
Rich as smoke, When Li Si was dying, he still missed the days when he led the yellow dog to hunt


Li Si was a Shangcai of the Chu State at the end of the Warring States period, and he was the Shangcai of Zhumadian today. When he was young, he had been a small official in the county, and it was estimated that he felt similar to that of many talented young people in the grass-roots system today, and he always felt that he had limited his play and wanted to change his way of life, but it seemed that there was no good way out.

It is said that Li Si went to the toilet of the official's dormitory one day, saw several rats snatching feces to eat, saw people coming, and panicked. He was a sensitive man, and he immediately remembered that when he entered the granary, the rats there, eating hoarded grain, living under the comfortable eaves, did not worry about eating, did not experience wind and rain, and the public granary was not idle, and the rats were not often disturbed. Li Si sighed, whether people are out of breath or not, just like rats, mainly look at the environment.

So Lees tried to change. He went to study with Xun Qing, xun qing was Xun Zi, he was a master of the academic school, the sacrificial wine of the Minoru Academy Palace, to put it bluntly, he was the president of the very good public university in the country of Qi. After Li Si finished his studies, he thought that he would not be reused in the Chu Kingdom, and the six eastern kingdoms seemed to be in decline, so he prepared to go west to the Qin State. That is to say, after graduating from a prestigious university, li si wants to find a big company, and it is not surprising that Li Si thinks so, after all, he wants to be a rat in the granary, not in the toilet.

When Li Si arrived in the Qin Kingdom, he first went to Lü Buwei to look for opportunities, and then did a good job in Lü Buwei,and Lü Buwei recommended him to enter the palace as a Lang official, so that he had the opportunity to get close to the King of Qin. At that time, King Zhuang Xiang had died, and the new King of Qin was Yin Zheng, the later First Emperor. Li Si was still talented, and the King of Qin thought he was not bad and appointed him as Changshi. Later, because of the zhengguoqu incident, the qin dynasty and the public felt that the people from the six eastern countries were all suspicious, so they said that the king of Qin ordered the expulsion of the six kingdoms. Li Si saw that he was on the list of expulsion, so he went to the classic "Book of Expulsion", and I remember memorizing it in the textbook when I was a child. "It is because Mount Tai does not let the soil, so it can become bigger; the river and the sea do not choose the trickle, so it can be deep."

In the tenth year of the reign of the Qin Dynasty (237 BC), he ordered the expulsion of the Six Kingdoms. Li Sishang's "Letter of Expulsion" was blocked, and it was adopted by Zhao Zheng, the King of Qin, and soon the official was a court lieutenant. In the process of the Qin King's unification of the Six Kingdoms, Li Si made a lot of efforts, which can be said to be his best to assist the Qin King. Later, when the first emperor died, he conspired with Zhao Gao to force Fu Su to commit suicide and make his son Fu Su emperor. After his success, Zhao Gao served as Lang Zhongling and Li Si became the chancellor. However, Qin II was far less diligent than his father, who liked to stay in the palace and played the most, and did not want to go to work in the middle of the court, so the government decree was basically in the hands of Zhao Gao, and Li Si, as the leader of the foreign dynasty, had to come out to advise the King of Qin, so he offended Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao was with the King of Qin every day, and it was too easy to say something bad about Li Si, and soon the King of Qin issued an order to send Li Si to prison on the charge of treason.

Li Si was arrested and put on a torture device, and he couldn't help but feel sad from the heart, and Yang Tianchang sighed that Qin II was a pathless emperor. Zhao Gao wanted to force him to commit suicide, but Li Si refused, and he felt that he really did not have the intention of rebellion, so he wrote to the emperor. Li Sike was from a scientific class, and he was very literate, and he felt that he had been wronged, and he must have said it clearly. However, Zhao Gao blocked his way with one sentence: "How can a prisoner go to school?" ”

In July of the second year of Qin II, Li Si was convicted of exterminating the three tribes and sentenced to be beheaded in Xianyang Street. Lisi walked out of the cell and was escorted to the execution ground with his young son. He turned back to his son and said, "Do you remember when our family was still in Shangcai, when we led our yellow dog together and happily went out from the East City Gate to hunt hares?" At that time, I can't go back to the days now. Father and son hugged and cried.

If Li Si could see the later ending, would he still come out of Shangcai? That's not clear.

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