
Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

author:Sports Grandpa
Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

In 2009, a "Golden Broom Award" focused on criticizing Chinese films swept the country. For a time, people fell in love with this kind of program mode with the nature of spitting and ridicule.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

In football, there are also similar to the Golden Broom Award, which is the famous "Golden Tapir Award".

In 1996, the Golden Tapir Award was founded by Italian TV star Valerio Stafelli, funded by the Italian Mediaset Group, and produced by Italian National Television Five. At its inception, the Golden Tapir Awards aimed to take stock of daily funny news.

However, as the influence of the Golden Tapir Award in Italy grew, the producers began to add more topical columns - satirizing sports people and exposing unknown shady scenes.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

In the 22 years from 1996 to 2018, the organizers presented more than 1,700 Golden Tapir Awards, including the famous banker Jani. Enrico Cuccia, there is also the legendary Italian star Gattuso, and even the explorer Reinhold Messner. It can be said that the selection scope of the Golden Tapir Award almost covers the entire society.

Today, the Golden Tapir Awards have long been not as tit-for-tat as in the past, and have gradually become an "entertainment award" with a black humor. At the same time, their awards are more focused on the sports world.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

The controversial figure in Italian football, the neurotic Balotelli, has won the Golden Tapir Award several times.

In March 2010, Balotelli, who was still playing for Inter at the time, publicly announced himself as a Milan fan on a television show and put on a Milan shirt with his name on it at the instigation of the host.

Balotelli's move instantly ignited the anger of Inter fans, and the insults drowned out the Italian's life. Soon after, Valerio Stafelli presented him with the Golden Tapir Award.

After this incident, Balotelli's life at Inter Milan became more and more difficult. On 26 July 2010, the Italian striker joined Premier League side Manchester City for a transfer fee of €28 million.

Less than three months later, the trouble-loving Italian made another incomprehensible move: in early October 2010, he drove his brother into the Brescia Women's Prison and was subsequently arrested by the prison police. According to Balotelli, the reason he drove into the women's prison was simply to see if the prisoners in the women's prison were all women.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

As soon as the matter was exposed by the media, the Manchester City fans who had been full of expectations for Balotelli could not help but have a hint of dissatisfaction: the game has not been played a few games before the prison, can Balotelli really bring hope to Manchester City? Against this backdrop, Valerio Stafelli and his team set out again to present the Golden Tapir Award to Balotelli.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

On October 17, 2012, Balotelli completed the "hat trick" of the Golden Tapir Award, but he seemed somewhat innocent when he won the Golden Tapir Award.

It turned out that Ibrahimovic, who had previously won the Golden Tapir Award, said when talking about the rumors of Balotelli joining Barca: "Mediocre players go to mediocre clubs". In order to bring the conversation to Balotelli, the organizers of the Golden Tapir Awards immediately presented the unfortunate Italian center forward.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

On January 29, 2013, Serie A giants AC Milan officially announced the official introduction of Balotelli. In order to ridicule the Italian star, the organizers of the Golden Tapir Award even "ambushed" Balotelli on the way to the hotel early, and finally successfully awarded the award to Balotelli. In this way, Ba Shen completed the Golden Tapir Award "Senior Joy".

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

Football superstar Da Luo has also unfortunately been "favored" by the Golden Tapir Award. During his time with the Rossoneri, Da Luo was not able to show powerful abilities similar to that of "aliens". On the contrary, the Brazil international missed many games due to frequent injuries. The Golden Tapir team traveled to Milan to find Ronaldo and award him the Golden Tapir (since Da Luo often "came back from injury, came back and injured again", Valerio Stafelli called him "the most unfortunate player in history" and suggested that Da Luo go to worship).

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

In addition to the players, the recent unlucky head coach has often become the target of the Golden Tapir Award. The famous Portuguese maniac Jose Mourinho was voted the Golden Tapir Winner in January 2009.

Inter Milan lost 3-1 to Atalanta in the recent Serie A, and then-head coach Jose Mourinho roared in the dressing room after the game: "Your three consecutive titles are worthless!" The 1st title was given by the secretaries, the 2nd title was won because you had no opponents, and the 3rd championship was won by you in the last minute. You guys are a bunch of in my opinion! ”

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

The organizers prepared a huge golden tapir award for Mourinho

This shrew-like scolding has made Mourinho the focus of Italian football, and even the Inter fans who have always supported him have a lot of criticism.

