
Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

author:Lily Food Talk
Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

Southerners love to drink soup, which is a eating habit that has been continued since a long time ago, and our family is inseparable from soup. Now it is the turn of summer and autumn again, although it is autumn, many people have begun to prepare various tonic soups to paste autumn fat. But don't blindly eat soup that is too much to supplement. Because the dryness of autumn has struck, the heat and heat of summer have not yet receded, so our soup is still mainly based on soup that clears the heat and relieves the heat and is not too hot.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

Here I would like to share a fish soup that is grilled with knotweed melon. Some places are rare, we locals also call it "North Melon", the shape is a bit like a mini version of winter melon, but in the appearance of color, taste and nutrition and winter melon is still different. In the summer, our family also likes to use winter melon to cook soup, which is also to relieve heat and relieve heat and diuresis. But winter melons are cold. In autumn and winter, we like to replace winter melons with knotweed. Chinese medicine believes that the melon is not cold or hot, compared to the cold of winter melon, it is very "righteous". And the taste is crisp, not as soft as winter melon.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

The old and tender melons are suitable for stir-frying, or for soup to drink. It is good to go with bones or fish and lean meat soup. Melon in melon vegetables, its sodium content and fat content are low, the soup out of the pot is light and refreshing, not greasy. It can play a role in weight loss, and women who want to lose weight can eat more. Next to share a section of melon fish tail soup method, into the autumn to drink more soup, soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold and hot, soup to drink the best, fresh flavor is not greasy, women drink more. Detailed recipes are presented, and the favorite ones are put away.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

Ingredients: 1 fish tail, 1 melon, a little salt, a little pepper.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

1: Peel the melon, wash and cut into thin slices and plate for later.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

2: Wash the fish tail after descaling, cut the flowers and set aside. (The size of the fish used is relatively large, so the tail can be used, the head of the fish can also be used, or the whole fish can be used, it is recommended to eat fish with fewer spines.)

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

3: Heat the pan, heat the pan with cold oil, and fry the fish tail under the pan.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

4: Fry over low heat and fry both sides of the fish tail until browned.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

5: Put the fried fish into the soup pot, add the appropriate amount of boiling water, bring to a boil on high heat and cook on medium heat for 15 minutes.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

After 6 or 15 minutes, the fish soup has become rich, at this time we add the slices of melon we cut before and cook together in the pot.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

7: Add the squash and cook for about 10 minutes, the taste of the squash penetrates into the soup and is fully cooked, you can add 1 small spoon of salt to taste, a little pepper Titian to remove the fishy. Stir well and let out.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

8. The cooked fish pieces can be fished out separately and plated.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

9: Pour in a little steamed fish soy sauce and eat it, the taste is delicious and very flavorful.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

10. Serve the melon and fish soup on a bowl and enjoy it. It can also be sprinkled with a little green onion or coriander Titian after leaving the pan. This soup is fresh and refreshing, not greasy at all, very refreshing and delicious. This pot of soup came out and made two dishes, a boiled fish nugget and a fish soup, which was completely enough for one person to solve a simple dinner. Delicious recipes are shared with you, and if you like them too, try them when you're free.

Autumn soup do not use winter melon, this melon is not cold or hot, soup to drink the best, fresh and refreshing, delicious

Lily Food Talk Tips:

1, the choice of fish nuggets can be based on their own preferences, many fish that can be cooked in soup can be, try to choose fish with fewer bones, so that it is more convenient to drink.

2, the fish that cooks the fish soup is generally fried freshly and then add boiling water to cook the soup, so that the soup is more rich and fragrant.

3, the melon is easier to cook, we finally put in, out of the pot can also sprinkle a little green onion or coriander with this drink, the taste is more praiseworthy.

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