
The Greats of the World: What did Mandela bring to the people of South Africa? How should history evaluate him? So is this true of Mandela? What is the purpose of environmental protection in South Africa that began to change after being elected president? Mandatory recruitment of black epilogues from all walks of life

author:Lecture Hall of History

When you think of Mandela, you think of a song, and that's Beyond's "The Glory Years"!

Mandela is indeed a great man of the whole world, a great man, a man who is widely praised all over the world, a man who does not specialize in himself!

The Greats of the World: What did Mandela bring to the people of South Africa? How should history evaluate him? So is this true of Mandela? What is the purpose of environmental protection in South Africa that began to change after being elected president? Mandatory recruitment of black epilogues from all walks of life

If you use a one-sentence evaluation, the most appropriate one is

Fame is full of the world, not necessarily not for the hometown; slander all over the world, not necessarily not for the great man.

How to interpret this, we must understand the meaning of the hometown wish, according to Confucius's original words, the so-called hometown wish actually refers to hypocrites, refers to people who seem loyal but have no moral principles, and only know kitsch.

It is a bit unfair to say so in terms of his personal achievements and noble sentiments, who have made countless contributions to the national liberation of South Africa! As a result, he gained a wide world reputation, but under this reputation, for his country, it was indeed a disaster!

There has never been a politician in the world with a good reputation as Mandela, the five major countries say that he is a man, Europe says that he is a good person, and even marginal countries such as Cuba and Libya say that he is a good man. Whether Muslims, Christians, Confucians, Or Buddhists, no one says he is bad, his goodness has long transcended the borders of national ideological religious forms! That's why there is the Nobel Peace Prize, the honorary doctorate of Peking University, and the Harvard doctor of Cambridge!

Jesus Christ couldn't do that, He did, so how did all this come about?

He is the hero of the world, the sinner of South Africa!

The Greats of the World: What did Mandela bring to the people of South Africa? How should history evaluate him? So is this true of Mandela? What is the purpose of environmental protection in South Africa that began to change after being elected president? Mandatory recruitment of black epilogues from all walks of life

Mandela's lifelong commitment to the cause of politics and the national liberation revolution became his political capital and the key to his success after his release from prison on February 11, 1990!

And Mandela's release from prison, tracing the roots is actually related to the pressure of the great powers facing South Africa at that time!

The most direct pressure is the five major countries of the United Nations!

The reason is also very direct, at that time South Africa was carrying out a nuclear weapons program, it seems to be almost successful, in the world if there is a big stick of the country, it is the big countries are not willing, so driven by the big powers, countless human rights organizations for Mandela!

Mandela was thus released from prison, and on the day of his release, the cheers of countless compatriots brought him to the center of the final stage!

In this way, Mandela went from a prisoner to a re-emerging politician, and South Africa almost abandoned the nuclear weapons program because of this pressure, while South Africa at that time insisted on developing nuclear weapons.

But time was passing, politics were changing, and four years later, Mandela was elected President of South Africa in April 1994!

He did two things after he was elected president.

The first to your fellow citizens, the second to the whole world!

The first was to repeal the famous Bantustan Act, the apartheid Act, and the compatriots were finally liberated, which is a good thing!

The second is to abolish the nuclear weapons program and promise that South Africa will resolutely not play the big killer in the future, the world is relieved, and the five major powers are happy!

The world has felt South Africa's goodwill, but this is just the beginning!

The Greats of the World: What did Mandela bring to the people of South Africa? How should history evaluate him? So is this true of Mandela? What is the purpose of environmental protection in South Africa that began to change after being elected president? Mandatory recruitment of black epilogues from all walks of life

Mandela came to power in the spotlight

Mandela then went further and further down the road.

Mighty and domineering, after the president-elect began to govern South Africa, Mandela can finally control the country! Countless world powers have long complained about the trade protectionism of the previous South African government, although this trade protectionism has made South Africa the largest economy in Africa, the largest transit trade center, and the most prosperous country!

But others complained, so the sympathetic Mandela decided to open up the economy!

Under his rule, from 1995 onwards, South Africa realistically removed trade barriers, eliminated high tariffs, and then said to the world, let's trade freely!

In the face of unreserved opening up, the countries of the world have no reason not to pull the pole, so countless goods began to pour into South Africa, from the United States, Guangdong, the beginning, to the later Europe, countless exports, countless factories opened! The native South African economy began to suffer, and without trade protection, the native Boers of South Africa, who were originally less competitive, were forced.

The low-end market is full of Chinese goods, the mid-end market is full of Japanese and Korean goods, and the high-end market is European and American players!

The Boers can't help but ask, what do we do?

So the rich whites began to move, they emigrated, leaving this motherland that made them sad!

If it's just free trade, it's not so scary.

The Greats of the World: What did Mandela bring to the people of South Africa? How should history evaluate him? So is this true of Mandela? What is the purpose of environmental protection in South Africa that began to change after being elected president? Mandatory recruitment of black epilogues from all walks of life

Mandela embraced the world

The second step is even more frightening, that is, to open up finance! For the sake of financial problems, we have been working with the World Trade Organization for so many years, but we are not open, so it can be seen that the financial importance of a country, openness is suicide!