After hearing about this, Italian national television Channel V quickly went to the Inter training base to present him with the award. The Portuguese maniac's response to this was very direct - he did not show up at all and "fled" the training base early.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

The organizers of the Golden Tapir Awards are not willing to "let go" Mourinho, it is reported that the Italian national television five sent a special person to track Mourinho, hoping to find an opportunity to give Mourinho a live award in a public occasion.

However, Mourinho is also not an extraordinary person, and the organizers of the Golden Tapir Awards, who have never lost their hands, have tried everything to find an opportunity. Until Mu Bird left Milan at the end of May 2010, the staff of The Italian national television station Five could not deliver the embarrassing, ironic trophy to the madman.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

Although the Golden Tapir Award has a strong sense of ridicule and irony, after all, there is a lot of black humor, and even a proud player like Ibrahimovic can put down his body and smile to receive it.

Compared to the Golden Tapir Award, another "worst category" in Italian football, the Golden Junk Award, is full of meanness.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

In 2003, the Golden Trash Award was officially founded by Italian RAI TELEVISION 2. Unlike the predecessors of the Golden Tapir Award, the organizers of the Golden Waste Award have always adhered to "standardization". At the end of each year, they refer to the Serie A fan vote and invite a number of kinesiology experts around the world to vote for the worst Serie A player of the past year.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

Winner of the Golden Trash Award during the Italian RAI TELEVISION II period

With the participation of many fans and the selection of high-level sports experts, the Golden Garbage Award has been recognized by many people in the sports circle. However, for the players who perform badly, they will also be under greater pressure from public opinion.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

Adriano has won the Golden Trash Award three times

In 2012, due to the controversy of the show, Italian RAI TV 2 announced the suspension of the Golden Junk Award. Although the Italian sports website Catersport inherits the tradition and continues to hold the Golden Waste Award, its influence and authority have declined significantly compared with the Italian RAI TV II period.

Leaving the football circle, there are many awards in all walks of life that focus on spitting out the "worst category". In the following pages, I will introduce several of them.

In the 1970s, with the advancement of science and technology, American cinema ushered in a period of rapid rise. In this period of time, many excellent films of extreme quality were born, and there were also many shoddy and unsightly "rotten fish and rotten shrimp" mixed in.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

John Wilson

In March 1981, john JB Wilson, a famous American filmmaker, watched two films, "The Music That Can't Stop" and "The Mania of Shenadu", and he immediately decided to host the first Golden Plum Award.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

On the evening of March 31, 1981, after the 53rd Academy Awards ceremony, John Wilson invited friends to the first Golden Plum Awards ceremony in his living room. To satirize shoddy films, Wilson found thick cardboard to make an awards table and used some foam balls to stick to brooms to make microphones.

In the end, Wilson awarded the 1st Golden Plum Award for Worst Film to "Music That Can't Be Stopped," the Worst Director Award to Robert Greenwood ("The Madness of Senduna"), the Worst Screenplay Award to "Music That Can't Be Stopped," the Worst Actor Award to Neil Diamond ("Jazz Singer"), the Worst Actress Award to Brooke Little Silk ("Coral Island of Youth"), and the Worst Supporting Actor Award to Lawrence Oliver ("Jazz Singer"), The Worst Supporting Actress Award went to Amy Owen ("Honeysuckle Rose"), and the Worst Theme Music Award went to "Strange Tricks".

In order to further increase the impact of the Golden Plum Award, Wilson decided to move the award date from the day of the Oscars to the day before. Starting from the 4th Golden Plum Awards, major mainstream media began to report on the award ceremony one after another. By the 1990s, the Golden Plum Awards had even launched its own website. In order to express the irony of those inferior films, the official website of the Golden Plum Awards is deliberately covered with HTML markup, showing an atmosphere of shoddy fabrication.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

Up to now, the Golden Plum Award has been successfully held for 40 sessions, and this award has also successfully developed from the early days of no one to know to today's world-renowned. For some fans, in addition to the Oscar ceremony, the Golden Plum Awards ceremony, which symbolizes the worst films, has also become the object of their expectations.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

The Darwin Prize is an award given to someone who "destroyed himself in a foolish way and made a profound contribution to human evolution (Darwinian theory)."

