUST be present when the value of

                        packetization-mode is equal to 2.

                        sprop-deint-buf-req signals the required size

                        of the deinterleaving buffer for the NAL unit

                        stream.  The value of the parameter MUST be

                        greater than or equal to the maximum buffer

                        occupancy (in units of bytes) required in such

                        a deinterleaving buffer that is specified in

                        section 7.2 of RFC 3984.  It is guaranteed that

                        receivers can perform the deinterleaving of

                        interleaved NAL units into NAL unit decoding

                        order, when the deinterleaving buffer size is

                        at least the value of sprop-deint-buf-req in

                        terms of bytes.

                        The value of sprop-deint-buf-req MUST be an

                        integer in the range of 0 to 4294967295,

                            Informative note: sprop-deint-buf-req

                            indicates the required size of the

                            deinterleaving buffer only.  When network

                            jitter can occur, an appropriately sized

                            jitter buffer has to be provisioned for

                            as well.

       deint-buf-cap:   This parameter signals the capabilities of a

                        receiver implementation and indicates the

                        amount of deinterleaving buffer space in units

                        of bytes that the receiver has available for

                        reconstructing the NAL unit decoding order.  A

                        receiver is able to handle any stream for which

                        the value of the sprop-deint-buf-req parameter

                        is smaller than or equal to this parameter.

                        If the parameter is not present, then a value

                        of 0 MUST be used for deint-buf-cap.  The value

                        of deint-buf-cap MUST be an integer in the

                        range of 0 to 4294967295, inclusive.

                            Informative note: deint-buf-cap indicates

                            the maximum possible size of the

                            deinterleaving buffer of the receiver only.

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 47]

                            When network jitter can occur, an

                            appropriately sized jitter buffer has to

                            be provisioned for as well.


                        This parameter MAY be used to signal the

                        properties of a NAL unit stream.  The parameter

                        MUST NOT be present, if the value of

                        packetization-mode is equal to 0 or 1.

                        The parameter signals the initial buffering

                        time that a receiver MUST buffer before

                        starting decoding to recover the NAL unit

                        decoding order from the transmission order.

                        The parameter is the maximum value of

                        (transmission time of a NAL unit - decoding

                        time of the NAL unit), assuming reliable and

                        instantaneous transmission, the same

                        timeline for transmission and decoding, and

                        that decoding starts when the first packet


                        An example of specifying the value of sprop-

                        init-buf-time follows.  A NAL unit stream is

                        sent in the following interleaved order, in

                        which the value corresponds to the decoding

                        time and the transmission order is from left to


                        0  2  1  3  5  4  6  8  7 ...

                        Assuming a steady transmission rate of NAL

                        units, the transmission times are:

                        0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 ...

                        Subtracting the decoding time from the

                        transmission time column-wise results in the

                        following series:

                        0 -1  1  0 -1  1  0 -1  1 ...

                        Thus, in terms of intervals of NAL unit

                        transmission times, the value of

                        sprop-init-buf-time in this

                        example is 1.

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 48]

                        The parameter is coded as a non-negative base10

                        integer representation in clock ticks of a 90-

                        kHz clock.  If the parameter is not present,

                        then no initial buffering time value is

                        defined.  Otherwise the value of sprop-init-

                        buf-time MUST be an integer in the range of 0

                        to 4294967295, inclusive.

                        In addition to the signaled sprop-init-buf-

                        time, receivers SHOULD take into account the

                        transmission delay jitter buffering, including

                        buffering for the delay jitter caused by

                        mixers, translators, gateways, proxies,

                        traffic-shapers, and other network elements.


                        properties of a NAL unit stream.  It MUST NOT

                        be used to signal transmitter or receiver or

                        codec capabilities.  The parameter MUST NOT be

                        present if the value of packetization-mode is

                        equal to 0 or 1.  sprop-max-don-diff is an

                        integer in the range of 0 to 32767, inclusive.

                        If sprop-max-don-diff is not present, the value

                        of the parameter is unspecified.  sprop-max-

                        don-diff is calculated as follows:

                        sprop-max-don-diff = max{AbsDON(i) -


                        for any i and any j>i,

                        where i and j indicate the index of the NAL

                        unit in the transmission order and AbsDON

                        denotes a decoding order number of the NAL

                        unit that does not wrap around to 0 after

                        65535.  In other words, AbsDON is calculated as

                        follows: Let m and n be consecutive NAL units

                        in transmission order.  For the very first NAL

                        unit in transmission order (whose index is 0),

                        AbsDON(0) = DON(0).  For other NAL units,

                        AbsDON is calculated as follows:

                        If DON(m) == DON(n), AbsDON(n) = AbsDON(m)

                        If (DON(m) < DON(n) and DON(n) - DON(m) <


                        AbsDON(n) = AbsDON(m) + DON(n) - DON(m)

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 49]

                        If (DON(m) > DON(n) and DON(m) - DON(n) >=

                        AbsDON(n) = AbsDON(m) + 65536 - DON(m) + DON(n)

                        If (DON(m) < DON(n) and DON(n) - DON(m) >=

                        AbsDON(n) = AbsDON(m) - (DON(m) + 65536 -


                        If (DON(m) > DON(n) and DON(m) - DON(n) <

                        AbsDON(n) = AbsDON(m) - (DON(m) - DON(n))

                        where DON(i) is the decoding order number of

                        the NAL unit having index i in the transmission

                        order.  The decoding order number is specified

                        in section 5.5 of RFC 3984.

                            Informative note: Receivers may use sprop-

                            max-don-diff to trigger which NAL units in

                            the receiver buffer can be passed to the



                        capabilities of a receiver.  The parameter MUST

                        NOT be used for any other purposes.  The value

                        of the parameter indicates the largest NALU

                        size in bytes that the receiver can handle

                        efficiently.  The parameter value is a

                        recommendation, not a strict upper boundary.

                        The sender MAY create larger NALUs but must be

                        aware that the handling of these may come at a

                        higher cost than NALUs conforming to the


                        The value of max-rcmd-nalu-size MUST be an

                        inclusive.  If this parameter is not specified,

                        no known limitation to the NALU size exists.

                        Senders still have to consider the MTU size

                        available between the sender and the receiver

                        and SHOULD run MTU discovery for this purpose.

                        This parameter is motivated by, for example, an

                        IP to H.223 video telephony gateway, where

                        NALUs smaller than the H.223 transport data

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 50]

                        unit will be more efficient.  A gateway may

                        terminate IP; thus, MTU discovery will normally

                        not work beyond the gateway.

                            Informative note: Setting this parameter to

                            a lower than necessary value may have a

                            negative impact.

   Encoding considerations:

                        This type is only defined for transfer via RTP

                        (RFC 3550).

                        A file format of H.264/AVC video is defined in

                        [29].  This definition is utilized by other

                        file formats, such as the 3GPP multimedia file

                        format (MIME type video/3gpp) [30] or the MP4

                        file format (MIME type video/mp4).

   Security considerations:

                        See section 9 of RFC 3984.

   Public specification:

                        Please refer to RFC 3984 and its section 15.

   Additional information:


   File extensions:     none

   Macintosh file type code: none

   Object identifier or OID: none

   Person & email address to contact for further information:

                        [email protected]

   Intended usage:      COMMON


   Change controller:

                        IETF Audio/Video Transport working group

                        delegated from the IESG.

