




1.surfing n.冲浪(运动)

2.chart v.记录,跟踪(变化或进展)

3.setting n.(机器、仪器等调控装置的)设定位置,调节点

4.bar n.横木;酒吧

5.upper adj.(位置)较上的,较高的,上面的

6.interpret v.理解,了解,解释

7.ultimate adj.(目标等)最终的


1.goal n.球门

2.content n.满意,满足

3.plastic adj.塑料制的

4.factor n.因素,要素

5.soldier n.士兵,军人

6.conflict n.武装冲突,战斗,战争

7.ideal adj.理想的,最好的

8.display n.显示器 vt.展示;显示

9.monitor v.监视,监测

10.available adj.可用的,可获得的

11.skip v.跳绳

12.bone n.骨头,骨

13.involve v.包含,需要

14.master n.大师,能手

15.data n.资料,数据

16.label n.标签,标记

17.lung n.肺

18.network n.人际关系网,联络网

19.tension n.紧张,焦虑

20.ache v.(持续而隐隐地)作痛


22.persuade v.说服,劝服


1.represent v.代表,表示→representative adj.典型的,有代表性的

2.basis n.基础;根据→base v.以……为基础→basic adj.基本的

3.equipment n.装备,设备,用具→equip v.装备,配备

4.defend v.(在比赛中)防守,防卫→defenc(s)e n.防卫,防护→defensible adj.可防御的;可辩解的

5.death n.死,死亡→dead adj.无生命的→die v.死亡→dying adj.垂死的

6.adjustable adj.可调整的,可调节的→adjust v.调整→adjustment n.调整,调节;适应

7.balance n.平衡→balanced adj.平衡的

8.response n.回答,回复→respond v.回答,作出反应

9.power n.力量→powerful adj.强有力的

10.disappear v.消失,不见→disappearance n.消失

11.sweaty adj.满是汗的,被汗水湿透的→sweat n.汗水 v.使出汗

12.inspire v.鼓舞,激励→inspiration n.鼓舞→inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的

13.champion n.(尤指体育比赛中的)冠军,第一名→championship n.锦标赛;冠军称号


1.to one’s heart’s content尽情地,心满意足地

2.be made of由……制成

3.end with以……结束

4.break down分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉

5.break out爆发

6.tens of thousands of成千上万的

7.take part in参加

8.come across偶遇

9.in turn反过来,转而;轮流,依次

10.deal with处理;涉及

11.die out消失,绝迹,灭绝

12.go back追溯


1.behaviour n.行为;举止

2.biochemistry n.生物化学

3.biography n.传记

4.birthplace n.出生地;故乡

5.blame n.& vt.责备;责怪

6.bless vt.祝福;保佑

7.border n.边缘;边境,国界

8.bother vt.打扰;烦扰

9.boundary n.边界;范围;分界线

10.breakthrough n.突破;取得重大进展

11.bride n.新娘

12.bridegroom n.新郎


1.It is also a game that is very cheap to play.


2.All over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts’ content with a ball made of plastic bags.


3.When learning about a new topic,it is important to collect facts and figures.


4.These are often represented through charts or graphs,because they can make information quicker and easier to interpret.


5.I had a great day out in London,as well as helping to save gorillas!



1.surfing n.

2.chart v.

3.setting n.

4.bar n.

5.upper adj.

6.interpret v.


1. n.球门

2. n.满意,满足

3. adj.塑料制的

4. n.因素,要素

5. adj.理想的,最好的

6. v.监视,监测

7. adj.可用的,可获得的

8. v.跳绳

9. v.包含,需要

10. n.大师,能手

11. n.紧张,焦虑

12. v.说服,劝服


1. n.装备,设备,用具→ v.装备,配备

2. n.死,死亡→ adj.无生命的→ v.死亡→ adj.垂死的

3. adj.可调整的,可调节的→ v.调整→ n.调整,调节;适应

4. n.平衡→ adj.平衡的

5. n.回答,回复→ v.回答,作出反应

6. n.力量→ adj.强有力的

7. adj.满是汗的,被汗水湿透的→ n.汗水 v.使出汗

8. v.鼓舞,激励→ n.鼓舞→ adj.鼓舞人心的


1.biography n.

2.bless vt.

3.border n.

4.boundary n.

5.breakthrough n.







Ⅰ.单词拼写(根据汉语提示或首字母提示写单词) (每小题2分,共20分)

1.Latin as a spoken language many years ago.

2.In fact,(冲浪) the Internet takes up most of her time.

