
HP examination

  1. Self Introduction, please introduce your education background and working experience


Name FengBo Sex Male
Birthday 02.04.1986 Native Place HeNan
Nation Han Body Height 1.70m
School Central South University Body Weight 60kg
Graduation Date 07.2007 Degree bachelor
Major Computer Science and Technology Eye Sight 4.0
Education Background

2003.9-2007.7,Study in CSU ( Central South University )

Have learned the courses:

Computer Basic,The C Program Language,OOP,

80x86 Assembly Language,Computer Graphic,

Computer Interface  etc.

Be familiar with:

c/c++(could use vc/gcc),masm,socket,

DirectX(2D&8 bits color),asp.net/js/html/css,ajax.

Working Expericence

Working for School Network-“ShengHua WebSite”(54sh.com)

Have made many web sites ,such as the “Software download” system by Using tools:

Fireworks,Dreamweaver,Visual Studio.net(c#),SQL Server 2000

  1. Current Project Introduction, please introduce your current project technical background


            My current project is a Small Search Engine.

            Technical Background:

Program Language: C++

Work Platform: Visual Studio.net(C++)

Technic:Web Spider(Multi-Thread),Encode and decode chinese character,Cut the chinese word from a sentence,Create reverse index table,CGI  etc.

Basic: Using the C++(STL),Win Socket,ZThread(a multi-thread library from sourceforge.net,because there is no multi-thread lib in C++)

      Actually,I have finished the demo of this small search engine by working one month and a half.Now my work is advance this demo.(Maybe I should add the function of  “Pagination” and “Snapshot” etc)

  1. What is a good process for software testing?



First step:

Write Test Plan which includes test target,background,definition,running environment,requirement in summary,conditions and restrictions,test project, test preparation,staff, reference data,area for test,some guide line and so on.

Second step:

Write Test Case.Test Case is the guide of test.A typical test case may includes test target,test environment,test steps,expected result,test scripts and so on.

Third step:

Prepare the data for test.

Fourth step:

Execute test ,the test may includes Function Test、Integration Test、Regression Test、Performance Test.

Fifth step:

Write the test evaluation. Summarize this test.

Postscript:Software Test Flow Chart

  1. How many test cases you could design for web logging page?


       GUI verification:

May include the “User Name” TestBox,the “Password” TextBox,the “Login” Button .

       Normal Data Input:

Input the correct data which can log in successfully.

   Abnormal Data Input:

Input the abnormal data which may cause an error.

            The “Log in” button function verification:

   Test the log in function,a click function may like this “btn_login_OnClick()..{}”

  1. What is the Bug Tracking Process in your current company?


Log in->Verification->Assign->Fix->Verification->Reopen or Close

  1. What are the key functions of Quick Test(Winrunner)?

Answer:[Using WinRunner]

Record/Play :

“Record” includes two models:Context Sentisive  & Anolog Record

From “Play” ,you will see the video of the procedure of your record.If here has a error during  “Play”,then “WinRunner” will show you a “Alert-MessageBox”,which may include the error info such as “Can not ….”

Synchronization Test:

Setting a proper time-internal for waiting for the input from an application.

Set CheckPoint:

Check like this:

1, the data of a data field  ;

2, the state of radio button is open or close;

3, whether the state of a button is active or not.  

May use the TSL like:obj_check_GUI,  win_check_GUI , obj_check_bitmap , win_check_bitmap  etc.


When you debug and run a test successfully, you may wanna watch that whether this test could be executed by using a group of data.You can transfer your test to a DataDrivenTest(You can using the DataDriverWizard),and create a data table which includes a data set of your test data.The data table is saved as a “Microsoft Office Excel” document,like “test.xsl”.You can open it ,add the data of a data field by yourself,then make a test again by using your new test data.

  1. How to verify random number in Quick Test(Winrunner)?


      Define function,the main idea is “The Frequency Test”:Test the frequency of 0 and 1 appearance.After this function test,both the frequency of 0 and 1 should be close to 0.5.A function may like this:

[Funtion main idea]:

Test every bit of the number(could use “&”).

(stat0 records the frequency of “ 0” ,stat1 records the frequency of “ 1” )

if a bit is 0 ,stat0++;

else if a bit is 1,stat1++;

After test all these numbers,we calculate the frequency.

frequency0=stat0/(stat0+stat1);   //Calculate the frequency of appearance of “ 0”

if ((frequency0>=0.48)&&( frequency0<=0.52))


cout<<”Successful!”<<endl;  //These numbers are random




        cout<<"Failed!"<<endl;         //These numbers are not random


From this function,we will know that these numbers whether are random or not.

  1. What is the difference between Order By and Group By in SQL/Script?


Order By is used for sorting the query result of database.

For example ,”select * from [User] order by User_ID”.(User is the name of a data table,User_ID is a data field in this table).The default value  is sort ascending.that is “..order by User_ID asc”. If you want to sort by descending,you may write the code like this:”.. order by User_ID desc”.

Group By is used for grouping the query result of database.Those data who have the same value of the data field will be in a group.

For example,”select User_Dept,User_Name from [User] group by User_Dept”(User is the name of a data table,User_Dept,User_Name are the data field of thie table),this SQL means that the data who have the same data field “User_Dept”  will be in a group.

  1. Java basics


       Because I have read many book about C++ instead of Java,I know little about

       Java,but I think that they are similar in the field of OO.

  1. What is Junit? (Optional)


JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests for Java. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.

  1. What can Junit do, and what not? (Optional)
  1. Junit best practices(Optional)


有的没有答,总之情况就是这样了。后来还有一次telphone interview,有英文问的,有中文问的,introduction & think of hp?答也答了,waiting for the reply,但是似乎情况不是很好~

问了一下msn中的介绍人,他说good luck~~OK,right here waiting....

HP examination