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8.2.  SDP Parameters

8.2.1.  Mapping of MIME Parameters to SDP

   The MIME media type video/H264 string is mapped to fields in the

   Session Description Protocol (SDP) [5] as follows:

   o  The media name in the "m=" line of SDP MUST be video.

   o  The encoding name in the "a=rtpmap" line of SDP MUST be H264 (the

      MIME subtype).

   o  The clock rate in the "a=rtpmap" line MUST be 90000.

   o  The OPTIONAL parameters "profile-level-id", "max-mbps", "max-fs",

      "max-cpb", "max-dpb", "max-br", "redundant-pic-cap", "sprop-

      parameter-sets", "parameter-add", "packetization-mode", "sprop-

      interleaving-depth", "deint-buf-cap", "sprop-deint-buf-req",

      "sprop-init-buf-time", "sprop-max-don-diff", and "max-rcmd-nalu-

      size", when present, MUST be included in the "a=fmtp" line of SDP.

      These parameters are expressed as a MIME media type string, in the

      form of a semicolon separated list of parameter=value pairs.

   An example of media representation in SDP is as follows (Baseline

   Profile, Level 3.0, some of the constraints of the Main profile may

   not be obeyed):

      m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 98

      a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000

      a=fmtp:98 profile-level-id=42A01E;


8.2.2.  Usage with the SDP Offer/Answer Model

   When H.264 is offered over RTP using SDP in an Offer/Answer model [7]

   for negotiation for unicast usage, the following limitations and

   rules apply:

   o  The parameters identifying a media format configuration for H.264

      are "profile-level-id", "packetization-mode", and, if required by

      "packetization-mode", "sprop-deint-buf-req".  These three

      parameters MUST be used symmetrically; i.e., the answerer MUST

      either maintain all configuration parameters or remove the media

      format (payload type) completely, if one or more of the parameter

      values are not supported.

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         Informative note: The requirement for symmetric use applies

         only for the above three parameters and not for the other

         stream properties and capability parameters.

      To simplify handling and matching of these configurations, the

      same RTP payload type number used in the offer SHOULD also be used

      in the answer, as specified in [7].  An answer MUST NOT contain a

      payload type number used in the offer unless the configuration

      ("profile-level-id", "packetization-mode", and, if present,

      "sprop-deint-buf-req") is the same as in the offer.

         Informative note: An offerer, when receiving the answer, has to

         compare payload types not declared in the offer based on media

         type (i.e., video/h264) and the above three parameters with any

         payload types it has already declared, in order to determine

         whether the configuration in question is new or equivalent to a

         configuration already offered.

   o  The parameters "sprop-parameter-sets", "sprop-deint-buf-req",

      "sprop-interleaving-depth", "sprop-max-don-diff", and "sprop-

      init-buf-time" describe the properties of the NAL unit stream that

      the offerer or answerer is sending for this media format

      configuration.  This differs from the normal usage of the

      Offer/Answer parameters: normally such parameters declare the

      properties of the stream that the offerer or the answerer is able

      to receive.  When dealing with H.264, the offerer assumes that the

      answerer will be able to receive media encoded using the

      configuration being offered.

         Informative note: The above parameters apply for any stream

         sent by the declaring entity with the same configuration; i.e.,

         they are dependent on their source.  Rather then being bound to

         the payload type, the values may have to be applied to another

         payload type when being sent, as they apply for the


   o  The capability parameters ("max-mbps", "max-fs", "max-cpb", "max-

      dpb", "max-br", ,"redundant-pic-cap", "max-rcmd-nalu-size") MAY be

      used to declare further capabilities.  Their interpretation

      depends on the direction attribute.  When the direction attribute

      is sendonly, then the parameters describe the limits of the RTP

      packets and the NAL unit stream that the sender is capable of

      producing.  When the direction attribute is sendrecv or recvonly,

      then the parameters describe the limitations of what the receiver


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   o  As specified above, an offerer has to include the size of the

      deinterleaving buffer in the offer for an interleaved H.264

      stream.  To enable the offerer and answerer to inform each other

      about their capabilities for deinterleaving buffering, both

      parties are RECOMMENDED to include "deint-buf-cap".  This

      information MAY be used when the value for "sprop-deint-buf-req"

      is selected in a second round of offer and answer.  For

      interleaved streams, it is also RECOMMENDED to consider offering

      multiple payload types with different buffering requirements when

      the capabilities of the receiver are unknown.

   o  The "sprop-parameter-sets" parameter is used as described above.

      In addition, an answerer MUST maintain all parameter sets received

      in the offer in its answer.  Depending on the value of the

      "parameter-add" parameter, different rules apply: If "parameter-

      add" is false (0), the answer MUST NOT add any additional

      parameter sets.  If "parameter-add" is true (1), the answerer, in

      its answer, MAY add additional parameter sets to the "sprop-

      parameter-sets" parameter.  The answerer MUST also, independent of

      the value of "parameter-add", accept to receive a video stream

      using the sprop-parameter-sets it declared in the answer.

         Informative note: care must be taken when parameter sets are

         added not to cause overwriting of already transmitted parameter

         sets by using conflicting parameter set identifiers.

   For streams being delivered over multicast, the following rules apply

   in addition:

   o  The stream properties parameters ("sprop-parameter-sets", "sprop-

      deint-buf-req", "sprop-interleaving-depth", "sprop-max-don-diff",

      and "sprop-init-buf-time") MUST NOT be changed by the answerer.

      Thus, a payload type can either be accepted unaltered or removed.

   o  The receiver capability parameters "max-mbps", "max-fs", "max-

      cpb", "max-dpb", "max-br", and "max-rcmd-nalu-size" MUST be

      supported by the answerer for all streams declared as sendrecv or

      recvonly; otherwise, one of the following actions MUST be

      performed: the media format is removed, or the session rejected.

   o  The receiver capability parameter redundant-pic-cap SHOULD be

      recvonly as follows:  The answerer SHOULD NOT include redundant

      coded pictures in the transmitted stream if the offerer indicated

      redundant-pic-cap equal to 0.  Otherwise (when redundant_pic_cap

      is equal to 1), it is beyond the scope of this memo to recommend

      how the answerer should use redundant coded pictures.

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   Below are the complete lists of how the different parameters shall be

   interpreted in the different combinations of offer or answer and

   direction attribute.

   o  In offers and answers for which "a=sendrecv" or no direction

      attribute is used, or in offers and answers for which "a=recvonly"

      is used, the following interpretation of the parameters MUST be


      Declaring actual configuration or properties for receiving:

         - profile-level-id

         - packetization-mode

      Declaring actual properties of the stream to be sent (applicable

      only when "a=sendrecv" or no direction attribute is used):

         - sprop-deint-buf-req

         - sprop-interleaving-depth

         - sprop-parameter-sets

         - sprop-max-don-diff

         - sprop-init-buf-time

      Declaring receiver implementation capabilities:

         - max-mbps

         - max-fs

         - max-cpb

         - max-dpb

         - max-br

         - redundant-pic-cap

         - deint-buf-cap

         - max-rcmd-nalu-size

      Declaring how Offer/Answer negotiation shall be performed:

         - parameter-add

   o  In an offer or answer for which the direction attribute

      "a=sendonly" is included for the media stream, the following

      interpretation of the parameters MUST be used:

      Declaring actual configuration and properties of stream proposed

      to be sent:

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      Declaring the capabilities of the sender when it receives a


   Furthermore, the following considerations are necessary:

   o  Parameters used for declaring receiver capabilities are in general

      downgradable; i.e., they express the upper limit for a sender's

      possible behavior.  Thus a sender MAY select to set its encoder

      using only lower/lesser or equal values of these parameters.

