
The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

author:Cold Eye Observation Bureau

Here, the rich are everywhere, and the beauty is like a cloud. Per capita GDP was once the highest in the world, with a per capita monthly income of up to 100,000 yuan and almost no tax revenue, known as a "tax haven".

Here, the ground is narrow and thick, the land is scarce, and the price of a suite in downtown Beijing is only enough to buy a toilet here.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000


This is the second smallest country in the world: Monaco. How small is this country? A total of only 2.02 square kilometers, not as big as our Sanlitun Street in Beijing. People here go downstairs for a walk after dinner, and may arrive in France without paying attention.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Map of Monaco

Don't look at its small size, the royals here, one by one, it is not a fuel-saving lamp:

The princes here are mercurial, and their illegitimate children are all over the world, and even Gong Li almost became his princess.

The prince here is handsome, blonde hair fluttering and melancholy, marrying Colombia's richest man qianjin to the peak of life.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Member of the Royal Family of Monaco

A little attention, today I will follow the footsteps of Uncle Leng and take a look at this magical european tycoon country: Monaco.

Monaco has long been surrounded by France on three sides, France has always been a tiger eye on it, but people have not taken the initiative to provoke trouble, has always regarded you France as a big brother, arrogant France is naturally not embarrassed to bully the weak and directly to war,

In 1861, France signed an agreement with Monaco to recognize the independence of Monaco and occupied 90% of Monaco's territory, so now Monaco's territory is only 2.02 square kilometers, of which 0.5 square kilometers are reclaimed from the sea.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Night view of Monaco

Monaco, which had lost most of its territory for its independence, was once on the verge of bankruptcy, and at this time the royals came up with a brilliant idea: to open a casino.

At that time, most countries in Europe banned gambling, so there were very few casinos, and Monaco seized this opportunity to devote all its financial resources to building casinos across the country. Uncle Leng said that this Monaco is really a good fate, and has since completely embarked on the road to prosperity.

In 1865, after the completion of the Monte Carlo Casino, the local tycoons around the world who had too much money to spend land also followed, and also led to catering, hotels, tourism and other industries, many local tycoons have settled in Monaco, and for a time Monaco became the most densely populated country in Europe.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Casino of Monte Carlo

In order to ensure the sustainable development of the country, the Monegasque royal family has also issued a special law: it is forbidden for its own personnel to enter the casino to gamble. Yes, they use the money earned from casinos to support other industries in the country, which is equivalent to losing money to let foreigners lose, and making money to let their own families earn. And the most shocking thing was that in 1868 Monaco announced that almost all taxes would be abolished.

When the rich merchants learned of this news, they found that there were still places in the world to make money without paying taxes, so they flocked to the mountain with gold and silver and started a large and small business here.

In addition to the gaming industry and tourism, Monaco's banking industry is also very developed, don't look at it is not big, there are 45 international banks alone, there are more than 20 asset management companies, directly managing more than 60 billion euros of funds, becoming a veritable small European treasury.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

In the past few decades, Monaco's economy has grown by leaps and bounds, becoming the country with the highest per capita GDP in the world, and France, as the big brother, sees that the former little brother has a tendency to surpass himself, so in 1919, there was another moth.

That year it signed a bizarre treaty with Monaco, which meant that if the Head of State of Monaco died without male descendants, Monaco would be automatically incorporated into France. Fortunately, the princesses of Monaco are still relatively competitive, and they have always had male origins, so they have not let the tiger-eyed France succeed.

Speaking of this Monaco royal family, it is even more not simple, after listening to it can definitely shock your jaw, Uncle Leng then told everyone.

In 1956, Oscar actress Grace Kelly married into the Monaco royal family, and Monaco instantly became a gathering place for all kinds of stars. The Rose Ball is also held regularly every year, and European aristocrats and celebrities flock to attend.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Grace Kelly

After becoming Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly quit film and television and gave birth to her eldest son, Albert II, the current Prince of Monaco, in 1958.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Albert II

Although this Albert II did not inherit the appearance of his mother, but under the appearance of the person who was not handsome and handsome, there was also a super sea king's heart.

