
Chengguan requires you to borrow a step to operate, that is, to love and care for you, please understand and support

author:Tadpole Immortal

In the course of their official duties, chengguan often encountered illegal small traders and hawkers, and they often asked the vendors involved to borrow a step to operate, that is, to change places, or move back to the back to get out of the way. This is normal operation without any problems. You just need to comply with it and do it, and there will be no loss (including personality and economy), so there is no need to make a big mistake because of a small loss, so that netizens across the country know you.

Chengguan requires you to borrow a step to operate, that is, to love and care for you, please understand and support

It is debatable that the streets are public places and that hawkers (merchants) occupy public places for their own personal gain. What's more, in this process, whether the stalls occupy more or less, whether the lot is good or bad, whether it disturbs the people and blocks the road, often causes misunderstandings or contradictions between merchants and merchants, between merchants and the public, and may even cause disputes and break the rules. Under such hidden dangers, the responsibilities of urban management are indispensable. To guide merchants to standardize their operations and ensure the maximization of merchants' interests, the urban management team members have done a lot of work for this.

Chengguan requires you to borrow a step to operate, that is, to love and care for you, please understand and support

It is rumored on the Internet that such an unpleasant scene recently happened in a certain place (below): two vendors, a man and a woman, quarreled over trivial matters, and then added fists and feet, the man hammered the woman, and the goods on both sides were scattered all over the ground. The things that were originally harmonious and profitable are now a lose-lose situation. Once it aroused the disgust of Master Zhao Gongming, the future financial road was also cut off. If there were chengguan team members performing official duties here at that time, there would not have been such a business brawl.

Chengguan requires you to borrow a step to operate, that is, to love and care for you, please understand and support
Chengguan requires you to borrow a step to operate, that is, to love and care for you, please understand and support

There are also some street vendors in the market who are suspicious and self-serving, and turn a deaf ear to the good persuasion of the chengguan. They always felt that the chengguan team members were digging a pit to harm him, turned a deaf ear to the business guidance put forward by the chengguan, neither evacuated nor moved the nest, but complained and even maliciously resisted the chengguan. If some of the chengguan team members talk too much, these vendors will be angry and will the guy ruthlessly. In just over a month, Shenyang and Guangzhou, two business masters from the north and south, shocked the whole country and sent themselves to the detention center as they wished.

Therefore, if the chengguan asks you to borrow a step to operate, or to borrow a step to operate multigrain pancakes, it is to love and care for you, please understand and support.