      "sprop-parameter-sets" MUST NOT be used in a sender's declaration

      of its capabilities, as the limits of the values that are carried

      inside the parameter sets are implicit with the profile and level

   o  Parameters declaring a configuration point are not downgradable,

      with the exception of the level part of the "profile-level-id"

      parameter.  This expresses values a receiver expects to be used

      and must be used verbatim on the sender side.

   o  When a sender's capabilities are declared, and non-downgradable

      parameters are used in this declaration, then these parameters

      express a configuration that is acceptable.  In order to achieve

      high interoperability levels, it is often advisable to offer

      multiple alternative configurations; e.g., for the packetization

      mode.  It is impossible to offer multiple configurations in a

      single payload type.  Thus, when multiple configuration offers are

      made, each offer requires its own RTP payload type associated with

      the offer.

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   o  A receiver SHOULD understand all MIME parameters, even if it only

      supports a subset of the payload format's functionality.  This

      ensures that a receiver is capable of understanding when an offer

      to receive media can be downgraded to what is supported by the

      receiver of the offer.

   o  An answerer MAY extend the offer with additional media format

      configurations.  However, to enable their usage, in most cases a

      second offer is required from the offerer to provide the stream

      properties parameters that the media sender will use.  This also

      has the effect that the offerer has to be able to receive this

      media format configuration, not only to send it.

   o  If an offerer wishes to have non-symmetric capabilities between

      sending and receiving, the offerer has to offer different RTP

      sessions; i.e., different media lines declared as "recvonly" and

      "sendonly", respectively.  This may have further implications on

      the system.

8.2.3.  Usage in Declarative Session Descriptions

   When H.264 over RTP is offered with SDP in a declarative style, as in

   RTSP [27] or SAP [28], the following considerations are necessary.

   o  All parameters capable of indicating the properties of both a NAL

      unit stream and a receiver are used to indicate the properties of

      a NAL unit stream.  For example, in this case, the parameter

      "profile-level-id" declares the values used by the stream, instead

      of the capabilities of the sender.  This results in that the

      following interpretation of the parameters MUST be used:

      Declaring actual configuration or properties:

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      Not usable:

   o  A receiver of the SDP is required to support all parameters and

      values of the parameters provided; otherwise, the receiver MUST

      reject (RTSP) or not participate in (SAP) the session.  It falls

      on the creator of the session to use values that are expected to

      be supported by the receiving application.

8.3.  Examples

   A SIP Offer/Answer exchange wherein both parties are expected to both

   send and receive could look like the following.  Only the media codec

   specific parts of the SDP are shown.  Some lines are wrapped due to

   text constraints.

      Offerer -> Answer SDP message:

      m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 100 99 98

      a=fmtp:98 profile-level-id=42A01E; packetization-mode=0;

      a=rtpmap:99 H264/90000

      a=fmtp:99 profile-level-id=42A01E; packetization-mode=1;

      a=rtpmap:100 H264/90000

      a=fmtp:100 profile-level-id=42A01E; packetization-mode=2;


                 sprop-interleaving-depth=45; sprop-deint-buf-req=64000;

                 sprop-init-buf-time=102478; deint-buf-cap=128000

   The above offer presents the same codec configuration in three

   different packetization formats.  PT 98 represents single NALU mode,

   PT 99 non-interleaved mode; PT 100 indicates the interleaved mode.

   In the interleaved mode case, the interleaving parameters that the

   offerer would use if the answer indicates support for PT 100 are also

   included.  In all three cases the parameter "sprop-parameter-sets"

   conveys the initial parameter sets that are required for the answerer

   when receiving a stream from the offerer when this configuration

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   (profile-level-id and packetization mode) is accepted.  Note that the

   value for "sprop-parameter-sets", although identical in the example

   above, could be different for each payload type.

     Answerer -> Offerer SDP message:

     m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 100 99 97

     a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000

     a=fmtp:97 profile-level-id=42A01E; packetization-mode=0;



     a=rtpmap:99 H264/90000

     a=fmtp:99 profile-level-id=42A01E; packetization-mode=1;

               KyzFGleR; max-rcmd-nalu-size=3980

     a=rtpmap:100 H264/90000

     a=fmtp:100 profile-level-id=42A01E; packetization-mode=2;

               KyzFGleR; sprop-interleaving-depth=60;

               sprop-deint-buf-req=86000; sprop-init-buf-time=156320;

               deint-buf-cap=128000; max-rcmd-nalu-size=3980

   As the Offer/Answer negotiation covers both sending and receiving

   streams, an offer indicates the exact parameters for what the offerer

   is willing to receive, whereas the answer indicates the same for what

   the answerer accepts to receive.  In this case the offerer declared

   that it is willing to receive payload type 98.  The answerer accepts

   this by declaring a equivalent payload type 97; i.e., it has

   identical values for the three parameters "profile-level-id",

   packetization-mode, and "sprop-deint-buf-req".  This has the

   following implications for both the offerer and the answerer

   concerning the parameters that declare properties.  The offerer

   initially declared a certain value of the "sprop-parameter-sets" in

   the payload definition for PT=98.  However, as the answerer accepted

   this as PT=97, the values of "sprop-parameter-sets" in PT=98 must now

   be used instead when the offerer sends PT=97.  Similarly, when the

   answerer sends PT=98 to the offerer, it has to use the properties

   parameters it declared in PT=97.

   The answerer also accepts the reception of the two configurations

   that payload types 99 and 100 represent.  It provides the initial

   parameter sets for the answerer-to-offerer direction, and for

   buffering related parameters that it will use to send the payload

   types.  It also provides the offerer with its memory limit for

   deinterleaving operations by providing a "deint-buf-cap" parameter.

   This is only useful if the offerer decides on making a second offer,

   where it can take the new value into account.  The "max-rcmd-nalu-

   size" indicates that the answerer can efficiently process NALUs up to

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   the size of 3980 bytes.  However, there is no guarantee that the

   network supports this size.

   Please note that the parameter sets in the above example do not

   represent a legal operation point of an H.264 codec.  The base64

   strings are only used for illustration.

8.4.  Parameter Set Considerations

   The H.264 parameter sets are a fundamental part of the video codec

   and vital to its operation; see section 1.2.  Due to their

   characteristics and their importance for the decoding process, lost

   or erroneously transmitted parameter sets can hardly be concealed

   locally at the receiver.  A reference to a corrupt parameter set has

   normally fatal results to the decoding process.  Corruption could

   occur, for example, due to the erroneous transmission or loss of a

   parameter set data structure, but also due to the untimely

   transmission of a parameter set update.  Therefore, the following

   recommendations are provided as a guideline for the implementer of

   the RTP sender.

   Parameter set NALUs can be transported using three different


   A. Using a session control protocol (out-of-band) prior to the actual

      RTP session.

   B. Using a session control protocol (out-of-band) during an ongoing

   C. Within the RTP stream in the payload (in-band) during an ongoing

   It is necessary to implement principles A and B within a session

   control protocol.  SIP and SDP can be used as described in the SDP

   Offer/Answer model and in the previous sections of this memo.  This

   section contains guidelines on how principles A and B must be

   implemented within session control protocols.  It is independent of

   the particular protocol used.  Principle C is supported by the RTP

   payload format defined in this specification.

   The picture and sequence parameter set NALUs SHOULD NOT be

   transmitted in the RTP payload unless reliable transport is provided

   for RTP, as a loss of a parameter set of either type will likely

   prevent decoding of a considerable portion of the corresponding RTP

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   stream.  Thus, the transmission of parameter sets using a reliable

   session control protocol (i.e., usage of principle A or B above) is


   In the rest of the section it is assumed that out-of-band signaling

   provides reliable transport of parameter set NALUs and that in-band

   transport does not.  If in-band signaling of parameter sets is used,

   the sender SHOULD take the error characteristics into account and use

   mechanisms to provide a high probability for delivering the parameter

   sets correctly.  Mechanisms that increase the probability for a

   correct reception include packet repetition, FEC, and retransmission.

