
Business agency: On December 16, the price of potassium carbonate in China rose


On December 16, the domestic industrial grade potassium carbonate price rose, the daily increase of 0.35%, the mainstream quotation range of 5600-5800 yuan / ton (lightweight), enterprises started normally, some enterprises stopped production, the output was more stable, the goods were smooth, and the inventory was still in existence.

At present, the potassium carbonate market is still running, affected by the raw material potassium chloride, the cost support increases, the price rises, after December, the demand momentum gradually weakens, but the market inquiry can be, the enterprise quotation is stable and rising, the average increase is 100-150 yuan / ton. Business society potassium carbonate analysts expect that in the short term, the potassium carbonate market is mainly running above, the price is still likely to rise, and the long-term market still needs to wait and see (the above data is provided by major enterprises around the country and analyzed by the business company potassium carbonate analysts, for reference only, for more price details, please contact the relevant manufacturers for consultation).

Business agency: On December 16, the price of potassium carbonate in China rose

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