
Yunnan Yongsheng people have to drink fried rice oil tea every day, let's also come to a bowl

author:Floating particle miscellaneous

In northwest Yunnan, there is a saying, "Lijiang Canghe Qingjiu, Yongsheng Oil Tea Family Has It." Oil tea in the county seat of Yongsheng absolutely exists in the kitchen of every family, so that the way they meet and greet in the morning becomes: "Tea is eaten" (have you drunk tea?). )。

The first time I drank oil tea was more than ten years ago, at a colleague's house, looking at a bowl of food with tea leaves and rice grains and a layer of lard floating, and at the same time smelled a scorched smell of rice boiled paste, and suddenly lost my appetite. Out of courtesy and curiosity about camellia oleifera, I asked for half a small bowl, and I haven't drunk it in a few years.

Really learn and like oil tea is in recent years, Yongsheng colleagues often bring oil tea to the office, in the afternoon tired and hungry to take out as afternoon tea to share with everyone, just like this day, slowly like this taste.

Every time I go to a colleague's house, I have to drink a big bowl full of drinks. Colleagues' parents have to drink oil tea every morning, but the two old people are doing their own, only because the taste is different, the colleague's father likes to drink salt, which is also the taste that most Yongsheng people like. Colleagues' mothers have a unique taste, like to add sugar, and then beat two eggs, that is, the old lady's breakfast, how many years have eaten this, it is completely iron law. She is nearly seventy years old, but her physique is much better than that of ordinary young people, and it is not too much to praise her for walking with wind and voice like a clock.

With the deepening of her love for oil tea, she had the idea of doing it herself, and told her colleagues that of course she poured her heart out, went home and slowly tinkered with it by herself, and after countless times, finally made a taste close to Yongsheng oil rice tea. (Because a ingredient has been changed according to one's own eating habits, it can only be approached, not exactly the same.) )

Let's share the method we learned to fry oil rice tea:

Ingredients: Rice, tea leaves, lard (vegetarian friends can change to vegetable oil)

Preparation method: 1, the above three ingredients into the iron pot in the medium heat stir-frying, until the rice is golden brown, turn to low heat and stir-fry until brown turned off the heat to start the pot

2, the fried rice tea into the pot with water to boil, as for the salt or sugar, it depends on personal taste preferences

Yunnan Yongsheng people have to drink fried rice oil tea every day, let's also come to a bowl

The level needs to be improved

Remarks: Stir-frying rice tea is the most critical process, one is to grasp the heat properly, the other is that it needs to be constantly stir-fried to ensure that the rice is heated, if there is a part of the fried paste, it will affect the taste, and even the color of the tea soup is not beautiful.

Yunnan Yongsheng people have to drink fried rice oil tea every day, let's also come to a bowl

Salted vegetarian oil rice tea

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