   The use of an unreliable, out-of-band control protocol has similar

   disadvantages as the in-band signaling (possible loss) and, in

   addition, may also lead to difficulties in the synchronization (see

   below).  Therefore, it is NOT RECOMMENDED.

   Parameter sets MAY be added or updated during the lifetime of a

   session using principles B and C.  It is required that parameter sets

   are present at the decoder prior to the NAL units that refer to them.

   Updating or adding of parameter sets can result in further problems,

   and therefore the following recommendations should be considered.

   -  When parameter sets are added or updated, principle C is

      vulnerable to transmission errors as described above, and

      therefore principle B is RECOMMENDED.

   -  When parameter sets are added or updated, care SHOULD be taken to

      ensure that any parameter set is delivered prior to its usage.  It

      is common that no synchronization is present between out-of-band

      signaling and in-band traffic.  If out-of-band signaling is used,

      it is RECOMMENDED that a sender does not start sending NALUs

      requiring the updated parameter sets prior to acknowledgement of

      delivery from the signaling protocol.

   -  When parameter sets are updated, the following synchronization

      issue should be taken into account.  When overwriting a parameter

      set at the receiver, the sender has to ensure that the parameter

      set in question is not needed by any NALU present in the network

      or receiver buffers.  Otherwise, decoding with a wrong parameter

      set may occur.  To lessen this problem, it is RECOMMENDED either

      to overwrite only those parameter sets that have not been used for

      a sufficiently long time (to ensure that all related NALUs have

      been consumed), or to add a new parameter set instead (which may

      have negative consequences for the efficiency of the video


   -  When new parameter sets are added, previously unused parameter set

      identifiers are used.  This avoids the problem identified in the

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      previous paragraph.  However, in a multiparty session, unless a

      synchronized control protocol is used, there is a risk that

      multiple entities try to add different parameter sets for the same

      identifier, which has to be avoided.

   -  Adding or modifying parameter sets by using both principles B and

      C in the same RTP session may lead to inconsistencies of the

      parameter sets because of the lack of synchronization between the

      control and the RTP channel.  Therefore, principles B and C MUST

      NOT both be used in the same session unless sufficient

      synchronization can be provided.

   In some scenarios (e.g., when only the subset of this payload format

   specification corresponding to H.241 is used), it is not possible to

   employ out-of-band parameter set transmission.  In this case,

   parameter sets have to be transmitted in-band.  Here, the

   synchronization with the non-parameter-set-data in the bitstream is

   implicit, but the possibility of a loss has to be taken into account.

   The loss probability should be reduced using the mechanisms discussed


   -  When parameter sets are initially provided using principle A and

      then later added or updated in-band (principle C), there is a risk

      associated with updating the parameter sets delivered out-of-band.

      If receivers miss some in-band updates (for example, because of a

      loss or a late tune-in), those receivers attempt to decode the

      bitstream using out-dated parameters.  It is RECOMMENDED that

      parameter set IDs be partitioned between the out-of-band and in-

      band parameter sets.

   To allow for maximum flexibility and best performance from the H.264

   coder, it is recommended, if possible, to allow any sender to add its

   own parameter sets to be used in a session.  Setting the "parameter-

   add" parameter to false should only be done in cases where the

   session topology prevents a participant to add its own parameter


9.  Security Considerations

   RTP packets using the payload format defined in this specification

   are subject to the security considerations discussed in the RTP

   specification [4], and in any appropriate RTP profile (for example,

   [16]).  This implies that confidentiality of the media streams is

   achieved by encryption; for example, through the application of SRTP

   [26].  Because the data compression used with this payload format is

   applied end-to-end, any encryption needs to be performed after


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   A potential denial-of-service threat exists for data encodings using

   compression techniques that have non-uniform receiver-end

   computational load.  The attacker can inject pathological datagrams

   into the stream that are complex to decode and that cause the

   receiver to be overloaded.  H.264 is particularly vulnerable to such

   attacks, as it is extremely simple to generate datagrams containing

   NAL units that affect the decoding process of many future NAL units.

   Therefore, the usage of data origin authentication and data integrity

   protection of at least the RTP packet is RECOMMENDED; for example,

   with SRTP [26].

   Note that the appropriate mechanism to ensure confidentiality and

   integrity of RTP packets and their payloads is very dependent on the

   application and on the transport and signaling protocols employed.

   Thus, although SRTP is given as an example above, other possible

   choices exist.

   Decoders MUST exercise caution with respect to the handling of user

   data SEI messages, particularly if they contain active elements, and

   MUST restrict their domain of applicability to the presentation

   containing the stream.

   End-to-End security with either authentication, integrity or

   confidentiality protection will prevent a MANE from performing

   media-aware operations other than discarding complete packets.  And

   in the case of confidentiality protection it will even be prevented

   from performing discarding of packets in a media aware way.  To allow

   any MANE to perform its operations, it will be required to be a

   trusted entity which is included in the security context


10.  Congestion Control

   Congestion control for RTP SHALL be used in accordance with RFC 3550

   [4], and with any applicable RTP profile; e.g., RFC 3551 [16].  An

   additional requirement if best-effort service is being used is:

   users of this payload format MUST monitor packet loss to ensure that

   the packet loss rate is within acceptable parameters.  Packet loss is

   considered acceptable if a TCP flow across the same network path, and

   experiencing the same network conditions, would achieve an average

   throughput, measured on a reasonable timescale, that is not less than

   the RTP flow is achieving.  This condition can be satisfied by

   implementing congestion control mechanisms to adapt the transmission

   rate (or the number of layers subscribed for a layered multicast

   session), or by arranging for a receiver to leave the session if the

   loss rate is unacceptably high.

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 63]

   The bit rate adaptation necessary for obeying the congestion control

   principle is easily achievable when real-time encoding is used.

   However, when pre-encoded content is being transmitted, bandwidth

   adaptation requires the availability of more than one coded

   representation of the same content, at different bit rates, or the

   existence of non-reference pictures or sub-sequences [22] in the

   bitstream.  The switching between the different representations can

   normally be performed in the same RTP session; e.g., by employing a

   concept known as SI/SP slices of the Extended Profile, or by

   switching streams at IDR picture boundaries.  Only when non-

   downgradable parameters (such as the profile part of the

   profile/level ID) are required to be changed does it become necessary

   to terminate and re-start the media stream.  This may be accomplished

   by using a different RTP payload type.

   MANEs MAY follow the suggestions outlined in section 7.3 and remove

   certain unusable packets from the packet stream when that stream was

   damaged due to previous packet losses.  This can help reduce the

   network load in certain special cases.

11.  IANA Consideration

   IANA has registered one new MIME type; see section 8.1.

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12.  Informative Appendix: Application Examples

   This payload specification is very flexible in its use, in order to

   cover the extremely wide application space anticipated for H.264.

   However, this great flexibility also makes it difficult for an

   implementer to decide on a reasonable packetization scheme.  Some

   information on how to apply this specification to real-world

   scenarios is likely to appear in the form of academic publications

   and a test model software and description in the near future.

   However, some preliminary usage scenarios are described here as well.

12.1.  Video Telephony according to ITU-T Recommendation H.241

       Annex A

   H.323-based video telephony systems that use H.264 as an optional

   video compression scheme are required to support H.241 Annex A [15]

   as a packetization scheme.  The packetization mechanism defined in

   this Annex is technically identical with a small subset of this


   When a system operates according to H.241 Annex A, parameter set NAL

   units are sent in-band.  Only Single NAL unit packets are used.  Many

   such systems are not sending IDR pictures regularly, but only when

   required by user interaction or by control protocol means; e.g., when

   switching between video channels in a Multipoint Control Unit or for

   error recovery requested by feedback.

