
Why doesn't anyone blow Mandela anymore? Netizen: Look at South Africa now, 30 years ago, the developed countries did not change everything from the weak ability to rule the impure people around them

author:Reporter Ni Hao
Why doesn't anyone blow Mandela anymore? Netizen: Look at South Africa now, 30 years ago, the developed countries did not change everything from the weak ability to rule the impure people around them

Nelson Mandela, South Africa's "great savior", was touted by the unknown masses of the world, but this year is the 30th anniversary of his release from prison, why does no one continue to help him sing a high note?

Why doesn't anyone blow Mandela anymore? Netizen: Look at South Africa now, 30 years ago, the developed countries did not change everything from the weak ability to rule the impure people around them

Quite simply, facts speak louder than words, and no matter how much a celebrity is touted, the consequences he causes cannot be concealed, and everyone can see it clearly.

On February 11, 1990, Mandela, the black leader of South Africa, walked out of prison, and after 27 years of prison life, he stepped from the prison door to the Parliament building and began a political life he had never known as president.

In February this year, it was the 30th anniversary of Mandela's release from prison, which was supposed to be a day worth celebrating, but no one sang praises, no one mentioned Mandela's exploits, everyone closed their voices, the family was silent, and everyone forgot About Mandela? On the contrary, everyone remembers Mandela too clearly, so in order to take care of the three-point face, they dare not mention it again.

Why doesn't anyone blow Mandela anymore? Netizen: Look at South Africa now, 30 years ago, the developed countries did not change everything from the weak ability to rule the impure people around them

Since Mandela became president of South Africa, because he had no experience in governance (after all, he read the newspaper in prison as a teenager), he had to try to make his ideal society a reality, but after 30 years, the current situation in South Africa is inexhaustible.

In the era of apartheid, white minorities were accused of monopolizing South Africa's resources, creating a deformed structure of social inequality.

In order to break that strange situation, everyone hoped that Mandela would be able to do justice in the presidency, but after he broke the apartheid policy, South Africa is now worse than it was then, 1% of the people hold 70% of the country's wealth, the only difference is that some of these 1% of the people are black.

Why doesn't anyone blow Mandela anymore? Netizen: Look at South Africa now, 30 years ago, the developed countries did not change everything from the weak ability to rule the impure people around them

Why did that happen? You have to start at the beginning.

Mandela's first act as president was land reform, and he wanted to transfer land in white hands to blacks, but there was no good way, and to this day, 70 percent of South Africa's land is still under the white name of 9 percent of the country's population.

It's not easy to tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing, because South Africa's neighbor Zimbabwe has simply confiscated white land, leading to a constant famine and food crisis in the country, and South Africa has never had to worry about filling its stomach. Now, South Africa has also introduced a policy to expropriate white land, and it is also unknown whether they will starve in the future.

Why doesn't anyone blow Mandela anymore? Netizen: Look at South Africa now, 30 years ago, the developed countries did not change everything from the weak ability to rule the impure people around them

After Mandela became president, South Africa has hardly changed in the past 30 years, and in the past 30 years, China has changed from an agricultural country to an industrial country, and the biggest change in South Africa is the rapid deterioration of social security.

Now that South Africa has more than 20,000 murders a year, this security environment has almost no sense of security to speak of, foreign businessmen have long been moved by the wind and left here, new investors dare not come, and the whole country is miserable.

Mandela was not a bad guy, he had no political experience, but his legacy had a profound impact on South African society, the most criticized of which was his beloved Zuma.

Zuma, a former black president of South Africa who served from 2009 to 2018, is now charged by authorities with 18 counts in office, each shocking.

Why doesn't anyone blow Mandela anymore? Netizen: Look at South Africa now, 30 years ago, the developed countries did not change everything from the weak ability to rule the impure people around them

Zuma was a young black fighter who was discovered and entrusted with a heavy duty by Mandela, who orchestrated an armed revolt against the whites. After Mandela was released from prison, he did not forget this daring young man, put Zuma on the executive committee, rose to the national decision-making level, and in recognition of Zuma's tireless resistance over the years, he also put the tourism department under his command, which is a well-paid department, and perhaps it is from then on that Zuma began to change.

Zuma was deeply appreciated by Mandela, so through Mandela's aura, he also became a pivotal figure in South Africa, with a vague tendency to succeed Mandela, but he was not a self-disciplined person, and before he became president, he was involved in a kickback case, and some people accused him of enriching himself and stealing a lot of benefits in the warship trade ordered by South Africa from France.

Why doesn't anyone blow Mandela anymore? Netizen: Look at South Africa now, 30 years ago, the developed countries did not change everything from the weak ability to rule the impure people around them

The matter was not cleared, zuma was once again embroiled in a peach scandal, he was accused of defiling the daughter of a political ally, but it was zuma, who was troubled, or through Mandela's grace, successfully became the president of South Africa.

Whether a politician is qualified, we can not only look at his merits and mistakes during his reign, but also refer to the political legacy he left behind, Zuma is undoubtedly Mandela's political legacy, but this legacy has been "bad" from the beginning, but Mandela did not break his wrist and resolutely left Zuma to the people of South Africa.

Why doesn't anyone blow Mandela anymore? Netizen: Look at South Africa now, 30 years ago, the developed countries did not change everything from the weak ability to rule the impure people around them

30 years ago, Mandela was not released from prison, South Africa is recognized as a developed country, after Mandela was released, he realized his ideals, so that South African society has undergone earth-shaking changes, people are grateful for Mandela's efforts, think that he practiced the noble character of a fellow politician, however, Mandela's legacy may be more indicative of his historical merits.

Now there is no one to commemorate Mandela? Because people get smarter.

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