
Business agency: Domestic potassium carbonate prices rose in November


First, the price trend

Business agency: Domestic potassium carbonate prices rose in November

(Source: Kokusha Product Analysis System)

According to the monitoring data of the business agency, the domestic potassium carbonate market rose widely in November 2017, with a monthly increase of 14.77%, and the current domestic lightweight potassium carbonate plant tax-inclusive price is about 6800 yuan / ton, an increase of 17.31% compared with the same period in 2016, and an increase of 6.24% compared with the same period in 2015.

Second, the analysis of influencing factors

Products: In November 2017, affected by environmental pressure, manufacturers limited production, the overall market supply was tight, and even appeared in the state of "money and no goods", prices climbed, and manufacturers went out of orders. At present, the mainstream quotation of domestic lightweight potassium carbonate is about 6800 yuan / ton (quotation is for reference only).

Industrial chain: the upstream potassium chloride market is rising, and the delivery is unstable, and the cost supports the market. Downstream fertilizer market demand has been increasing, the current market situation is unstable, terminal demand more wait-and-see.

Third, the future market forecast

Business society potassium carbonate analysts believe that the "winter storage" gradually increased, fertilizer market procurement volume gradually increased, the market supply side decreased, supply and demand work together, the market supply is tight, the merchants may adjust the price again may be larger, it is expected that in the short term, the domestic potassium carbonate market may continue to rise, the long-term market still needs to wait and see (the above prices are provided by the main manufacturers of potassium nitrate throughout the country and analyzed by the business society potassium nitrate analysts, for reference only, for more price details, please contact the relevant manufacturers for consultation).

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