12.2.  Video Telephony, No Slice Data Partitioning, No NAL Unit


   The RTP part of this scheme is implemented and tested (though not the

   control-protocol part; see below).

   In most real-world video telephony applications, picture parameters

   such as picture size or optional modes never change during the

   lifetime of a connection.  Therefore, all necessary parameter sets

   (usually only one) are sent as a side effect of the capability

   exchange/announcement process, e.g., according to the SDP syntax

   specified in section 8.2 of this document.  As all necessary

   parameter set information is established before the RTP session

   starts, there is no need for sending any parameter set NAL units.

   Slice data partitioning is not used, either.  Thus, the RTP packet

   stream basically consists of NAL units that carry single coded


   The encoder chooses the size of coded slice NAL units so that they

   offer the best performance.  Often, this is done by adapting the

   coded slice size to the MTU size of the IP network.  For small

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   picture sizes, this may result in a one-picture-per-one-packet

   strategy.  Intra refresh algorithms clean up the loss of packets and

   the resulting drift-related artifacts.

12.3.  Video Telephony, Interleaved Packetization Using NAL Unit

   This scheme allows better error concealment and is used in H.263

   based designs using RFC 2429 packetization [10].  It has been

   implemented, and good results were reported [12].

   The VCL encoder codes the source picture so that all macroblocks

   (MBs) of one MB line are assigned to one slice.  All slices with even

   MB row addresses are combined into one STAP, and all slices with odd

   MB row addresses into another.  Those STAPs are transmitted as RTP

   packets.  The establishment of the parameter sets is performed as

   discussed above.

   Note that the use of STAPs is essential here, as the high number of

   individual slices (18 for a CIF picture) would lead to unacceptably

   high IP/UDP/RTP header overhead (unless the source coding tool FMO is

   used, which is not assumed in this scenario).  Furthermore, some

   wireless video transmission systems, such as H.324M and the IP-based

   video telephony specified in 3GPP, are likely to use relatively small

   transport packet size.  For example, a typical MTU size of H.223 AL3

   SDU is around 100 bytes [17].  Coding individual slices according to

   this packetization scheme provides further advantage in communication

   between wired and wireless networks, as individual slices are likely

   to be smaller than the preferred maximum packet size of wireless

   systems.  Consequently, a gateway can convert the STAPs used in a

   wired network into several RTP packets with only one NAL unit, which

   are preferred in a wireless network, and vice versa.

12.4.  Video Telephony with Data Partitioning

   This scheme has been implemented and has been shown to offer good

   performance, especially at higher packet loss rates [12].

   Data Partitioning is known to be useful only when some form of

   unequal error protection is available.  Normally, in single-session

   RTP environments, even error characteristics are assumed; i.e., the

   packet loss probability of all packets of the session is the same

   statistically.  However, there are means to reduce the packet loss

   probability of individual packets in an RTP session.  A FEC packet

   according to RFC 2733 [18], for example, specifies which media

   packets are associated with the FEC packet.

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   In all cases, the incurred overhead is substantial but is in the same

   order of magnitude as the number of bits that have otherwise been

   spent for intra information.  However, this mechanism does not add

   any delay to the system.

   Again, the complete parameter set establishment is performed through

   control protocol means.

12.5.  Video Telephony or Streaming with FUs and Forward Error


   This scheme has been implemented and has been shown to provide good

   performance, especially at higher packet loss rates [19].

   The most efficient means to combat packet losses for scenarios where

   retransmissions are not applicable is forward error correction (FEC).

   Although application layer, end-to-end use of FEC is often less

   efficient than an FEC-based protection of individual links

   (especially when links of different characteristics are in the

   transmission path), application layer, end-to-end FEC is unavoidable

   in some scenarios.  RFC 2733 [18] provides means to use generic,

   application layer, end-to-end FEC in packet-loss environments.  A

   binary forward error correcting code is generated by applying the XOR

   operation to the bits at the same bit position in different packets.

   The binary code can be specified by the parameters (n,k) in which k

   is the number of information packets used in the connection and n is

   the total number of packets generated for k information packets;

   i.e., n-k parity packets are generated for k information packets.

   When a code is used with parameters (n,k) within the RFC 2733

   framework, the following properties are well known:

   a) If applied over one RTP packet, RFC 2733 provides only packet


   b) RFC 2733 is most bit rate efficient if XOR-connected packets have

      equal length.

   c) At the same packet loss probability p and for a fixed k, the

      greater the value of n is, the smaller the residual error

      probability becomes.  For example, for a packet loss probability

      of 10%, k=1, and n=2, the residual error probability is about 1%,

      whereas for n=3, the residual error probability is about 0.1%.

   d) At the same packet loss probability p and for a fixed code rate

      k/n, the greater the value of n is, the smaller the residual error

      probability becomes.  For example, at a packet loss probability of

      p=10%, k=1 and n=2, the residual error rate is about 1%, whereas

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      for an extended Golay code with k=12 and n=24, the residual error

      rate is about 0.01%.

   For applying RFC 2733 in combination with H.264 baseline coded video

   without using FUs, several options might be considered:

   1) The video encoder produces NAL units for which each video frame is

      coded in a single slice.  Applying FEC, one could use a simple

      code; e.g., (n=2, k=1).  That is, each NAL unit would basically

      just be repeated.  The disadvantage is obviously the bad code

      performance according to d), above, and the low flexibility, as

      only (n, k=1) codes can be used.

   2) The video encoder produces NAL units for which each video frame is

      encoded in one or more consecutive slices.  Applying FEC, one

      could use a better code, e.g., (n=24, k=12), over a sequence of

      NAL units.  Depending on the number of RTP packets per frame, a

      loss may introduce a significant delay, which is reduced when more

      RTP packets are used per frame.  Packets of completely different

      length might also be connected, which decreases bit rate

      efficiency according to b), above.  However, with some care and

      for slices of 1kb or larger, similar length (100-200 bytes

      difference) may be produced, which will not lower the bit

      efficiency catastrophically.

   3) The video encoder produces NAL units, for which a certain frame

      contains k slices of possibly almost equal length.  Then, applying

      FEC, a better code, e.g., (n=24, k=12), can be used over the

      sequence of NAL units for each frame.  The delay compared to that

      of 2), above,  may be reduced, but several disadvantages are

      obvious.  First, the coding efficiency of the encoded video is

      lowered significantly, as slice-structured coding reduces intra-

      frame prediction and additional slice overhead is necessary.

      Second, pre-encoded content or, when operating over a gateway, the

      video is usually not appropriately coded with k slices such that

      FEC can be applied.  Finally, the encoding of video producing k

      slices of equal length is not straightforward and might require

      more than one encoding pass.

   Many of the mentioned disadvantages can be avoided by applying FUs in

   combination with FEC.  Each NAL unit can be split into any number of

   FUs of basically equal length; therefore, FEC with a reasonable k and

   n can be applied, even if the encoder made no effort to produce

   slices of equal length.  For example, a coded slice NAL unit

   containing an entire frame can be split to k FUs, and a parity check

   code (n=k+1, k) can be applied.  However, this has the disadvantage

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   that unless all created fragments can be recovered, the whole slice

   will be lost.  Thus a larger section is lost than would be if the

   frame had been split into several slices.

   The presented technique makes it possible to achieve good

   transmission error tolerance, even if no additional source coding

   layer redundancy (such as periodic intra frames) is present.

   Consequently, the same coded video sequence can be used to achieve

   the maximum compression efficiency and quality over error-free

   transmission and for transmission over error-prone networks.