3.The old woman was into buying many goods that day.

4.The work of an elephant trainer (包括) love and devotion.

5.They (使满足) themselves with letting it fall down last month.

6.Her trust in me has me to do things that I never imagined possible.

7.I am never bored with using scientific (设备) when doing experiments.

8.The scientist often (监测)the behaviour of sharks to predict bad weather.

9.I have learned to signal to my teammates to give me the ball when I have a good shot for .

10.During the Middle Ages,the main aim of painters was to (表现) religious themes.

Ⅱ.词形变化填空(用括号内所给词的适当形式填空) (每小题2分,共12分)

1.He was one of the most (power) men in Bohemia.

2.The actor will hold a party in (respond) to the news.

3.His speech really made the people present feel (inspire).

4.To keep healthy,she is going on a (balance) diet.

5.I guess they will make (adjust) to my salary this month.

6.She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands,as if in (defend).


1.在我看来,经理制定的这个计划很难执行。(be+ adj.+to do)

In my opinion,the plan designed by the manager .

2.当她匆忙赶到大厅时,她发现地上有个钱包。(see +宾语+宾补)

When she hurried to the hall,.

3.面对这些困难,许多学生发现自己不能集中所有注意力在学习上。(when doing...)

,many students find themselves unable to pay full attention to their studies.

4.不要跟随那些让你感觉不够好的人。 (make +宾语+宾补)(2020·全国Ⅰ)

Do not follow the people .

Ⅰ.课文语法填空 复习本单元Understanding ideas部分

The history of football 1.(go) back over two thousand years to Ancient China,when it was known 2. cuju.It was a game 3.(use) a ball of animal skins with hair inside,4. goals were hung in the air.Later,modern football started in Great Britain,where new rules were made.

Football is simple and very cheap to play,which 5. (be) perhaps the basis of its popularity.People don’t need expensive 6.(equip) and the football doesn’t cost much money.Besides,another factor behind its popularity is the creativity and excitement on 7. field.It is 8.(attract) to millions of people.People can see children playing to 9.(they) hearts’ content with a ball everywhere.What’s more,it has become one of the best ways for people 10.(communicate).It breaks down walls and brings people together on and off the field.

Ⅱ.课文选词填空 复习本单元Developing ideas部分

Li Yue was born with asthma.Being a runner is out of his expectation.A doctor advised him that he should take exercise to improve his 1..From then on,he took all kinds of racing events and got medals.At the same time his body got better and better.

At first,Sarah didn’t do any exercise.One day she discovered an app called Running 2..At the beginning she just wanted to get the top five.Fortunately,she didn’t use the app any longer but gradually fell in love with running.

David is a computer engineer.Every day he is too tired from challenging work,which makes him feel anxious.To deal with his stressful feelings,he goes running as often as he can.By running his 3. 4. step by step and he is ready to face the next day at work!

Grace took part in the Great Gorilla Run in London,which is a programme run by The Gorilla Organization.The organization aims to raise money to save gorillas from 5..She received a gorilla suit,inside which it’s a bit hot and 6. and her legs 7.,but it’s a lot of fun.Not only did she have a great day in London,but also she helped to save gorillas.


balance n.平衡;天平;余额




(1)Before making the response,you’d better balance the advantages the disadvantages.

(2)You’d better keep a (balance) diet for the benefit of your health.

(3)What I want to stress to you is that you should keep a balance work and relaxation.

•keep/lose (one’s) balance保持/失去平衡

keep a balance between A and B 在A和B之间保持平衡


•balanced adj.平衡的;均衡的




All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.So I suggest you should ,such as doing sports,listening to music and so on.

persuade vt.说服,劝服

(1)He tried to persuade us his honesty.=He tried to persuade us he was honest.

(2)I do know how upset the shop staff can get,but I try to persuade them (keep) smiling.


persuade说服某人相信某事sb.of sth.

注意:persuade表示“说服”,强调说服的结果;advise表示“劝说,建议”,对方不一定接受,强调动作。“劝说但不一定有效果”应表述为:advise sb.to do sth.或try to persuade sb.to do sth.。

联想发散 表示“说服某人做某事”的其他表达形式:

talk sb.into doing sth.,argue sb.into doing sth.,convince sb.to do sth.



go back(=date back/date from)回去;追溯

(1)She decided to go to college to advance her career.(2020·新高考全国Ⅰ)

(2)When I opened the door,I saw a dog with a bone going a duck.

