
ajax success is not defined,javascript - Uncaught TypeError: $.ajax(...).success is not a function -...

Your code is correct there is no problem with it

but you might be including the new jquery library which doesn't allow .success() method

for newer version of jquery use


type: "GET",

url: "/api/rooms",

success: function (rooms) {



and if you are using old jquery the .success() method would run without any problem


url: "/api/rooms",

method: "GET",

data: {'datavar': datavalue}

}).success(function (rooms) {

console.log("successfully run ajax request..." + rooms);

}).done(function () {

console.log("I am from done function");

}).fail(function () {

console.log("I am from fail function.");

}).always(function () {

console.log("I am from always function");