Albert II, who especially likes female stars, danced with Zhang Ziyi at a dance party, and when he visited Shanghai, he was accompanied by Li Jiaxin throughout the whole process, and Gong Li almost became a princess.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Albert and Li Jiaxin

At that time, Gong Li had just broken up with Zhang Yimou, and her girlfriend wanted to help her find a son-in-law who took the dragon, so she wanted Gong Li to meet with Albert II, who was still the crown prince at the time, and everything had been arranged properly, but Gong Li suddenly announced the marriage contract, and the matter was over.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Albert with Gong Li and Zhang Guorong

Perhaps tired of playing with female stars, Albert later fell in love with a South African swimmer Charlene at first sight, of course, this Charlene's appearance temperament is no worse than that of female stars. They quickly fell in love and fast-forwarded directly to the engagement.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000


Just as the two were preparing for the wedding, a black flight attendant came to the door with a mixed-race baby, claiming that Albert was the child's father, at first Albert was firmly denied, forced to do a paternity test before admitting that the baby was indeed his own child, it turned out that Albert had a one-night dew marriage with an African-American flight attendant of Air France during his relationship with Charlene.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Albert and the illegitimate son

Just before the green light on Charlene's head had dissipated, another American woman came to the door with her 13-year-old daughter to meet her.

At first, Albert still firmly refused to admit it, saying that he did not know this woman, who had come to cheat money, and even sued her for slander. But as soon as the paternity test results came out, Albert immediately played the role of a good father, holding her daughter and crying sorry baby.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Albert's illegitimate daughter

Faced with a series of touching scenes of father-son, father-daughter reunion, Charlene, who is accustomed to seeing big scenes, almost fainted, and she bought a ticket to South Africa in anger, ready to break off with Albert, the negative Hann.

But successive escapes were unsuccessful, and later, under the bitter persuasion of Albert and his friends, Charlene chose to forgive him, and in July 2011, they held a grand wedding ceremony at the Monaco Palace.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Albert and Charlene's wedding

At the wedding, in addition to Albert and Charlene, there was another person who attracted a lot of attention, he was Grace Kelly's grandson, Prince Andrei,

For a time, many media cameras were aimed at this beautiful man who seemed to come out of the ancient Roman frescoes, and his limelight even overshadowed the uncle who was holding a wedding, and soon became the man that women in all Europe wanted to marry.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Andrei Casillachi

Compared with his uncle, Prince André is much more dedicated, he has been devoted to colombia since he met the richest man in Colombia, Centrum Tatiana, and the two were engaged in 2012, and after marriage, they had a son and a daughter, and their lives were very happy.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Andrea and Tatiana

Regardless of the private life of these royals, the ability to make money is leveraged.

Monaco goes hand in hand in all areas under their management, and in addition to the world-famous Monte Carlo Casino, there are also cultural facilities such as the Monaco Maritime Museum, the Napoleon Memorial, the Monte Carlo Opera House and so on.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Monte Carlo Opera House

Every year the World Rally, the Formula 1 Championship, the Monte Carlo circuit in Monaco are important stops, you guessed it, they did not build a special circuit, but used the closed Monaco Avenue as a track.

Cars move at high speeds between blocks, and city dwellers can see F1 cars speeding by when they open their windows, making it one of the most challenging in the world due to its narrowness and no buffer zone.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

F1 Circuit of Monte Carlo

Located on the Mediterranean coast, the Luis II Stadium combines classical European architecture with a modern stadium, where the annual European Super Cup and the world's major athletics events are held.

The second small country, Monaco: the country has become rich by relying on the casino business, and the per capita monthly income of the rich is 100,000

Stade Louis II

After watching this video, did you have the urge to travel to Monaco? Uncle Leng also reminded everyone that it was enough to go to Monaco and bring more money.

Well, today I will talk about this, pay attention to Uncle Leng, and continue to take you to understand this strange world in the next issue.