
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家

【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家




LV Weichao, no. Crouching Tiger Hall Master, word such as fly. Famous contemporary animal painter, national first-class artist, Ambassador of Chinese Belt and Road culture, Ambassador of Sino-nepalese cultural exchange, ambassador of sino-french cultural exchange, ambassador of sino-russian cultural promotion, one of the world's top 100 artists on the Hurun Art List, Vice Chairman of the Chinese painting and Calligraphy Commission, Guest Professor at the Royal Canadian Academy of Art, he is the director of the Fine Arts Special Research Course of fine arts animal painting of Tsinghua University, the vice-president of the Chinese Painting Academy, the member of the China Artists Association, the member of the Chinese Calligrphers Association, the member of the Chinese Fine Arts Society, member of China Collectors Association, member of China Poetry Society, deputy secretary-general of Chinese ink and wash painting committee, Deputy Director of Chinese flower and Bird Painting Committee of Beijing Art Museum, and Judge of National Children's painting and calligraphy exhibition. One of the 30 contemporary painters with the most academic value and market potential. One of the 50 most valuable and honest flower and bird painters. One of the 20 most collectable and branded painters in China. His works have participated in many national art exhibitions sponsored by the China Association of Fine Arts and won many awards. He has held many solo exhibitions and group exhibitions of famous artists at home and abroad. Works in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Canada, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and other countries exhibition. Many works were presented to many state leaders as national gifts. Museum, Art Museum, Art Association of China, Enterprise Group and overseas collection. Works in the top domestic and international auction houses such as Poly Property, Hanhai, zhongfu, Graham, Singapore Roger, British Russell, Dupont and other auction houses have been sold records. A single record of 1.53 millionThe 2021 participated in the Beijing Subway's "Art China" theme tour. In 2022 held in Beijing, "Tiger Xiaoshan River Foundation-hurun list national treasure-grade artist Lu Weichao Personal Fine Exhibition.". Works by the United States, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and other countries of the national stamp master. The 2023 held the "International Exhibition of Belt and Road Cultural Ambassador Lu Weichao" at the Ethiopian embassy. His works have been published in the complete works of Chinese fine arts, fine arts, Grand View of fine arts, Chinese painters, fine arts circles, Oriental Fine Arts, Connoisseurship Collection, fine arts daily, Chinese painters, and art collection, published a collection of his works, "The golden age collection-collection of contemporary Chinese painting masterpieces by Lu Weichao", "A teaching model for famous teachers in China's higher art institutions-selected works by Lu Weichao", “Chinese fine arts education famous teacher famous works teaching model-lu Weichao Chinese painting anthology”.

【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
【吕维超 · 中国艺术名家享誉世界】当代最具影响力艺术大家
