
The Tudor Henry VIII House is for sale, with secret passages leading directly to Hampton Court Palace

author:Star brick and tile

The #Henry VIII#-owned home, once one of the most notorious kings in British history, was sold on Rightmove for £3.25 million.

The Tudor Henry VIII House is for sale, with secret passages leading directly to Hampton Court Palace

#Henry VIII is a medieval cover character, just as the talented and lustful King of England is told in the #American drama ##Tudor Dynasty, who married six wives in his lifetime, and #Jonathan Les Meyers, who plays Henry VIII, became famous for his handsome, cold, and sexy image.

The Tudor Henry VIII House is for sale, with secret passages leading directly to Hampton Court Palace

#Tudor refers to the dynasty that ruled the Kingdom of England and its vassals between 1485 and 1603. Other important characters in the #Tudor Dynasty, such as his second wife # Anne Boleyn # and daughter Mary and #Elizabeth # are all legends, and when Shakespeare brought Henry VIII to the stage, the focus was on his private life rather than his glorious deeds. Because of the abolition of Catholicism and the establishment of Protestantism, Henry VIII was also the devil and hero in the history of the two churches.

The Tudor Henry VIII House is for sale, with secret passages leading directly to Hampton Court Palace

暴君还是明君历史各有自己的判断,如果喜欢历史的人倒是有机会真正拥有这段光辉的历史,位于‬Surrey的Matham Manor是一处经过修复的二级保护财产,于1530年代被亨利国王收入‬囊‬中‬。 Some buildings are thought to date back to the 14th century, but most of the current buildings date back to the 18th century.

The Tudor Henry VIII House is for sale, with secret passages leading directly to Hampton Court Palace

Matham Manor后来在1632年被Charles I查理一世‬卖给了一位伦敦富商。 该建筑‬保留了一些原始特色,包括弧形的雅各布风格的门和安妮女王楼梯。

The Tudor Henry VIII House is for sale, with secret passages leading directly to Hampton Court Palace


The Tudor Henry VIII House is for sale, with secret passages leading directly to Hampton Court Palace

After the current owners demolished and replaced the old extension, they found tunnels leading out of the Priest's Cave inside the house, one of which led to Hampton Court Palace.

The Tudor Henry VIII House is for sale, with secret passages leading directly to Hampton Court Palace

The property offers accommodations measuring 4,469 sq ft and includes a kitchen/breakfast room, living room, living/dining room, family room, utility room, six bedrooms and three bathrooms. The garden features several seating areas for summer entertainment, spacious lawns and mini mazes. 很少有具有如此历史意义的房子能够保留住家庭的感觉,但是Matham Manor的确如此‬,不知道‬新的‬业主‬舍不舍得‬直接‬入住‬还是‬改成‬博物馆‬呢‬?

The Tudor Henry VIII House is for sale, with secret passages leading directly to Hampton Court Palace
The Tudor Henry VIII House is for sale, with secret passages leading directly to Hampton Court Palace

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