
The announcement of the headline number platform continuing to crack down on illegal accounts | June 25, 2021

author:Headline number administrator

In order to effectively fulfill the main responsibilities of enterprises and create a healthy and orderly network environment, in accordance with the requirements of the network information management department, today's headline headline platform further strengthens self-examination and self-correction in response to the problem of chaos in self-media accounts, thoroughly cleans up illegal accounts, and standardizes the order of network communication, from June 19 to June 25, 2021, the platform banned 15,475 accounts and deducted points/bans on 20,868 accounts. Receiving reports from users, it was found that some authors used platform functions (private messages, etc.) to promote violations or insult others, and the platform actively verified and carried out account bans, bans, and private message functions to different degrees of processing of relevant accounts in accordance with relevant regulations.

1. Title Party

Some of the list of illegal accounts: skateboard culture, meow meow chat entertainment, big prison love entertainment, entertainment small star sheng, small break big pull, etc.

2. Vulgar

Some of the list of illegal accounts: officials drink a cup of wine, Mr. Kwan, game live, cherry blossom petals, gs not envious immortals, outstanding movies, etc.

3. Rumors

Part of the list of illegal accounts: Happy Composition Marketing Department, Plumber Lao Xing, Duo'er Give You the World, Versatile Real Estate Xiaowen, Liangzi Huangshan, etc.

4. Copyright Infringement

Some of the list of illegal accounts: Yiqiu Chess, Zhao Xiaoqiao Woman Said, Witch Anime, Jade Rough Mingshi Family, Shiro Talk Chess Little Secretary, etc.

5. Malicious Marketing

Some of the list of illegal accounts: Everyday Red Soccer, Oh What's The After, Coin Circle Wine, Return to Girl Seven Seven, Sleepy Bear Hao Su Yao, etc.

6. User reporting

Some of the list of illegal accounts: Jinzi Niu Nian Cai, He Yue Shangjiu, Hui Jie Talking Power, ETF Big Player, Stock Recorder, etc.

Today's headline headline platform has been conscientiously performing its main responsibility, standardizing the operation of the headline platform, regularly publishing the list of account penalties, accurately refuting rumors against false rumors, and severely cracking down on illegal behaviors such as headline parties, vulgar pornography, rumors, malicious attacks, spending money to buy false reading, pseudo originality, and malicious marketing. We will further strengthen the management of toutiao accounts and content, and build a healthier, high-quality, beneficial and diversified network ecology.

Today's headlines headlines operation team

June 25, 2021