But Mandela did not have so many ideas, Europe and the United States said that South Africa can not set up financial barriers, this is not a free trade game, so Mandela easily agreed to open up the financial industry!

As soon as this financial industry is opened, the whole world is crazy, the reality of European and American capital to go to the front station to explore the way, after our capital also went to South Africa, and finally the world as long as the rich countries have arrived in South Africa, countless South African banks have become foreign holdings!

A country's finances are thus controlled!

For example, Tencent is like this, it seems to be controlled by South African Millard International Holding Group Company, but in fact, the big boss behind it is Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Holdings and China Trust.

And such a thing has almost become the norm!

The manufacturing finance industry has been played badly by Comrade Mandela, and this is South Africa's contribution to the world! But South Africans are not stupid, and they also understand the deterioration of the country's economic environment, so they keep protesting!

In the face of protests, Mandela also wanted to express his opinion, so he said that he would not raise tariffs and protect national enterprises!

But before the mouth was opened, it was pushed back, and European and American countries said in unison, don't let's talk!

Then another trick appears, environmental protection is based on the cause of the world, I hope the South African government supports!

Generally speaking, when talking about the environment, we must talk about industrial pollution, and there is no pollution without industry.

The Greats of the World: What did Mandela bring to the people of South Africa? How should history evaluate him? So is this true of Mandela? What is the purpose of environmental protection in South Africa that began to change after being elected president? Mandatory recruitment of black epilogues from all walks of life

Hundreds of people fled South Africa

So Mandela's head was hot and he said that we don't want industry, we want green mountains and rivers, for the health of the people!

Then South Africa began the process of deindustrialization!

I drop a good look, is this not fast enough to die?

If we do not protect the national industry, we will not protect the financial industry, and finally even industry will be abolished, just because of environmental protection!

As a result, the fooled South Africa did not reduce the manufacturing tax rate but raised the environmental tax, and then South Africa's industry completely died! You think this is the end, no, no, the follow-up is more exciting!

After the castration of industry and the control of finance, countless great powers said, Mandela, you are a great man, do you want to develop investment and attract investment? Do you want to give preferential treatment to foreign capital, this is to promote economic development!

Mandela listened, it makes sense, so he encouraged foreign investment to provide various incentives, and then, then, South Africa's manufacturing bankruptcy because of high taxes, and environmental taxes, foreign investment is more and more, because there are preferences!

Countless factories in China went bankrupt, countless foreign-funded enterprises were established, countless local enterprises were acquired by foreign capital, and South Africa was looted!

Then, of course, there are countless praises of virtue, Mandela is wise and great, and economic development is constantly growing rapidly due to foreign investment.

But is all this true?

Because of the large-scale bankruptcy of enterprises and the large amount of foreign capital, South Africa fell into a wave of unemployment, countless blacks could not find jobs, they began to protest, and finally triggered a black and white contradiction.

Compatriots say white people you discriminate against us and don't give us jobs.

White people say compatriots, you have no culture, you can't do anything!

In the face of all this, Mandela once again fell into deep thought, and generally after deep thinking he would make a change!

But this change was very funny, forcing the remaining factories to recruit blacks, and forcing the government to recruit compatriots.

As a result, countless compatriots have taken up posts that their abilities do not allow.

What hospitals, government agencies, tax offices, scientific research institutes, there are compatriots everywhere.

But can they do such a thing?

The answer is no, scientific research institutes do not want illiteracy, but compatriots have no culture

Hospitals are not illiterate, but compatriots are not literate.

In order to take care of compatriots, they had to lower their academic and professional standards, so countless compatriots flooded various research institutions! Then, there is the sharp decline in the level of government of South African medical research institutions!

The Greats of the World: What did Mandela bring to the people of South Africa? How should history evaluate him? So is this true of Mandela? What is the purpose of environmental protection in South Africa that began to change after being elected president? Mandatory recruitment of black epilogues from all walks of life

Xenophobia has become the norm in South Africa today

Countless hospitals have become morgues, and when countless patients get sick, their first thought is not to go to the local hospital but to go to a foreign country for medical treatment.

The reason is simple, do you dare to give yourself to those who are illiterate for treatment?

It's a gamble!

Similarly, because compatriots flood the government, even the efficiency of the government is reduced!

In this way, South Africa, under Mandela's wise leadership, is getting better and better, and his international reputation is getting higher and higher!

The reason is very simple, not for oneself, for people, this is the spirit of fearless internationalism!

Let's look at Mandela's contribution!

First of all, the development of trade, South African manufacturing industry almost disappeared, followed by the development of the financial industry, and then the financial control, and then open up foreign investment, South Africa's countless resource production industries were controlled by foreign capital, and finally he guided compatriots into the government and various institutions, the result is that the government is good for hospitals or scientific research, the level plummeted, a country that can build aircraft, has been turned into a country that can not build anything!

And the most crucial thing is that he gave up nuclear weapons, and he didn't even have the opportunity to resist, he could only be slaughtered!

So what did he bring to people, a group of compatriots liberated, a group of South Africans left, left overwhelmed, and finally what to do?

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