
Why did Mandela do everything he could to keep the rugby team

author:Creative storytelling

The remarkable black South African president, Mandela, called on his compatriots to put aside their hatred and risk losing his presidency to the National Sports Board. Just now, the National Sports Bureau, controlled by blacks, was preparing to completely abolish the only white football team, the Antelope, but Mandela was opposed, Andela came to the conference hall, and the black leaders were very excited, he thought that the leaders would also approve of this decision, but Mandela directly vetoed it. He told the crowd that our enemies were no longer white, they were part of the South African people like us, they loved the Antelope, and if we abolished it, what was the difference between that and how they had treated us, repression, revenge, sanctions, so repeatedly, it was always the people who suffered. If the Antelope team is abolished, it will make racial discrimination worse. Under his persuasion, the team finally saved.

Since then, in order to revive the South African economy, Mandela has begun to visit many countries, encourage companies to come and invest, and fully open the South African market to them. After returning to China, he saw the salary bill given to him by his assistant, but he felt that his salary was too high, so he donated 1/3 of his income to charity. Pinar, the leader of the Antelope Team, saw the president's donation in front of the TV, and the whole family ridiculed the president for putting on a show. But the next day, he received a call from the president inviting him to tea, which made the family feel incredible. The next day, Pinar came to the presidential palace as promised, and he asked the bodyguard what kind of person the president was, and the bodyguard said that I needed to be silent when I worked for the former president, but the president found that I liked toffee and would bring me a bag when he came back from a business trip. Coming to the office, Mandela greeted him warmly, asked him about his leg injury with concern, and personally made him a cup of tea, the president was so approachable, pinar quickly relaxed, the two began to chat about rugby, Mandela gave him constant encouragement, let him insist on himself, led all the players, and said that he would fully support their team. Pinar listened to it and benefited a lot, and when he came out, Pinar said that the president is not ordinary, he is as kind as a father, and I think he hopes from the bottom of his heart that I can win the championship. After that, the Antelope team trained hard under the leadership of the captain, and they also went to the black community to take the children to play, and the black people also cheered "South African team come on!" ”。 There is an air of solidarity in the air. Soon, the World Cup competition is about to start, on the eve of the start, Mandela took a helicopter, came to the training ground to cheer up the players, he not only accurately called out the names of the team members, but also found that one team member was absent, which made all the team members feel comfortable and confident. The players gave the president a baseball cap from the team, which meant they really recognized the black president. Before leaving, Mandela gave Pinar a poem that had accompanied him through his most difficult years in prison, and he hoped that the poem would also bring strength to Pinar. At night, Pinar read the poem over and over again, and he began to wonder that the black president, who was not at all like the terrorists people called, but like an open-minded and tolerant life coach, decided to go to the prison where Mandela had been imprisoned for 27 years to find answers.

Why did Mandela do everything he could to keep the rugby team

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