
The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Lu Linhan

On the morning of November 9, the 11th Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition, which celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, opened at the China Art Palace in Shanghai.

This is the largest exhibition volume in the past, with more than 300 exhibits increasing from more than 300 in previous editions to more than 500 pieces, and adding new media, installation art and other categories. This is also the youngest group of participating artists. Different from the previous masterpieces, most of the most prominent positions in this exhibition hall "give way" to the works of young artists.

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

Exhibition site

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

As the most influential and largest comprehensive art exhibition in Shanghai, the Shanghai Art Exhibition has been held every two years since its inception in 2001, and has been successfully held for ten sessions so far. It is reported that this year's fine arts exhibition is the largest exhibition in the past, divided into two exhibition areas of the 5-meter floor and 0-meter floor of the China Art Palace, with a total of more than 510 works on display.

The Paper learned that the exhibition around the "centenary of the founding of the party" major theme, for the Yangtze River Delta region widely collected excellent works, after three rounds of review, from the 1973 works submitted to the exhibition selected 482 works, including 89 Chinese paintings, 89 oil paintings, 59 prints of peasant paintings, 59 pieces of watercolor pastel paintings, 39 pieces of sculptures, 22 pieces of lacquer paintings, 31 pieces of comprehensive materials, 28 pieces of comic strips, 20 pieces of comic animation, 12 pieces of interactive devices and digital media, 18 pieces of illustrations, 16 poster designs, 5 excellence awards, 8 masterpiece awards and 8 Shen Roujian Art Fund Awards were awarded at the 8th Magnolia Art Award.

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

Ding Shi, secretary general of the Shanghai Artists Association, told the surging news, "The number of exhibits in previous sessions was about 300 pieces, and this time it has expanded to more than 500 pieces, which is equivalent to the scale of a national art exhibition, the highest in the past." ”

A showcase for youth

In the exhibition hall on the 5-meter floor of the China Art Palace, the works of specially invited artists and general judges, Chinese paintings, oil paintings, sculptures, comic strips, comics, illustrations, poster designs and other types of works are presented.

What is different from the usual is that the entrance of this exhibition hall does not hang famous works, but highlights young artists. Young creators observe the times and life with diversified creative practices, convey thinking and understanding, and pay attention to themselves and society.

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

"2021·06·17" Chen Di

Among them, the oil painting "2021.06.17" by young painter Chen Di occupies the C position, depicting space in space rockets. Chen Di said, "Indoor space has always been an important direction of my creation, from ancient halls to modern living rooms, from large factories to space stations, all try to explain the relationship between things and me with freehand brushes, clumsy shapes, simple colors, and simple forms, so that the works present their inner spiritual strength." I hope that my work will be time-engraved. On the side is the sanitation worker depicted by the painter Qi Ran in Chinese paintings, implying the fresh relationship between the smile of the sanitation worker and the appearance of the city.

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

Ni Wei,"The City That Never Sleeps"

In addition, young artist Ni Wei sketches a corner of Shanghai's city that never sleeps with pen and ink, while Xie Wenjin's oil painting "Barbershop of Urban New Life" depicts a busy scene in the barbershop. The picture is cut into countless geometric pieces and intersecting straight lines, which echo each other.

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

Xie Wenjin's oil painting of "The Barbershop of the Urban Series"

In this exhibition hall, there are many works by old artists, such as the classic works of Lin Ximing, Xiao Haichun, Xia Baoyuan and others, as well as the observations of many young artists on the current society.

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

The exhibition hall scene, Xia Baoyuan's works

It is reported that this is also the highest proportion of young people winning awards in previous exhibitions. Zheng Xinyao, vice chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles and chairman of the Shanghai Artists Association, said of the highlights of the exhibition, "The good news is that most of the award-winning authors are young people. In this regard, Ding Shi said that the current talent echelon in the art world is further younger, and the cultivation in the past 20 years has brought together a backbone of art creation." The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition is an art event for local artists in Shanghai, so paying attention to local artists is the main body of our development. How artists develop is very important for the artistic development of the whole city and for the improvement of the artistic standards of the entire city. ”

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

The exhibition hall scene, Xiao Haichun landscape works

It is reported that as the highest award of Shanghai art creation, the winner list of the 8th Magnolia Art Award will be announced at the award ceremony held on the afternoon of November 18, and the awards of the Shen Roujian Art Fund Award will also be announced at the same time.

