
Sun Yongxin, academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Life Safety, inspected the Shenzhen Chaoqing Chamber of Commerce

author:Grand View Art

On the morning of October 26, 2021, Sun Yongxin, academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Life Safety, disciple of Cui Zifan's master of Chinese painting and famous painter, visited the Shenzhen Chaoshan Junior Chamber of Commerce and was warmly welcomed by Li Yibiao, president of the International Chaoshan Youth Federation, president of the Shenzhen Chaoshan Junior Chamber of Commerce and chairman of the Coastal Group.

Sun Yongxin, academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Life Safety, inspected the Shenzhen Chaoqing Chamber of Commerce

Academician Sun Yongxin (middle) took a group photo with President Li Yibiao and others

Huang Jiantai, resident president and secretary of the party committee of Shenzhen Chaoqing Chamber of Commerce, Li Yizhuang, executive vice president and chairman of Shenzhen Dongqi Supply Chain Co., Ltd., Wu Zerui, executive supervisor and general manager of Shenzhen Shengcheng Investment and Development Co., Ltd., and Zhao Yuanzhou, vice president and chairman of Shenzhen Yuanzhi Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., attended the reception, listening to Sun Yongxin's inspirational art and public welfare road in the living room of Chaoqing Chamber of Commerce, and feeling the master's master's master's atmosphere and home and country feelings.

Sun Yongxin, academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Life Safety, inspected the Shenzhen Chaoqing Chamber of Commerce

During the discussion, Academician Sun Yongxin recounted his obsession with painting and his journey of unremitting self-improvement, tenacious trek and sincerity on the road of painting.

Born in 1947 in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province, he loved painting and art since childhood, but was forced to drop out of school at the age of 17 due to his family's poverty, worked as a construction worker to earn a living, let go of movies, did propaganda, and later served as the director of the art museum. Any difficult situation did not erase his childhood ambitions, and he successively became a disciple of Mr. Cui Zifan, a master of Chinese painting, and Mr. Sun Qifeng of the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, focusing on Chinese painting with freehand flowers and birds, reaching the realm of "calligraphy and painting, learning to be supernatural".

Sun Yongxin, academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Life Safety, inspected the Shenzhen Chaoqing Chamber of Commerce

Academician Sun Yongxin created calligraphy works on the spot

Academician Sun is also a messenger who loves world peace and transmits cross-strait friendship, a social activist who devotes himself to international ecological security and philanthropy, and a cultural messenger with both virtue and art, and is currently an academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Life Safety, the chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Creation Base, and the president of the China International Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. According to reports, Academician Sun has used his works as a link of culture and friendship for many years to actively promote world peace, and at the same time, devote himself to the development of international ecological security on a global scale. He has participated in more than 500 works in international exchange activities, twice painted for The Centenary Birthday of General Zhang Xueliang at the invitation of the State Council, and became a messenger to convey cross-strait friendship.

Sun Yongxin, academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Life Safety, inspected the Shenzhen Chaoqing Chamber of Commerce

Visit the Chamber of Commerce Cultural Wall

Academician Sun said that cultural exchanges are an important embodiment of the world's cultural progress, and also the inherent needs of the Belt and Road Initiative to promote global cultural diversity, and today's international cultural exchanges are deepening. He also waved at the scene, gave ink treasures, encouraged Chaoqing to actively carry forward the excellent traditional cultural spirit of Chaoshan and even China, and contribute to the economic and cultural construction of Shenzhen and his hometown.

Sun Yongxin, academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Life Safety, inspected the Shenzhen Chaoqing Chamber of Commerce
Sun Yongxin, academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Life Safety, inspected the Shenzhen Chaoqing Chamber of Commerce

President Li Yibiao expressed his heartfelt thanks to Academician Sun Yongxin for sending treasures to Chaoqing, saying that Chaoqing should learn from Academician Sun's spirit of hard exploration, continuous climbing, continuous innovation, and actively participating in art, ecology and charity and public welfare undertakings, and selflessly dedicating himself to the world's ecological and cultural undertakings, and wished him to create more brilliant works for the country and the people and make greater contributions to world cultural exchanges and construction.

Sun Yongxin, academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Life Safety, inspected the Shenzhen Chaoqing Chamber of Commerce

Academician Sun Yongxin took a group photo with representatives of Chaoqing

Camera: Yang Kaitao