
Mandela was blackmailed as a South African sinner: the limit of human vicious rumor-mongering

author:Thinking reeds

If a world-class leader across races, religions, ideologies and cultures is to be chosen around the world, it would be None other than Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first black president, who is known as the Mahatma. Nelson Mandela lived in South Africa, known as the Black Territory, his father was a black chief, he could have eaten well, but his eyes were full of black suffering and discrimination, oppression, since his youth began an indomitable black rights struggle, he became the nightmare of the white South African government, at the age of 50, he was imprisoned by the white government, sentenced to life imprisonment, and by 1990, 53 mayors from all over the world jointly demanded Mandela's release. He was a 77-year-old man when he finally walked out of prison, and his 27-year prison career made his edges sharper, and he was the nemesis of South Africa's apartheid system.

Mandela was blackmailed as a South African sinner: the limit of human vicious rumor-mongering

With astonishing will and courage, Mandela overthrew the walls of apartheid in South Africa and succeeded in becoming South Africa's first black president in 1994, serving for six years and dying in 2013. As the greatest figure in the history of South Africa, the national people of the country held a solemn state funeral for him. He was the savior of black South Africa and the saint of South Africa. But today's South Africa is once again plunged into poverty and chaos, and the slashing and looting that can be seen everywhere in the streets is shocking, and there are black people who have put up signs: Poverty to the limit can only make the rich eat. Unemployment in South Africa has reached a staggering 32 per cent. The claim that many people today have put their on Mandela's head and said that he had opened Pandora's box is extremely short-sighted and defamatory. The fact that South Africa has become such a field now has something to do with Mandela's policy of demanding equality between blacks and whites, but it cannot be put all over his head.

Mandela was blackmailed as a South African sinner: the limit of human vicious rumor-mongering

During Mandela's six years as president, the per capita GDP of the people remained at about $3,000, and inflation fell from 15% to 8%. Mandela had access to electricity for 1.2 million people and running water for 1.7 million people. South Africa's GDP growth rate is stable at 2.5% to 3%, and it can be said that during his reign, South Africa had neither miracles nor disasters. Many criticize Mandela for being a sinner because of his plan for the economic revitalization of black people. Before Mr. Mandela came to power, 10 percent of South Africa's white population held 95 percent of the country's wealth, and control of the country's economic lifeline, especially large corporations, was largely in the hands of whites. The purpose of Mandela's plan was to transfer some control of the enterprise to blacks, further narrow the economic gap between blacks and whites, and promote more black jobs. Allowing blacks, who had long been at the bottom without financial and technical ability, to divide the long-controlled control of the management of enterprises and finances controlled by white people moved the cheese of the white vested interest class, and the white people immediately ran abroad with a large amount of asset technology. As a result of the sharp decline in white firms, black jobs became increasingly unsupportable. In South Africa's apartheid system, which lasted for more than half a century, the education level and economic ability of black people were relatively low. The plan required state-owned enterprises to transfer 25 percent of their stake to blacks, but these uncultured blacks were difficult to control, and the system ended up being reduced to a money-making tool for a small number of black and white elites. They have combined to form a mining and energy complex, using the power and funds in their hands to seize a large amount of social wealth, and also bring about all kinds of corruption within the government.

Mandela was blackmailed as a South African sinner: the limit of human vicious rumor-mongering

Although the plan explicitly requires that all enterprises in South Africa must employ a certain proportion of black labor, unfortunately, due to historical reasons, blacks can only engage in the lowest manual labor, these enterprises simply do not have the funds and energy to spend a lot of effort to train these blacks, they simply arrange vacant jobs for these blacks, which greatly depletes the financial resources of enterprises, and ultimately wastes national wealth. Despite south Africa's problems in the post-Mandela era, its overall economic situation is good, with average annual GDP growth stable at around 3%. The black middle class also soared to 4.2 million. The gap between rich and poor between black and white people in South Africa is not a problem that can be solved in a day or two, and it cannot be expected that the introduction of a policy or program can be achieved overnight, with an immediate effect, but it will not be achieved quickly. I have always believed that Mandela was the basis for racial reconciliation between blacks and whites and the rebirth of the country, and this great achievement can never be denied or erased.

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