   Furthermore, the technique allows the application of FEC to pre-

   encoded sequences without adding delay.  In this case, pre-encoded

   sequences that are not encoded for error-prone networks can still be

   transmitted almost reliably without adding extensive delays.  In

   addition, FUs of equal length result in a bit rate efficient use of

   RFC 2733.

   If the error probability depends on the length of the transmitted

   packet (e.g., in case of mobile transmission [14]), the benefits of

   applying FUs with FEC are even more obvious.  Basically, the

   flexibility of the size of FUs allows appropriate FEC to be applied

   for each NAL unit and unequal error protection of NAL units.

   When FUs and FEC are used, the incurred overhead is substantial but

   is in the same order of magnitude as the number of bits that have to

   be spent for intra-coded macroblocks if no FEC is applied.  In [19],

   it was shown that the overall performance of the FEC-based approach

   enhanced quality when using the same error rate and same overall bit

   rate, including the overhead.

12.6.  Low Bit-Rate Streaming

   This scheme has been implemented with H.263 and non-standard RTP

   packetization and has given good results [20].  There is no technical

   reason why similarly good results could not be achievable with H.264.

   In today's Internet streaming, some of the offered bit rates are

   relatively low in order to allow terminals with dial-up modems to

   access the content.  In wired IP networks, relatively large packets,

   say 500 - 1500 bytes, are preferred to smaller and more frequently

   occurring packets in order to reduce network congestion.  Moreover,

   use of large packets decreases the amount of RTP/UDP/IP header

   overhead.  For low bit-rate video, the use of large packets means

   that sometimes up to few pictures should be encapsulated in one


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   However, loss of a packet including many coded pictures would have

   drastic consequences for visual quality, as there is practically no

   other way to conceal a loss of an entire picture than to repeat the

   previous one.  One way to construct relatively large packets and

   maintain possibilities for successful loss concealment is to

   construct MTAPs that contain interleaved slices from several

   pictures.  An MTAP should not contain spatially adjacent slices from

   the same picture or spatially overlapping slices from any picture.

   If a packet is lost, it is likely that a lost slice is surrounded by

   spatially adjacent slices of the same picture and spatially

   corresponding slices of the temporally previous and succeeding

   pictures.  Consequently, concealment of the lost slice is likely to

   be relatively successful.

12.7.  Robust Packet Scheduling in Video Streaming

   Robust packet scheduling has been implemented with MPEG-4 Part 2 and

   simulated in a wireless streaming environment [21].  There is no

   technical reason why similar or better results could not be

   achievable with H.264.

   Streaming clients typically have a receiver buffer that is capable of

   storing a relatively large amount of data.  Initially, when a

   streaming session is established, a client does not start playing the

   stream back immediately.  Rather, it typically buffers the incoming

   data for a few seconds.  This buffering helps maintain continuous

   playback, as, in case of occasional increased transmission delays or

   network throughput drops, the client can decode and play buffered

   data.  Otherwise, without initial buffering, the client has to freeze

   the display, stop decoding, and wait for incoming data.  The

   buffering is also necessary for either automatic or selective

   retransmission in any protocol level.  If any part of a picture is

   lost, a retransmission mechanism may be used to resend the lost data.

   If the retransmitted data is received before its scheduled decoding

   or playback time, the loss is recovered perfectly.  Coded pictures

   can be ranked according to their importance in the subjective quality

   of the decoded sequence.  For example, non-reference pictures, such

   as conventional B pictures, are subjectively least important, as

   their absence does not affect decoding of any other pictures.  In

   addition to non-reference pictures, the ITU-T H.264 | ISO/IEC

   14496-10 standard includes a temporal scalability method called sub-

   sequences [22].  Subjective ranking can also be made on coded slice

   data partition or slice group basis.  Coded slices and coded slice

   data partitions that are subjectively the most important can be sent

   earlier than their decoding order indicates, whereas coded slices and

   coded slice data partitions that are subjectively the least important

   can be sent later than their natural coding order indicates.

   Consequently, any retransmitted parts of the most important slices

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   and coded slice data partitions are more likely to be received before

   their scheduled decoding or playback time compared to the least

   important slices and slice data partitions.

13.  Informative Appendix: Rationale for Decoding Order Number

13.1.  Introduction

   The Decoding Order Number (DON) concept was introduced mainly to

   enable efficient multi-picture slice interleaving (see section 12.6)

   and robust packet scheduling (see section 12.7).  In both of these

   applications, NAL units are transmitted out of decoding order.  DON

   indicates the decoding order of NAL units and should be used in the

   receiver to recover the decoding order.  Example use cases for

   efficient multi-picture slice interleaving and for robust packet

   scheduling are given in sections 13.2 and 13.3, respectively.

   Section 13.4 describes the benefits of the DON concept in error

   resiliency achieved by redundant coded pictures.  Section 13.5

   summarizes considered alternatives to DON and justifies why DON was

   chosen to this RTP payload specification.

13.2.  Example of Multi-Picture Slice Interleaving

   An example of multi-picture slice interleaving follows.  A subset of

   a coded video sequence is depicted below in output order.  R denotes

   a reference picture, N denotes a non-reference picture, and the

   number indicates a relative output time.

      ... R1 N2 R3 N4 R5 ...

   The decoding order of these pictures from left to right is as


      ... R1 R3 N2 R5 N4 ...

   The NAL units of pictures R1, R3, N2, R5, and N4 are marked with a

   DON equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.

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   Each reference picture consists of three slice groups that are

   scattered as follows (a number denotes the slice group number for

   each macroblock in a QCIF frame):

      0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1

      2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0

      1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2

   For the sake of simplicity, we assume that all the macroblocks of a

   slice group are included in one slice.  Three MTAPs are constructed

   from three consecutive reference pictures so that each MTAP contains

   three aggregation units, each of which contains all the macroblocks

   from one slice group.  The first MTAP contains slice group 0 of

   picture R1, slice group 1 of picture R3, and slice group 2 of

   picture R5.  The second MTAP contains slice group 1 of picture R1,

   slice group 2 of picture R3, and slice group 0 of picture R5.  The

   third MTAP contains slice group 2 of picture R1, slice group 0 of

   picture R3, and slice group 1 of picture R5.  Each non-reference

   picture is encapsulated into an STAP-B.

   Consequently, the transmission order of NAL units is the following:

      R1, slice group 0, DON 1, carried in MTAP,   RTP SN: N

      R3, slice group 1, DON 2, carried in MTAP,   RTP SN: N

      R5, slice group 2, DON 4, carried in MTAP,   RTP SN: N

      R1, slice group 1, DON 1, carried in MTAP,   RTP SN: N+1

      R3, slice group 2, DON 2, carried in MTAP,   RTP SN: N+1

      R5, slice group 0, DON 4, carried in MTAP,   RTP SN: N+1

      R1, slice group 2, DON 1, carried in MTAP,   RTP SN: N+2

      R3, slice group 1, DON 2, carried in MTAP,   RTP SN: N+2

      R5, slice group 0, DON 4, carried in MTAP,   RTP SN: N+2

      N2,                DON 3, carried in STAP-B, RTP SN: N+3

      N4,                DON 5, carried in STAP-B, RTP SN: N+4

   The receiver is able to organize the NAL units back in decoding order

   based on the value of DON associated with each NAL unit.

   If one of the MTAPs is lost, the spatially adjacent and temporally

   co-located macroblocks are received and can be used to conceal the

   loss efficiently.  If one of the STAPs is lost, the effect of the

   loss does not propagate temporally.

