
ACG base camp - fitness goddess Ye Tong

author:ACG Base Camp
Ye Tong - fitness allows me to taste life and meet a better version of myself

Generally everyone likes slender and feminine girls, many girls fitness is also to make themselves thinner and slimmer, absolutely do not want to become a bodybuilding champion, but some girls naturally like fitness, like bodybuilding body shape and muscles, and take this as a profession, Ye Tong is a girl who likes fitness, and through continuous efforts to pay a lot of sweat, become a bodybuilding champion, let's enjoy the perfect figure of bodybuilding champion together!

ACG base camp - fitness goddess Ye Tong

In our impression, fitness is to operate those large exercise equipment and train yourself into a muscle. If the boy has a well-built muscle, it will make people feel strong and full of security. However, in the eyes of many people, a muscular girl seems to be not so beautiful, the feeling is still a little scary, although full of power, but also less of the girl's unique soft temperament, after all, not everyone can appreciate the European and American kind of breast fat buttocks of King Kong Barbie.

ACG base camp - fitness goddess Ye Tong

But in fact, girls with muscles and like fitness are really all tangled muscles like King Kong Barbie? Not always, with people's deeper understanding of beauty, the original kind of diet, harm to the health of the cost of slimming has been unpopular, and the kind of skinny and delicate as Lin Daiyu's sick beauty can not be appreciated by the public, so now many girls fitness, on the one hand, in order to have a healthy and beautiful body, on the other hand, is also to pursue a healthier body.

ACG base camp - fitness goddess Ye Tong

Like Ye Tong, who won the 2018 MuskleMania China Competition, is such a young girl who advocates health and natural beauty, Ye Tong was born in 1997, and when she participated in the competition, she was only 21 years old, and she already had a perfect body. Like many girls in China who like fitness, Ye Tong's idol is also South Korea's first fitness master Li Yanhua, and Ye Tong, after his unremitting efforts, has finally become the champion of the MusicMania Competition in China like his idol Li Yanhua.

ACG base camp - fitness goddess Ye Tong

MuscleMania competition is different from other bodybuilding competitions, it encourages natural bodybuilding to the contestants' overall body shape, skin tone and body symmetry as a comprehensive performance score reference, more concerned about the beauty of the contestants, Ye Tong successfully promoted to many straight men, otaku in the heart of the most beautiful goddess, many girls have also cultivated into Ye Tong's body as the goal, so this natural beauty is indeed the most able to win people's hearts.

ACG base camp - fitness goddess Ye Tong

If you don't appreciate "King Kong Barbie", then this type of dressing thin and stripped with meat believes that you will not refuse...

Finally, put a few sets of Ye Tong's exquisite moments, if necessary, please pay attention to Ye Tong Weibo Ye Tong - when to fitness

ACG base camp - fitness goddess Ye Tong
ACG base camp - fitness goddess Ye Tong
ACG base camp - fitness goddess Ye Tong
ACG base camp - fitness goddess Ye Tong
ACG base camp - fitness goddess Ye Tong


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