
Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

author:The green dragon blesses my big man

There are many versions of the origin of the scar on Baoge's mouth, but whether it is the stories circulating on the Internet or the revelations of friends around him, or the explanations of Baoge himself, there are many inconsistencies, as long as there is a little moisture, the persuasiveness is greatly reduced. Let's take a look at the film stills of Bao Ge's early participation:

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Aikido (1972)

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Taekwondo Earthquake Kyushu (1973)

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Huang Feihong Shaolin Fist (1974)

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Seven Provinces Boxer (1974)

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Shaolin Gate (1976)

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Sandoku Monk and Sammy Roku (1977)

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Mr. Zan and Finding Qian Hua (1978)

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Miscellaneous Kid (1979)

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined
Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Ghost Fight (1980)

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Loser Boy (1981)

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Beware of Small Hands (1982)

Because the clarity of the early movies is average, so the screenshot screen is not very clear, we can see that the scars of Bao Ge in the movie "Beware of Little Hands" are obvious, and a little scar can be seen in the movies of previous years, but it is not as long as in people.

So the first theory, Bao Ge once said that it was caused by an injury during the filming of "The Flying Dragon", this film was filmed in 1987, released in 1988, and then the scar has long been there, this statement is not reliable.

The second theory, Bao Ge said that when he was still in the drama class, Master Yu Zhanyuan punished him for practicing, standing upside down on a stool, and because of the long time, he couldn't hold on and fell down, breaking his mouth. This statement is also unreliable, Bao Ge was born in 1952, he was already 20 years old in "Aikido", he had left the drama class long ago, if he was practicing and falling, he should be able to see the scars in the movies he should participate in. And Yuanhua also said in the interview that handstanding is the basic skill of the drama class, and an hour of handstanding after getting up every day is standard, and a handstand that is ripe may cause a little injury and not be seriously injured.

In the third theory, some people say that Bao Ge is young and vigorous, playing with girls in nightclubs, fighting with others for jealousy, and being injured by the girl's boyfriend with a wine bottle. Although this statement has also been corroborated by the martial commander Cheng Xiaodong, this statement is also untenable, because there is no time and place, it is not clear who the other party is, and the fight process is also understated. Although Cheng Xiaodong is also a high-ranking authority in the field of action movies, as a peer with deep roots, it is more like a pretext for protecting the parties.

The fourth theory, some people say that in the 80s, Chen Huimin's men and Lin Zhengying and a group of martial artists drank wine in a nightclub in Tsim Sha Tsui, there was a conflict, the two sides were deadlocked and asked their respective bosses to become famous, Lin Zhengying called the eldest brother Hong Jinbao, the other brother was Chen Huimin, and the two sides agreed to compete in a contest in order to avoid the expansion of the situation. The fight process was also very short, And Brother Bao hugged Brother Hui from behind, and was knocked to the ground by Brother, and was seriously injured because of it. This contest was also confirmed by the writer and screenwriter Shen Xicheng, but Shen Xicheng was also a friend and disciple of Chen Huimin, so it was difficult for us to judge the authenticity of it.

Hong Jinbao's mouth scars examined

Shen Xicheng

In summary, the fourth statement is the most likely, the time is about 80 years, 1, 2 two statements have obvious loopholes, it can be said that Bao Ge said casually in the face of the interview can not be shirked, because the real reason is inconvenient to say. The 4th theory involves the old gang big brother Chen Huimin, and the process is similar to the 3rd theory, all of which are fighting in nightclubs, perhaps Cheng Xiaodong is not convenient to tell the truth, but does not want to make things up, can only talk about nightclub fights, as for who to fight with, it is not good to name names, can only generally say a girl's boyfriend. Shen Xicheng pointed out in the interview program that although he was Chen Huimin's protégé, as a public figure, he could not deliberately fabricate a duel to praise Chen Huimin, after all, Hong Jinbao also had a lot of weight in Hong Kong. Therefore, this matter definitely exists, and the process and the reasons behind it need to be supplemented by other witnesses. The two big brothers in front of the little brothers no one dare to slacken off, Bao Ge encountered a heavy gunner who has been fighting on the rivers and lakes for many years, both sides are people who want face, so it is possible to fight without leaving their hands, resulting in Serious Injury to Bao Ge. Hong Jinbao has participated in countless movies as a director, martial arts director and starring actor, and Chen Huimin has also played many supporting roles when he quit the jianghu and entered the film circle, but the two characters who are big brothers have never appeared in the same movie, which further confirms from the side that the relationship between the two people was more awkward. As for now, both of them are old, and they have long since let go of their old grudges and laughed and hated each other.

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