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13.3.  Example of Robust Packet Scheduling

   An example of robust packet scheduling follows.  The communication

   system used in the example consists of the following components in

   the order that the video is processed from source to sink:

      o camera and capturing

      o pre-encoding buffer

      o encoder

      o encoded picture buffer

      o transmitter

      o transmission channel

      o receiver

      o receiver buffer

      o decoder

      o decoded picture buffer

      o display

   The video communication system used in the example operates as

   follows.  Note that processing of the video stream happens gradually

   and at the same time in all components of the system.  The source

   video sequence is shot and captured to a pre-encoding buffer.  The

   pre-encoding buffer can be used to order pictures from sampling order

   to encoding order or to analyze multiple uncompressed frames for bit

   rate control purposes, for example.  In some cases, the pre-encoding

   buffer may not exist; instead, the sampled pictures are encoded right

   away.  The encoder encodes pictures from the pre-encoding buffer and

   stores the output; i.e., coded pictures, to the encoded picture

   buffer.  The transmitter encapsulates the coded pictures from the

   encoded picture buffer to transmission packets and sends them to a

   receiver through a transmission channel.  The receiver stores the

   received packets to the receiver buffer.  The receiver buffering

   process typically includes buffering for transmission delay jitter.

   The receiver buffer can also be used to recover correct decoding

   order of coded data.  The decoder reads coded data from the receiver

   buffer and produces decoded pictures as output into the decoded

   picture buffer.  The decoded picture buffer is used to recover the

   output (or display) order of pictures.  Finally, pictures are


   In the following example figures, I denotes an IDR picture, R denotes

   number after I, R, or N indicates the sampling time relative to the

   previous IDR picture in decoding order.  Values below the sequence of

   pictures indicate scaled system clock timestamps.  The system clock

   is initialized arbitrarily in this example, and time runs from left

   to right.  Each I, R, and N picture is mapped into the same timeline

   compared to the previous processing step, if any, assuming that

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   encoding, transmission, and decoding take no time.  Thus, events

   happening at the same time are located in the same column throughout

   all example figures.

   A subset of a sequence of coded pictures is depicted below in

   sampling order.

       ...  N58 N59 I00 N01 N02 R03 N04 N05 R06 ... N58 N59 I00 N01 ...

       ... --|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ... -|---|---|---|- ...

       ...  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  ... 128 129 130 131 ...

      Figure 16.  Sequence of pictures in sampling order

   The sampled pictures are buffered in the pre-encoding buffer to

   arrange them in encoding order.  In this example, we assume that the

   non-reference pictures are predicted from both the previous and the

   next reference picture in output order, except for the non-reference

   pictures immediately preceding an IDR picture, which are predicted

   only from the previous reference picture in output order.  Thus, the

   pre-encoding buffer has to contain at least two pictures, and the

   buffering causes a delay of two picture intervals.  The output of the

   pre-encoding buffering process and the encoding (and decoding) order

   of the pictures are as follows:

                ... N58 N59 I00 R03 N01 N02 R06 N04 N05 ...

                ... -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...

                ... 60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  ...

      Figure 17.  Re-ordered pictures in the pre-encoding buffer

   The encoder or the transmitter can set the value of DON for each

   picture to a value of DON for the previous picture in decoding order

   plus one.

   For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that:

   o  the frame rate of the sequence is constant,

   o  each picture consists of only one slice,

   o  each slice is encapsulated in a single NAL unit packet,

   o  there is no transmission delay, and

   o  pictures are transmitted at constant intervals (that is, 1 / frame


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   When pictures are transmitted in decoding order, they are received as

      Figure 18.  Received pictures in decoding order

   The OPTIONAL sprop-interleaving-depth MIME type parameter is set to

   0, as the transmission (or reception) order is identical to the

   decoding order.

   The decoder has to buffer for one picture interval initially in its

   decoded picture buffer to organize pictures from decoding order to

   output order as depicted below:

                    ... N58 N59 I00 N01 N02 R03 N04 N05 R06 ...

                    ... -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...

                    ... 61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  ...

      Figure 19.  Output order

   The amount of required initial buffering in the decoded picture

   buffer can be signaled in the buffering period SEI message or with

   the num_reorder_frames syntax element of H.264 video usability

   information.  num_reorder_frames indicates the maximum number of

   frames, complementary field pairs, or non-paired fields that precede

   any frame, complementary field pair, or non-paired field in the

   sequence in decoding order and that follow it in output order.  For

   the sake of simplicity, we assume that num_reorder_frames is used to

   indicate the initial buffer in the decoded picture buffer.  In this

   example, num_reorder_frames is equal to 1.

   It can be observed that if the IDR picture I00 is lost during

   transmission and a retransmission request is issued when the value of

   the system clock is 62, there is one picture interval of time (until

   the system clock reaches timestamp 63) to receive the retransmitted

   IDR picture I00.

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   Let us then assume that IDR pictures are transmitted two frame

   intervals earlier than their decoding position; i.e., the pictures

   are transmitted as follows:

                       ...  I00 N58 N59 R03 N01 N02 R06 N04 N05 ...

                       ... --|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...

                       ...  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  ...

      Figure 20.  Interleaving: Early IDR pictures in sending order

   The OPTIONAL sprop-interleaving-depth MIME type parameter is set

   equal to 1 according to its definition.  (The value of sprop-

   interleaving-depth in this example can be derived as follows:

   Picture I00 is the only picture preceding picture N58 or N59 in

   transmission order and following it in decoding order.  Except for

   pictures I00, N58, and N59, the transmission order is the same as the

   decoding order of pictures.  As a coded picture is encapsulated into

   exactly one NAL unit, the value of sprop-interleaving-depth is equal

   to the maximum number of pictures preceding any picture in

   transmission order and following the picture in decoding order.)

   The receiver buffering process contains two pictures at a time

   according to the value of the sprop-interleaving-depth parameter and

   orders pictures from the reception order to the correct decoding

   order based on the value of DON associated with each picture.  The

   output of the receiver buffering process is as follows:

                            ... N58 N59 I00 R03 N01 N02 R06 N04 N05 ...

                            ... -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...

                            ... 63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  ...

      Figure 21.  Interleaving: Receiver buffer

   Again, an initial buffering delay of one picture interval is needed

   to organize pictures from decoding order to output order, as depicted


                                ... N58 N59 I00 N01 N02 R03 N04 N05 ...

                                ... -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...

                                ... 64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  ...

      Figure 22.  Interleaving: Receiver buffer after reordering

   Note that the maximum delay that IDR pictures can undergo during

   transmission, including possible application, transport, or link

   layer retransmission, is equal to three picture intervals.  Thus, the

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 76]

   loss resiliency of IDR pictures is improved in systems supporting

   retransmission compared to the case in which pictures were

   transmitted in their decoding order.

13.4.  Robust Transmission Scheduling of Redundant Coded Slices

   A redundant coded picture is a coded representation of a picture or a

   part of a picture that is not used in the decoding process if the

   corresponding primary coded picture is correctly decoded.  There

   should be no noticeable difference between any area of the decoded

   primary picture and a corresponding area that would result from

   application of the H.264 decoding process for any redundant picture

   in the same access unit.  A redundant coded slice is a coded slice

   that is a part of a redundant coded picture.

   Redundant coded pictures can be used to provide unequal error

   protection in error-prone video transmission.  If a primary coded

   representation of a picture is decoded incorrectly, a corresponding

   redundant coded picture can be decoded.  Examples of applications and

   coding techniques using the redundant codec picture feature include

   the video redundancy coding [23] and the protection of "key pictures"

   in multicast streaming [24].

   One property of many error-prone video communications systems is that

   transmission errors are often bursty.  Therefore, they may affect

   more than one consecutive transmission packets in transmission order.