On August 7, 1985, a post exploded in the newsgroup that called attention to those who died of stupidity and referred to them as "people who have made great sacrifices for the human gene pool." The post gives an example: a man who tried to sneak into a vending machine to steal an item hung from a rope and wanted to enter from below. Unexpectedly, the rope hanging from the vending machine suddenly broke, and the thief was also smashed to death by the falling vending machine.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

Wendy Northcat

In 1994, Wendy Northcutt, then a 31-year-old Professor at Stanford University, officially created the Darwin Prize. Wendy Northcat said in an interview with reporters: "The Darwin Prize will try to verify all submissions and list them as 'Darwin is true'. Despite this, because the Internet data query system at that time was not advanced, the Darwin Prize at the beginning of its establishment was still deceived by many fake news.

As the Darwin Prize's influence in society grew, Wendy Northcat also left Stanford in 1998 and has been running the Darwin Prize full-time since September 1999. By 2002, the official Website of the Darwin Prize had begun to take shape, with an average of 7 million hits per month.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

Seeing that foreign spit awards are becoming more and more popular, Chinese netizens are not willing to be lonely, and in 2009, they created the Golden Broom Award, which aims to select the worst movie of the year.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

The founder of the Golden Broom Award is Qing Song, the main programmer of the "Youth Film Handbook", a Chongqing native who has served as the general director of well-known domestic film festivals such as the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival and the Peking University Film Festival since 1999.

In April 2009, Cheng Qingsong served as the final judge of the Short Film Competition of the Beijing University Student Film Festival, and two months later, he was officially appointed as the editor-in-chief of the Youth Film Handbook. At the end of 2009, Cheng Qingsong, who hoped to inspire Chinese films to move forward, officially founded the Golden Broom Awards, which started from the film text, evaluated all Chinese films in a year with a very professional stance and an independent identity, and finally selected the worst film of the year.

In order to ensure the transparency and fairness of the award, the Golden Broom Award adopts a dual voting model of netizens + film critics. The first round of voting was held on the Internet, and the nomination list was selected by netizens who loved movies. The second round of voting was voted by film industry professionals and well-known film critics to vote for the various awards from the nomination list.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

The inaugural Golden Broom Awards were jointly launched by the editorial board of the Youth Film Handbook and special film critics, culminating in "Three Guns Shooting Surprise", "Thorn Ling" and "Nanjing! nanking! won the most disappointing film award; Zhang Yimou ("The Surprise of the Three Guns Shooting"), Lu Chuan ("Nanjing! nanking! " won the most disappointing director award; Xiao Shenyang ("Three Guns Shooting Surprise") won the most disappointing actor award; Lin Chiling ("Thorn Ling") won the most disappointing actress award.

Given the peculiarities of the award, the vast majority of winners will not appear at the ceremony. The Golden Broom Award organizers will mail the trophy (a model of a broom) and the award certificate to the winner.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

Ma Weihao

There are always exceptions to everything, and there are some people who are willing to face up to their embarrassing history and personally come to the scene to receive the Golden Broom Award. At the 4th Golden Broom Awards ceremony held in 2013, colleagues of Ma Weihao, who won the most disappointing director award, attended the scene and brought director Ma Weihao's acceptance speech.

In addition, Li Yangming (the most disappointing film "Crazy Stupid Thief" was produced by Li Yangming) also came to the scene and read a three-minute apology letter. Li Yangming said in the apology letter that he sincerely apologized to film fans across the country, and will definitely sum up his experience in the future and use this golden broom to sweep away his impetuousness and dust.

Ba Shen "big four joy", Mourinho helpless, what is the Golden Tapir Award? Golden Raspberry Awards II, Darwin Awards III, Golden Broom Awards Conclusion

At the 9th Golden Broom Awards Ceremony held in 2018, for the first time, a first-line star came to the scene to receive the award. Wang Baoqiang, who won the most disappointing director award ("Big Trouble Tianzhu"), said: "In fact, I feel that I am still quite honored to stand here, and I also know that 'Golden Broom' is not a very glorious award, everyone knows it, but it can spur you to progress."

Whether it is the Golden Tapir Award, which satirizes the sports circle, or the Golden Plum Award and the Golden Broom Award, which select the worst films, its purpose is not to simply criticize the winners, but to inspire the industry to abandon impetuosity and embark on the right path through the awards. From this point of view, any spit award has its own existence value, it can play a supervisory role for various industries, and bring positive effects to the benign and healthy development of the industry.