
The Transformers movie | the Decepticon | noisy | domineering super tank

The noise that appears in the Transformers Movie 1 is originally set from the G1 cartoon.

Transformers Movie | Decepticon Tiger | Noisy | Domineering Army Tank

The Transformers movie | the Decepticon | noisy | domineering super tank

The super tactical "backpack" is very military.

The Transformers movie | the Decepticon | noisy | domineering super tank
The Transformers movie | the Decepticon | noisy | domineering super tank

Fight with sir autobots in the block

The Transformers movie | the Decepticon | noisy | domineering super tank

It's so powerful, back and forth!

The Transformers movie | the Decepticon | noisy | domineering super tank

Super climbing plow

The Transformers movie | the Decepticon | noisy | domineering super tank

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