
Three Treasures of Heaven: Daddy Don't Instigate / Ye Tong Gu Yichen Novel, Gu Shao Chases His Wife and Long Novel Recommended Reading

Three Treasures of Heaven: Daddy Don't Instigate / Ye Tong Gu Yichen Novel, Gu Shao Chases His Wife and Long Novel Recommended Reading

Author: Rain

Description: At the age of eighteen, Ye Tong fell in love with Gu Yichen at first sight, but Gu Yichen hated her to the bone, and after an unexpected night, she became the target of Gu Yichen's pursuit, leaving Xiao Bao seriously ill, and she took Dabao Erbao to endure pain and leave. Seven years later, the two Meng Bao returned with her strong. Dabao: "Daddy actually bullied Mommy and beat him." Erbao: "Beat him up and take him cheaper, but he owes us child support." The secretary reported with trepidation: "Gu Zong, the company's system has been hacked, the funds have been transferred away by one hundred million, and the other party is your son." Gu Yichen was furious and pressed Ye Tong against the wall and asked, "How many sons do I have?" "No matter how many sons there are, they are all my sons, and it has nothing to do with you." Ye Tong pushed him away forcefully. Dabao: "Well deserved!" Erbao: "Deserved!" Xiao Bao: "Daddy, don't provoke, chase Mommy back."

"President, your package."

"Hmmm!" Gu Yichen responded, still lowering his head to handle the file.

"The president, the person who delivered the express mail said that after you receive the package, you can open it, and if there is a problem, you can return it in time."

Gu Yichen raised his eyes, his eyes cold, and he was a little displeased.

The secretary immediately lowered his head, not daring to look at him at all. 【Micro】

Gu Yichen took a look at the package, and his hand couldn't help but stretch out [to the public], as if this package had some magic.

The box opened, and inside lay the little baby boy, startling him. 【No.】

As if hearing the movement, the little baby boy opened his eyes and grinned at Gu Yichen, "Midnight Time Bookstore" up, [Reading] Limbs dancing restlessly.

It was as if seeing Gu Yichen and expressing joy to him.

Round little face, clear eyes, very cute.

Gu Yichen looked at him, and his cold heart seemed to suddenly have a temperature.

He reached out and picked up the note on the baby boy's chest.

[Gu Yichen, his name is Gu Mo, and he will trouble you to take care of it more in the future.] --Ye Tongliu. 】

Gu Yichen's eyes instantly froze into a cold color, and his mind flashed a year ago, Ye Tong tied him to the bed, which was the heart that killed her.

"Where's the person who delivered the shipment?"

The secretary looked frightened and paled: "Still... Downstairs. ”

Gu Yichen took the child out of the box and strode out of the office.

But outside the company's gate, Gu Yichen did not find the person he was looking for.

scold! Also.

He didn't expect her to have the guts to come!

The child's chubby little hand in the crook of his arm reached out and smiled at Gu Yichen...

Hiding not far away, Ye Tong was wearing sanitation worker clothes and a duck-tongue hat, looking at Gu Yichen, who was holding Gu Mo not far away, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

- Silently sorry!

A few days ago, she just gave birth to three lovely sons, if it were not for the detection of the youngest son Gu Mo's congenital heart disease, which requires huge treatment fees, she would not cut the meat to send Gu Mo to Gu Yichen.

For her, Gu Yichen hated it in his bones.

If not, she would not have been in hiding for a year, and in this way, gu mo would have been sent to him.

Silence was his own child, and he should not have placed his hatred for her on Silence.

But she was just gambling.

Watching him carry the child back to Beichen International, she was relieved, and the moment she turned to leave, her heart still hurt uncontrollably.

In the future, I will probably never see you again!


Seven years later!

"Mommy, have you arrived?" The show is about to start. ”

Ye Cheng's young voice came from the phone, and Ye Tong took the mobile phone and strode forward while replying: "Immediately, immediately, I have already entered the venue." ”

It's just that the backstage of the venue is like a maze, which makes her confused.

"Sincerely, I seem to be lost."

Ye Tong stood in the backstage area like a labyrinth, very helpless.

Ye Cheng's helpless sigh like a little adult came out: "Mommy, where are you?" I asked my brother to pick you up. ”

"I'm in..." Ye Tong looked around, every room was the same, even the porch was the same, and there was no substantive sign.

As she stepped back to look, one accidentally stepped on someone's foot and almost fell.

She quickly turned back and bowed her head to apologize: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. ”

The cold breath made her shiver.

Isn't it just a foot, she has already apologized, is it necessary to be so angry?

Ye Tong raised his head, and when he met Gu Yichen's cold face, the whole person was sluggish.

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