According to statistics, among the 21 authors who won the award, 17 were under the age of 45, accounting for 80.1%, the highest in the past exhibition. Among them, there are 5 people after 75, 8 people after 80, 4 people after 90, and the youngest is 25 years old. In particular, it is worth mentioning that the Chinese paintings and oil paintings in Shanghai that won the Magnolia Art Award will be directly sent to the 14th National Art Exhibition for evaluation.

The addition and exploration of new art categories

For this art exhibition, another thing worth mentioning is the category of works. The reporter learned that the variety of works in this exhibition is the most in the past. In the 0-meter exhibition hall, the audience can see prints, watercolor pastel paintings, comprehensive materials, sculptures, lacquer paintings, digital media, interactive installations, peasant paintings and other types of exhibited works. Among them, digital media, interactive devices, etc. are undoubtedly categories that have not been seen in previous sessions.

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

Xin Qi , "Flash"

Among them, artist Xin Qi's multimedia work "Flash" is a highlight of the exhibition hall, the huge screen presents the character sculptures he has created, while the artist Chen Liang's installation work "October" and Chen Guotai's "Retro Tin Rising Monkey" add interest to the exhibition hall.

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

Exhibition hall scene, Chen Liang's "October"

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

Exhibition hall scene, Chen Guotai "Retro Tin Rising Line Monkey"

The organizer said, "The addition of new media and interactive devices reflects the richness of the exhibition. This richness is undoubtedly related to the development process of Shanghai, and also reflects some of the topics and thoughts that everyone pays attention to in this era. ”

For the increase in new categories, Zhang Peicheng, consultant of the Shanghai Artists Association, said that art is an expression, with the changes of the times, the things that artists want to express are also changing, and in order to express new things, art media will also change. Therefore, we want to make all kinds of art displayed. In Zhang Peicheng's view, the word "contemporary" has become a common word in the art world, and those who are engaged in traditional art, who are not very "contemporary", will also be inspired by these arts.

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

The scene of the exhibition hall, Mao Guolun's works

When talking about the selection of works, the organizer said, "Now it is not like the past oil painting works were judged by oil painting experts, but different experts were allowed to judge together and pay attention to the development of a certain art category." We do the same with the new art category display. The Shanghai Artists Association has set up an Experimental and Scientific Art Committee to engage more artists in the field of new media, including teachers from colleges and universities, as well as traditional artists. In the future, we may introduce more new media art to let these arts communicate with oil painting and Chinese painting in more languages. And how to do this step well and spread these arts well is a topic that we will think about in the future. ”

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

Hong Jian, "Shanghai, the Origin of Red"

Of course, for the exhibition, the work is the most important link. Zhang Peicheng said that good works of art are not just fashionable, but must stand up to scrutiny. "If these pieces are fashionable, then after a while it is not fashionable. So good works have a certain standard there. Our artistic language must have a national life, we are modern people, we should paint modern paintings. This is probably all the time and space coordinates in the hearts of every artist who has a pursuit and a sense of social responsibility. ”

The Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition opened, and the conspicuous position "gave way" to young artists

Qi Ran's "Urban Smile" Chinese painting

It is reported that the 11th Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition Academic Seminar will be held on the afternoon of November 18, and senior art theorists in Shanghai, consultants and presidium members of the Shanghai Artists Association, and representatives of the winners and participating artists of this exhibition will participate in the discussion. The seminar will exchange and discuss how to improve Shanghai's influence in the national art circle, how to give play to the unique role of fine arts in the creation of the "People's City"; the practical significance of Shanghai's red culture, Jiangnan culture and Shanghai cultural resources to Shanghai's art creation; how to adhere to the creative orientation of "going deep into life and taking root in the people" and continuously improving the artistic style and quality of thematic creation; and how to coordinate the organic unity of theme, contemporaneity and scholarship in art creation.

Editor-in-Charge: Ruoxi Chen

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