
According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

author:Shadow under the moon 85555
According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

Today's world is the Internet age, with the advancement of science and technology, electronic products cover all of our lives.

More and more people are beginning to have mobile phone dependence, and they never leave their mobile phones in their free time, even if many people are playing with their mobile phones in bed late at night, until they can't hold on to it and reluctantly fall asleep.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

In Australia, this situation is extremely common, and so are many Chinese.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

It's not unheard of before, this behavior has an impact on eyesight, but people don't care.

However, a recent study in Australia proves that:

Staying up late playing with your mobile phone will increase the prevalence of terminal illness!

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

It turns out that the behaviors we are unconsciously accustomed to every day are actually dying...

Stay up late to swipe your phone

The risk of developing diabetes skyrockets

A team of researchers from Finders University, led by Dr Sean Cain and Dr Andrew Phillips, discovered a striking phenomenon:

Type 2 diabetes can increase the prevalence of light exposure!

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

The study has been published in the professional medical journal The Lancet, which is enough to prove its authority.

Researchers have found that human biorhythms evolve with the bright light of the sun and the darkness of the night.

These light-triggered rhythms have a profound impact on health!

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

Although the researchers are talking about the sun's bright light, artificial light has the same effect, such as the brightness of various electronic products.

This ancient light-detecting system penetrates the deeper regions of our brain.

What many people don't know is that there is actually a human body's master clock in these deep areas of our brain, which sets the time for the rest of the body's systems to run.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

When we eat when our bodies need to rest, or are exposed to too much or too little light at the wrong time, our body clock is disrupted.

Not only may it increase the prevalence of type 2 diabetes, but it will also increase the risk of depression and other psychiatric disorders, as well as the likelihood of developing chronic diseases, infertility and immune system disorders.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

During the study, the researchers examined the light conditions of 85,000 people, and most of them were provided with light detection equipment for a week.

It's also the history of

The largest circadian model study!

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

The study found that regardless of baseline cardiometabolic risk factors (e.g., high BMI, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels), sleep duration, diurnal preference, or mental health,

People who don't have good light habits are 30 to 40 percent more likely to develop diabetes.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

The worst is to get more light between midnight and 6 a.m., and the lights don't have to be very bright to have a negative effect.

The light of the mobile phone is enough to affect people's health!

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

Another point is that light is the main factor that affects the biological clock,

It can be strengthened or weakened!

As a result, our body's otherwise healthy biorhythms become unusually chaotic...

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

To sum up, this Flinders University study, published in The Lancet, proves that

When people stay up late to play with their mobile phones, our health has been subtly affected.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

Diabetes is a terminal illness that can only be controlled and cannot be treated, let alone depression, physical dysfunction and even infertility.

No one thought that the mobile phone that we can't live without would keep giving us crits at night!

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According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

Excessive play on the phone

The body is mutated

In fact, after suffering from mobile phone dependence, not only playing mobile phones for a long time at night will increase the prevalence of diabetes, but also our body will have some mutations.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

We've written similar articles before, people who play on their phones for a long time,

A new bone will slowly grow in the back of the brain!

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

Yes, before we know it, smart electronic devices are changing our bones.

In fact, as early as 2016, the Australian research team has found the clue, the two main researchers in the team examined 218 people between the ages of 18 and 30, carefully studied their cervical spine and skull X-rays.

It was found that 41% of people had bone spurs, and most of them were men!

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

The scientists then collected more cases and broadened the scope of the investigation, taking 1,200 X-rays in people between the ages of 18 and 86 and finding that bone spurs become smaller with age.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

The main reason for the appearance of this bone spur is because of the poor posture of playing with mobile phones, and lowering the head for a long time will increase the burden on the neck muscles, and in the long run, the head bones will slowly change.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

In addition to the bones of the head, playing on the phone for long periods of time can also cause mutations in other parts of our body.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

I believe that many people have discovered this, because they need to rely on their fingers to hold the phone for a long time, and some people's little fingers have been bent.

This phenomenon was first discovered in 2015 by Japanese experts, who called it text Sam injury: that is, the middle part of the first and second joints of the little finger is concave, and some are crooked.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

But unlike the bone spurs mentioned above, the text Sam injury is not a bone mutation, but a problem caused by long-term lifting of electronic devices.

Because the time that everyone uses their mobile phones continues to increase, over time, various problems will occur in the body.

According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

Some of the skeletal abnormalities are already a cause for concern, and now researchers have found that using mobile phones late at night, this bright light, may pose a greater health hazard.

Electronic products are indeed rich and convenient for our lives, but one thing needs to be remembered, we must not be addicted to mobile phones, and we must follow a healthy work and rest habits, otherwise the prevalence of terminal diseases will increase!

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According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!
According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

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According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

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According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

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According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

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According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

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According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

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According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

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According to the latest research by Australian scientists, people who love to play with mobile phones are quietly suffering from terminal diseases!

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