
After the transnational love married to a black man, does the 32-year-old Ye Tong remember the days related to Shi Xiaolong? First, the "childhood goddess" Ye Tong II, the young and famous child stars three, child stars also need respect

author:Ukiyo-e chronicles

Cao Jun's Xu Xian appearance is really too feeling!

After watching the short film "White Snake Man", many people can't help but jump out of this sentence in their minds.

It is hard to imagine that the cute little Nezha can now perform Xu Xian, who is full of asceticism.

After the transnational love married to a black man, does the 32-year-old Ye Tong remember the days related to Shi Xiaolong? First, the "childhood goddess" Ye Tong II, the young and famous child stars three, child stars also need respect

People can't help but sigh: the years have really changed everything.

In fact, the changed child star, why not Cao Jun? The change of child star Ye Tong has also surprised many people.

After the transnational love married to a black man, does the 32-year-old Ye Tong remember the days related to Shi Xiaolong? First, the "childhood goddess" Ye Tong II, the young and famous child stars three, child stars also need respect

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, "childhood goddess" Ye Tong</h1>

Speaking of Ye Tong, many people may not think much of it.

But if you mention the tofu Xi Shi Ou Xiaoqian in "Young Huang Feihong", I believe that many post-90s will definitely have an impression.

In the play, Ou Xiaoqian is the first love of Shi Xiaolong's character Huang Feihong, when she and Huang Feihong's interaction with the teenager CP, the audience also enjoyed it.

After the transnational love married to a black man, does the 32-year-old Ye Tong remember the days related to Shi Xiaolong? First, the "childhood goddess" Ye Tong II, the young and famous child stars three, child stars also need respect

Pure and beautiful Ou Xiaoqian, she has become a childhood goddess outside many dramas.

And at that time, Ou Xiaoqian also cooperated with Shi Xiaolong in another drama "Young Bao Qingtian", which made people feel that they were very fateful.

Two young and agile teenage girls, if placed today, it is estimated that many "cp" parties will be born.

But the feelings in the play cannot be counted after all, and the real Shi Xiaolong and Ye Tong have not walked together.

Nowadays, Shi Xiaolong's emotional state seems to be a mystery, but Ye Tong has long been married and has children.

Unlike many child stars who have been rolling in the showbiz circle, When Ye Tong was a child, he chose to fade out of the show business circle and live his life when he filmed several popular dramas and his fame rose.

There are rumors that Ye Tong's parents do not want her to affect her studies because of filming, and want her to live a normal life.

If this rumor is true, it is not surprising, after all, the showbiz circle is mixed, and parents who do not want their children to break into the show business circle can also be understood.

Therefore, Ye Tong gradually faded out of the public's sight.

But recently, Ye Tong has returned to the audience's attention because of a "transnational marriage".

After the transnational love married to a black man, does the 32-year-old Ye Tong remember the days related to Shi Xiaolong? First, the "childhood goddess" Ye Tong II, the young and famous child stars three, child stars also need respect

When she grew up, Ye Tong still maintained the beauty of her childhood. Many people feel that this "childhood goddess" will have a good marriage.

In fact, it is also true that Ye Tong showed a happy appearance in his marriage life.

But what is surprising is that the young and beautiful Ye Tong chose to marry a strong black man, and after marriage, he also gave birth to a mixed-race baby, with a pair of bright eyes, which seems to inherit the good looks of his mother.

After the transnational love married to a black man, does the 32-year-old Ye Tong remember the days related to Shi Xiaolong? First, the "childhood goddess" Ye Tong II, the young and famous child stars three, child stars also need respect

When Ye Tong held his child, his face showed a look of happiness.

Some people think that love has no borders, as long as the parties feel happy; but others feel that Ye Tong deserves a better marriage.

In fact, what is good or bad about marriage? The key is to see if the person likes it or not.

As long as Ye Tong feels that he really likes to love his current married life, that is enough.

After the transnational love married to a black man, does the 32-year-old Ye Tong remember the days related to Shi Xiaolong? First, the "childhood goddess" Ye Tong II, the young and famous child stars three, child stars also need respect

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > two, young and famous child stars</h1>

Looking back at the changes in Cao Jun, Ye Tong, and Shi Xiaolong over the years, many people will sigh with emotion, and these child stars who were liked by them when they were children are no longer the scenery they once were.

In fact, there are reasons for opportunities and reasons for choice.

For example, Cao Jun, many people wonder, when he was so hot when he was a child, how can he gradually fall into a situation where there is no drama to shoot, and the market rating when participating in "Actors Please Take Place" is still the last?