   In low bit-rate video communication, it is relatively common that an

   entire coded picture can be encapsulated into one transmission

   packet.  Consequently, a primary coded picture and the corresponding

   redundant coded pictures may be transmitted in consecutive packets in

   transmission order.  To make the transmission scheme more tolerant of

   bursty transmission errors, it is beneficial to transmit the primary

   coded picture and redundant coded picture separated by more than a

   single packet.  The DON concept enables this.

13.5.  Remarks on Other Design Possibilities

   The slice header syntax structure of the H.264 coding standard

   contains the frame_num syntax element that can indicate the decoding

   order of coded frames.  However, the usage of the frame_num syntax

   element is not feasible or desirable to recover the decoding order,

   due to the following reasons:

   o  The receiver is required to parse at least one slice header per

      coded picture (before passing the coded data to the decoder).

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 77]

   o  Coded slices from multiple coded video sequences cannot be

      interleaved, as the frame number syntax element is reset to 0 in

      each IDR picture.

   o  The coded fields of a complementary field pair share the same

      value of the frame_num syntax element.  Thus, the decoding order

      of the coded fields of a complementary field pair cannot be

      recovered based on the frame_num syntax element or any other

      syntax element of the H.264 coding syntax.

   The RTP payload format for transport of MPEG-4 elementary streams

   [25] enables interleaving of access units and transmission of

   multiple access units in the same RTP packet.  An access unit is

   specified in the H.264 coding standard to comprise all NAL units

   associated with a primary coded picture according to subclause of [1].  Consequently, slices of different pictures cannot be

   interleaved, and the multi-picture slice interleaving technique (see

   section 12.6) for improved error resilience cannot be used.

14.  Acknowledgements

   The authors thank Roni Even, Dave Lindbergh, Philippe Gentric,

   Gonzalo Camarillo, Gary Sullivan, Joerg Ott, and Colin Perkins for

   careful review.

15.  References

15.1.  Normative References

   [1]  ITU-T Recommendation H.264, "Advanced video coding for generic

        audiovisual services", May 2003.

   [2]  ISO/IEC International Standard 14496-10:2003.

   [3]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

        Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [4]  Schulzrinne, H.,  Casner, S., Frederick, R., and V. Jacobson,

        "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications", STD 64,

        RFC 3550, July 2003.

   [5]  Handley, M. and V. Jacobson, "SDP: Session Description

        Protocol", RFC 2327, April 1998.

   [6]  Josefsson, S., "The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings",

        RFC 3548, July 2003.

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 78]

   [7]  Rosenberg, J. and H. Schulzrinne, "An Offer/Answer Model with

        Session Description Protocol (SDP)", RFC 3264, June 2002.

15.2.  Informative References

   [8]  "Draft ITU-T Recommendation and Final Draft International

        Standard of Joint Video Specification (ITU-T Rec. H.264 |

        ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC)", available from http://ftp3.itu.int/av-

        arch/jvt-site/2003_03_Pattaya/JVT-G050r1.zip, May 2003.

   [9]  Luthra, A., Sullivan, G.J., and T. Wiegand (eds.), Special Issue

        on H.264/AVC. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems on Video

        Technology, July 2003.

   [10] Bormann, C., Cline, L., Deisher, G., Gardos, T., Maciocco, C.,

        Newell, D., Ott, J., Sullivan, G., Wenger, S., and C. Zhu, "RTP

        Payload Format for the 1998 Version of ITU-T Rec. H.263 Video

        (H.263+)", RFC 2429, October 1998.

   [11] ISO/IEC IS 14496-2.

   [12] Wenger, S., "H.26L over IP", IEEE Transaction on Circuits and

        Systems for Video technology, Vol. 13, No. 7, July 2003.

   [13] Wenger, S., "H.26L over IP: The IP Network Adaptation Layer",

        Proceedings Packet Video Workshop 02, April 2002.

   [14] Stockhammer, T., Hannuksela, M.M., and S. Wenger, "H.26L/JVT

        Coding Network Abstraction Layer and IP-based Transport" in

        Proc. ICIP 2002, Rochester, NY, September 2002.

   [15] ITU-T Recommendation H.241, "Extended video procedures and

        control signals for H.300 series terminals", 2004.

   [16] Schulzrinne, H. and S. Casner, "RTP Profile for Audio and Video

        Conferences with Minimal Control", STD 65, RFC 3551, July 2003.

   [17] ITU-T Recommendation H.223, "Multiplexing protocol for low bit

        rate multimedia communication", July 2001.

   [18] Rosenberg, J. and H. Schulzrinne, "An RTP Payload Format for

        Generic Forward Error Correction", RFC 2733, December 1999.

   [19] Stockhammer, T., Wiegand, T., Oelbaum, T., and F. Obermeier,

        "Video Coding and Transport Layer Techniques for H.264/AVC-Based

        Transmission over Packet-Lossy Networks", IEEE International

        Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2003), Barcelona, Spain,

        September 2003.

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 79]

   [20] Varsa, V. and M. Karczewicz, "Slice interleaving in compressed

        video packetization", Packet Video Workshop 2000.

   [21] Kang, S.H. and A. Zakhor, "Packet scheduling algorithm for

        wireless video streaming," International Packet Video Workshop


   [22] Hannuksela, M.M., "Enhanced concept of GOP", JVT-B042, available


        January 2002.

   [23] Wenger, S., "Video Redundancy Coding in H.263+", 1997

        International Workshop on Audio-Visual Services over Packet

        Networks, September 1997.

   [24] Wang, Y.-K., Hannuksela, M.M., and M. Gabbouj, "Error Resilient

        Video Coding Using Unequally Protected Key Pictures", in Proc.

        International Workshop VLBV03, September 2003.

   [25] van der Meer, J., Mackie, D., Swaminathan, V., Singer, D., and

        P. Gentric, "RTP Payload Format for Transport of MPEG-4

        Elementary Streams", RFC 3640, November 2003.

   [26] Baugher, M., McGrew, D., Naslund, M., Carrara, E., and K.

        Norrman, "The Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP)", RFC

        3711, March 2004.

   [27] Schulzrinne, H., Rao, A., and R. Lanphier, "Real Time Streaming

        Protocol (RTSP)", RFC 2326, April 1998.

   [28] Handley, M., Perkins, C., and E. Whelan, "Session Announcement

        Protocol", RFC 2974, October 2000.

   [29] ISO/IEC 14496-15: "Information technology - Coding of audio-

        visual objects - Part 15: Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file


   [30] Castagno, R. and D. Singer, "MIME Type Registrations for 3rd

        Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Multimedia files", RFC

        3839, July 2004.

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 80]

Authors' Addresses

   Stephan Wenger

   TU Berlin / Teles AG

   Franklinstr. 28-29

   D-10587 Berlin


   Phone: +49-172-300-0813

   EMail: [email protected]

   Miska M. Hannuksela

   Nokia Corporation

   P.O. Box 100

   33721 Tampere


   Phone: +358-7180-73151

   EMail: [email protected]

   Thomas Stockhammer

   Nomor Research

   D-83346 Bergen

   Phone: +49-8662-419407

   EMail: [email protected]

   Magnus Westerlund

   Multimedia Technologies

   Ericsson Research EAB/TVA/A

   Ericsson AB

   Torshamsgatan 23

   SE-164 80 Stockholm


   Phone: +46-8-7190000

   EMail: [email protected]

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 81]

   David Singer

   QuickTime Engineering


   1 Infinite Loop MS 302-3MT


   CA 95014


   Phone +1 408 974-3162

   EMail: [email protected]

Wenger, et al.              Standards Track                    [Page 82]

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   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions

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