
Real late night real Bangkok nightlife: no tourists show up, it's quiet

author:Go donkey walking
Real late night real Bangkok nightlife: no tourists show up, it's quiet

Photographer: Xavier Portela

What is the night in Bangkok like? Tourists see a food paradise, transgender people swaying in the wine pool of the red light district, or hooking up on their backs to kill chickens. In the midst of the song and dance, Bangkok has become a world of flowers and flowers, people always seem to find some spiritual comfort here, so more and more tourists flock to Bangkok, and the nightlife of drunken dreams has become a short life that people yearn for.

This is Bangkok, but only in the eyes of tourists, or rather in the hearts of tourists. And the real Bangkok nightlife, in fact, we experience it every day.

Real late night real Bangkok nightlife: no tourists show up, it's quiet

The development of Bangkok into one of the most distinctive tourist cities in the world is not mainly because of the strange things, but because of the easy-going attitude of Thai people to life. This easy-going they applied to advertising creativity, making it the forefront of the world, attracting countless Chinese advertisers to imitate and impress.

Real late night real Bangkok nightlife: no tourists show up, it's quiet

But no matter how good Chinese is at imitating, imitating Thai-style advertisements, there is always a surface without its inner. At a glance, the discerning person knows that this is an idea that has not been successful in plagiarism. It comes down to that mundane and easy-going attitude, which is easy-going but everywhere, especially hidden on the streets of Bangkok.

Real late night real Bangkok nightlife: no tourists show up, it's quiet

Strangely enough, people only pass by the small Khao San Road, linger overnight in Papon, Nana Square or Cowboy Street, or indulge in Mambo's show dancing, and label Bangkok as their own.

Real late night real Bangkok nightlife: no tourists show up, it's quiet

After nightfall, the most mobile stalls on the streets of Bangkok are either fruit or small barbecue stalls. The media often reports that many stalls will become popular because of the stall owner's devil's figure and exquisite face, and even some Internet celebrities have taken shortcuts to be questioned as speculation... In fact, except for the very few individual existences, the female stall owners on the streets of Bangkok, even if they have a beautiful face, only make a living from it, so don't be fried to find that the beautiful stall owners come up and shoot hard.

Real late night real Bangkok nightlife: no tourists show up, it's quiet

Except for the crowded red light district, most of Bangkok's old streets are like many of the small streets in the city where we live. If it were not for the Thai script on the shops, these stores would not be much different from those in China. Many old streets are far from tourist areas, and few tourists appear, and most of the people who appear on the streets are locals.

Real late night real Bangkok nightlife: no tourists show up, it's quiet

As night falls, the streets are filled with Thais who come to Bangkok from all over to make a living. The scenery in front of you is very similar to many of China's urban villages and old streets, with small old streets full of all kinds of organs, food, retail shoes and clothing, and sunrise daily necessities stores everywhere.

Real late night real Bangkok nightlife: no tourists show up, it's quiet

Compared with the hustle and bustle of tourist attractions, the old street is very quiet despite the flow of people. Mostly Thais speak softly, even if they bargain softly. But as the number of tourists in Bangkok increases, these old streets that originally belong to locals will also be gradually influxed with tourists, which may be a good thing for those stall owners, but it does not seem to be a good thing for locals, and the increase in tourists, price growth, rent increases and other issues are all a nuisance. And this situation is not the problem we are facing

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