(3)Don’t be disappointed.I went the same thing last year.

go through经历;通过;仔细检查;用完

go by (时间)流逝;消逝

go over复习;温习

go up上升

go down下降

go after追求;追赶

go against反对;违背


During the Spring Festival,.


,I will return to my motherland.

break down (机器或车辆)出故障;(谈判等)失败;(身体)垮掉;分解;毁掉

(1)He drew a conclusion that a war would break soon.

(2)The fight was getting fiercer and fiercer,and the bear was about to break our camp.


break away (from)挣脱(束缚);脱离

break in插嘴;闯入

break into破门而入

break out突然爆发

break up破碎;驱散;(关系等)破裂


(3)When the father saw his lost child safe,he suddenly cried.(break into 改写)

→When the father saw his lost child safe,he tears.


You should do some exercise,or under the pressure of study.


All over the world you can to their hearts’ content with a ball made of plastic bags.在世界各地,你都可以看到孩子们尽情地踢由塑料袋做成的球。

(1)Now,I see my children (take) their children to the library and I love that the excitement of going to the library lives on from generation to generation.(2020·全国Ⅱ)

(2)If you watch long enough,you will see many problems (settle) in this way.


•see sb.do sth.看见某人做了某事,强调动作的全过程(在变为被动语态时,see sb.do sth.应改为sb.be seen to do sth.)。

•see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事,强调动作正在进行。

•see sth.done看见某事被做,强调动作的被动和完成。


(3)When I walked into the classroom,I saw that he was buried in reading.(see的复合结构)(读后续写之动作描写)

→When I walked into the classroom,.

as well as也;既……又……;不但……而且……;和……一样好

I had a great day out in London,helping to save gorillas!我在伦敦度过了愉快的一天,同时也为拯救大猩猩出了力!

(1)My sister,as well as her classmates who late for class, criticized by Mr Hunt.(be)

(2)Now that you’ve got a chance,you might as well (make) full use of it.

•①用作连词,连接两个相同的成分,如名词、形容词等,通常不位于句首,相当于not only。当as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词须和as well as前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致(即与比较远的那个主语保持一致,简称“就远原则”)。类似的词或短语还有together with,along with,with,besides,but,except,including,rather than等。

②用作介词,相当于besides,in addition to,意为“除……之外(还有……)”,后面通常接名词或动词-ing形式。

•may/might (just) as well do...表示委婉的建议,一般是针对当时的情况提出另外的提议,意为“不妨……,还是……吧”。

•as well也;又;而且(相当于too,also)。

(3)The workers want to reduce working hours as well as increase their pay.(用not only...but also...改写为倒装句)


You are welcome to .(2019·全国Ⅲ,书面表达)




(1)Having skimmed the play,they began to discuss the content of it.

(2)There is a table of contents in the front of the dictionary.

(3)I am very content with my occupation at present.

(4)He wisely contented himself with his family and his love of nature.


I’d like to check the balance in my account,please.


1.While (discuss) the plan,they found it practical.

2.In my opinion,you must cut out some of the (content) of the novel.

3.How difficult do you think it is to adjust the customs of another country?

4.The son,as well as his parents,(want) to go there to see the firework.

5.When she turned around,she saw someone (stare) at her with great joy.

6.As a result of the global warming,these endangered animals may even die .

7.The thieves admitted that they had broken the bank and stolen a lot of money.

8.Mr Smith and his wife broke two years ago regardless of others’ disagreement.

9.The man failed (persuade) his wife to go with him to join in the competition.

10.(equip) with some tools,the farmers walked into the mountain with great effort.



2.教育事业是有利于人民的事业。(benefit n.)

3.起初,新的环境让我难以忍受。(be+ adj.+to do)

4.苦干、决心和善良的天性使她走进了医学院的大门。(It is...that...;as well as)



I used to prefer sleeping in the morning to getting up early and running outside.However,recently my husband has 1. me into running in the morning.In most cities,there are parks 2. for us .When it comes running,you don’t need much 3. except a pair of comfortable shoes and then you can run and take in the fresh air to your heart’s content.Running has many benefits,such as developing your 4. and strengthening your lungs.When you are sweaty after running,your ache in the back will 5. and your bone will be stronger and stronger.,let’s run.


1.He got to the station only (find) the train had left.

2.In his speech,he expressed his determination (achieve) his goals.

3.The speed is high enough for us (catch) up with the first liner.






我决心努力学习,成为一个对国家有用的人, 为改善人们的生活做出贡献。