Although there are reasons for opportunities, in fact, there are also some reasons for Cao Jun's choice.

After filming "Pauline Lantern" that year, Cao Jun was in the limelight, and if he took advantage of the victory to pursue, it might not be a big hit. However, Cao Jun did not want to delay his studies, so he chose to study first and suspend filming.

After the transnational love married to a black man, does the 32-year-old Ye Tong remember the days related to Shi Xiaolong? First, the "childhood goddess" Ye Tong II, the young and famous child stars three, child stars also need respect

I just didn't expect that when Cao Jun returned to the show business circle, the show business circle was already a new generation.

But fortunately, gold will always shine, this time Cao Jun with the "Actors Please Take Place" show, it is also a small fire, there should be more resources and opportunities in the future.

With Cao Jun's many years of acting experience and solid cultural knowledge, it is not impossible to fire again.

Yang Zi is a good example.

When she was a child, Yang Zi was well-behaved and cute, and with the role of Xia Xue played in "Family with Children", she became popular all over the country and became a "national girl" that everyone was familiar with.

But after Growing up, Yang Zi's acting road was quite unsmooth.

Because she is often complained that she does not look good, Yang Zi often fails to try to play, and even "mother" Song Dandan advises Yang Zi to say: "Girl, you look like this, or don't act." ”

However, the stubborn Yang Zi did not admit defeat, worked hard to hone her acting skills, improved her clothing and aesthetics, and made several high-rated TV series.

Whether it is the reckless and cute little earthworm in "Ode to Joy", or the Jinmi who does not understand love in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost", or the highly intelligent Tong Nian in "Dear, Loved", Yang Zi conquered the audience in front of the TV set with her excellent acting skills, so that those who said that she did not look good shut.

After the transnational love married to a black man, does the 32-year-old Ye Tong remember the days related to Shi Xiaolong? First, the "childhood goddess" Ye Tong II, the young and famous child stars three, child stars also need respect

Today's Yang Zi has long faded the shadow of "national girlfriend" Xia Xue, but has become a "new generation of goddess" in the hearts of countless netizens.

Also a child actor, once had a super popularity, has an incomparable enthusiasm and seriousness for the profession of acting, I think, as long as you stick to it, Cao Jun may not have the opportunity of Yang Zi turning red.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, child stars also need respect</h1>

Of course, not all child stars are as lucky as Yang Zi.

For example, Lin Miaoke has been controversial.

Since Lin Miaoke became famous in the Olympic Games as a child and made several TV series in succession, she was also the "national girl" in the hearts of many people.

But as Lin Miaoke gradually grew up, her appearance, figure, clothing, etc., have been complained about by countless people.

Obviously, she is a girl in the adolescent period and has not done anything harmful to nature, but Lin Miaoke has been suffering from various cyber attacks.

In the end, it is only because she became famous at a young age.

After the transnational love married to a black man, does the 32-year-old Ye Tong remember the days related to Shi Xiaolong? First, the "childhood goddess" Ye Tong II, the young and famous child stars three, child stars also need respect

Because she became famous at a young age, her every move will be infinitely magnified. The behavior that is very normal on ordinary girls seems to be unforgivable when placed on Lin Miaoke.

Even her natural appearance can become a reason for netizens to attack her.

Also facing this situation is the child star You Haoran.

Also relying on the TV series "Family with Children" to become famous, Yang Zi and Zhang Yishan have successfully transformed and gradually gained a foothold in the show business circle, but You Haoran has been constantly complained about "long disabled".

Every time he broadcasts his news, he is all lamenting and contrasting, and it seems that You Haoran's life has failed.

But in fact, You Haoran has been working hard, although he has not yet caught up with his brother and sister, he has always insisted on his dream.

After the transnational love married to a black man, does the 32-year-old Ye Tong remember the days related to Shi Xiaolong? First, the "childhood goddess" Ye Tong II, the young and famous child stars three, child stars also need respect

How can this kind of life with dreams and pursuits be able to talk about failure?

These child stars used to be the people who grew up with us and brought us many laughs.

If they still choose to stay in the show business and try to make themselves shine, we can not like but please do not easily attack them with words such as "long disabled" and "long crooked"; if they choose to quit the show business, please give them back a life of ordinary people, do not use their childhood images to attack their current life.

Even if they were once child stars, they need respect and privacy when they grow up.

Just like Ye Tong's marriage. Whether it is matched or not is Ye Tong's own choice, if he is willing, why should netizens relish it or not?

Author: Jing Xing Xing

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