
Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

author:Fitness instructor Paul

With the development of fitness culture, we go to the gym with different purposes, some are to lose weight, some are to increase muscle, and some are to shape and so on, in the final analysis, are to make their body better, more charming and sexy, there is no perfect person in the world, but their own efforts, becoming more and more perfect!

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

Today to introduce to you a 1997 Beijing girl - Ye Tong, 180CM height, weight 69KG, in the 2018 MuskleMania China Competition, she won the first place in the women's bikini open D group, the overall quality is very good Ye Tong, by the judges and the audience unanimously praised.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

Behind the various honors is inseparable from the strict requirements for herself, fitness is an indispensable part of her life, "a day without practicing will be uncomfortable", has become her motivation to persevere.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:
Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

Open her Weibo, you will find that in addition to fitness photos are a variety of fitness meals. Nowadays, Ye Tong has multiple duties, not only is he a contracted athlete and a spokesperson for fitness equipment, but last year, he was promoted by fitness colleagues into the crew of "China's Bing Wang Top Secret Mission" to become an actor, and if he is not in good shape, he will practice, and there is no back door for fitness to go!

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

For us also want to have a perfect body, we need to pay hard for it, and in addition to hard work, we also need a relatively efficient plan, and then we will bring you ideas about shaping the body.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to shape the perfect body</h1>

To have a perfect body, we need to pay attention to the following aspects in life.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

Regular work and rest:

In addition to diet, keep a good figure also pay attention to the law of work and rest, this is also easy for us to ignore, we can maintain a regular schedule, will make our body's various hormone levels maintained in a stable state, so that our body will be more efficient fat loss, especially in the process of deep sleep, the body will secrete more than 700 kinds of growth hormone, these growth hormones for muscle synthesis and fat decomposition will bring great help.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

Reasonable diet:

Many people in life's fat reduction diet strategy is just boiled vegetables, in fact, fat loss and shape the figure so eat absolutely not, we have a calorie gap in the diet, but the calorie gap can not be too large, the gap is too big will make the body's muscle loss serious, and easy to appear platform period, so every day to ensure 300 ~ 500 calories, and we in the diet, but also pay attention to nutritional balance, generally can use high protein, low carbon water, a large number of vegetables and the right amount of fruit, less oil and less salt diet structure for food collocation, This can not only ensure that weight loss continues, maintain a good figure for a long time, but also ensure that the body remains healthy, as far as possible to ensure 7-9 hours of sleep every night, and as far as possible in the evening 11:00 into a state of sleep.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

Maintain exercise habits:

The benefit of exercise for body building is to let us reduce body fat while helping the body to retain or increase muscle content as much as possible, so that our body becomes better and the lines are clearer, and then recommend a set of strength training actions for everyone, which can effectively help shape the body.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > action demonstration:</h1>

Flat support rowing:

In the push-up position, with your feet apart and shoulder width apart, hold the dumbbell in your hand perpendicular to your shoulders, stabilize your body, and lift one hand up.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

Prone turn:

In the push-up position, with your feet apart and shoulder width apart, your hands just below your shoulders and your arms perpendicular to the ground, keeping your pelvis and lower limbs stable, and you make a turn.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, tiptoes outward, bend your knees and hips to squat, keep your lower back straight during the squat, knees without buckles, and in the same direction as your toes.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:


Stand with your feet the same width as your hips, take a big step backwards with one foot, bend your hips and lower your body, straighten your back, and get up after squatting on the ground parallel to your thighs in front of you.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

Centrifugal push-ups:

The shoulder blades are clamped and fixed, the core is tightened to prevent the waist from collapsing, the hand is located just below the chest, there is no need to push up when getting up, and the lowering is controlled when the body is lowered.

Height 180 Beijing sister Ye Tong, super good appearance with hot body, good body needs sports how to shape the perfect body action demonstration: Conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks:</h1>

Before training, we should warm up the various joints and ligaments of the body, so as to effectively avoid accidental injuries during the next exercise, the number of groups and times of movements can be selected according to their physical condition, and after training, don't forget to relax and stretch the muscles.

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