
The "dung water watering vegetables" that Chinese ancestors have been using for generations, and European scientists have just discovered it?

author:Great power loves money


Recently, a group of scientists in Europe have caused a sensation about the just-established one, and they can't imagine that European scientists have only discovered this matter now, and the farmers in China have already used it for tens of thousands of years.

When domestic netizens saw this news, they couldn't help but ridicule.

Because this thing is:

In Europe, it has been found that human feces can be safely grown for edible vegetables.

In fact, in China, in order to make vegetables grow better, this method is a method that has been used for generations, and has been gradually deduced after thousands of years of planting theory.

Before the advent of chemical fertilizers, farmers still collected manure by manpower, and then fermented the manure before applying fertilizer.

It's really "dung", and this kind of "dung water" is much better than cow dung and chicken dung, and this kind of "dung water" will only be there when Xia Yantian is seriously brewing.

So what is the use of the species of manure in the eyes of farmers?

The "dung water watering vegetables" that Chinese ancestors have been using for generations, and European scientists have just discovered it?

What are the benefits of watering vegetables with manure.

In ancient times, because the society was not so developed, the manure of cattle and sheep raised by farmers became a good fertilizer.

However, these fertilizers are not directly used by farmers, but are fermented first.

At that time, farmers generally built a manure tank on the land outside the house, and then poured the manure into the manure tank, and every morning and evening, the farmers had to throw the kitchen dregs into the manure tank, and the mixed manure tank became a convenient material for fermentation.

The water in the manure tank is manure, and the dregs are a kind of decaying organic matter.

This fermented manure can not only provide certain nutrients for the soil, but also play a role in strengthening fertilizer, but also improve the permeability and water retention of the soil, and can combine the role of bacteria in the soil to form an organic binding, providing nutrients for the soil and promoting the growth of crops.

The organic matter in these manure tanks was originally thrown outside, but now farmers are providing people with feed for hamsters, poultry and other animals.

Over time, this method has become a kind of bioenergy recycling.

When people are full, the manure can be fed to the animals, and the animals can produce fertilizer after eating, and the farmers finally like this recycling because it saves money and effort.

Manure has been used in the country for 6,000 years.

Not only human beings have such a tradition of fermenting fertilizer, but also foreign Japanese people have such a tradition.

It's just that this tradition can only survive until now, but this tradition has been passed down for thousands of years in China.

Leeks are a highly nutritious vegetable that can be eaten not only raw but also stir-fried.

And the excellent freshness of leeks takes advantage of the freshness of the Chinese New Year's Eve meal of young people in the cold, so the price of leeks is also the highest.

Farmers are very careful when digging leeks, because if they are not careful, they will be cut off from the roots, so that the leeks will be difficult to grow taller.

The "dung water watering vegetables" that Chinese ancestors have been using for generations, and European scientists have just discovered it?

However, if you are not careful when digging, and large pieces of manure are dug up in the soil, then the leeks will not grow into wilted turnips.

So in order to make the leeks grow tall and tall smoothly, the farmers came up with an idea.

Every morning, they would come to the edge of the field, look at the leeks that had grown in the field, and say to the leeks, "The baby will get fat when he grows up."

The "dung water watering vegetables" that Chinese ancestors have been using for generations, and European scientists have just discovered it?

And when it's convenient for them, they also feed the leeks every day with chicken manure from their own chickens.

Their manure has also been confirmed, because their chickens eat cereals and vegetables, so the seeds of walnut seedlings, melon seeds and other plants in the chicken manure do not die, on the contrary, these plants are fermented in the belly of the chicken, so they will germinate.

And they feed chicken manure to the leeks every day to ensure that the leeks are strong.

After several months of hard work, these leeks have grown strongly, and those leeks fed with chicken manure can weigh more than ten catties with a rhizome, and the growth is too good to be good, so it is valuable.

Therefore, these peasants eventually relied on these "experiences" to earn a lot of money and become famous all over the world.

The "dung water watering vegetables" that Chinese ancestors have been using for generations, and European scientists have just discovered it?

News that caused a storm and waves.

And this incident also reminded domestic netizens of the current scientists.

Because just two years ago, large domestic growers used this ancient technology, popularized it, and proved that it can also be grown for edible vegetables.

But as soon as this method came out, it immediately made people boil, and people connected these two things, because everyone knows that Europe has a rich culture since ancient times, especially science and technology, but until now they have not discovered this method, while China has a history of 2,000 years, it can be said that this is one of the few "show-off skills" in Europe.

And this incident also embarrassed the current scientists, and they didn't find out until now.

That is, the price of chemical fertilizers in China is too expensive, especially after the reform and opening up, farmers can only grow grain within their ability, and farmers can only spend limited funds on buying cheap grains in order to be able to eat.

However, after the development of science and technology and the improvement of living standards, everyone's taste has become picky, and the money they earn is no longer just to eat and buy food, but also to spend other aspects, which also greatly reduces the sales of miscellaneous grains.

The cheap grains squeezed out of the Chinese market, which originally had a history of thousands of years, have been adjusted at uniform prices after several years of squeezing, and coupled with the skyrocketing prices, even the cheapest things cannot be bought.

But farmers want to grow good crops in exchange for wealth, but these expensive fertilizers are too expensive, and in the end they still don't have enough to eat.

But the high cost of fertiliser has discouraged farmers, who have to use the more precious fertiliser in their rice fields, and the rest can only be used in traditional farming methods.

The "dung water watering vegetables" that Chinese ancestors have been using for generations, and European scientists have just discovered it?


So in order to grow better crops, farmers quickly thought of this ancestral ancient fermentation method, they will brew a pound of "manure" a day in the scorching heat, and the manure will brew into a black "good fertilizer" in just a few months, these "good fertilizer" and some chemical fertilizer can not only play the role of strengthening fertilizer, but also the role of comprehensive nutrition.

Eventually, there is today's eco-friendly farming.

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